Year in Review: 2004

Jan 01, 2005 10:13

There was definitely a combination of good and bad this year, but overall, I'd say it was a good year.

The bad:
Only two, really.

- Matt being jobless for several months early in the year was definitely significantly bad. Stress-inducing and bankaccount-stressing.
- Pong being diagnosed with bone cancer and having a leg amputated.

The good:
Lots of goods.

- I achieved my resolution from last year, participating in (and completing) the Danskin triathlon.
- I went on to do many other events throughout the year. (Created an event list, so I could see exactly what I'd done each year).
- Raised $600 for cancer research ($540 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation and $60 for the Komen Foundation).
- I got a new job that is a trillion times better than my old, where I actually enjoy my coworkers instead of avoiding them.
- I've run further than I ever thought I was capable of running. I wasn't sure I could really run 3 miles without walking, and now I've run 12. Hopefully as of tomorrow that'll be 14.

I'm sure there's more good and more bad that I'm forgetting, but.. there it is.

I actually have two 2005 resolutions.

Originally one of them was to complete a 10k run. However, I felt that, since I'm training for a half marathon, I should upgrade that goal. So..

1) Complete a half marathon, and
2) Complete the MS 150 (180 mile bike ride from Houston to Austin over 2 days).

Unfortunately, I think I may actually currently weigh more than I did last year, when I said I wanted to lose weight. So a third goal for the year is to lose weight. Ideally 20 pounds, though 15ish would put me at a place where I was a few years ago and was fairly happy with how I looked. 10 would be wonderful at this point. 5 would put me back where I was when I decided I wanted to lose weight. And if I don't lose any, at least it wasn't an official resolution, so I can't feel too bad!

Hope everyone had a happy 2004, and will have an even happier 2005.
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