Progressliness is next to.. cleanliness.

Dec 22, 2004 08:02

Sometimes when you're getting discouraged, seeing that you're making progress cheers you up a little.

We had our second 2 mile time trial last night. I reread my journal entry from the first time trial.. I felt pretty much the same way last night. Apprehensive about being able to really push myself.. not hold back.

Felt like I started out pretty well, but then I shortly thereafter picked up the pace too quickly. By the second lap I was starting to wheeze a little (and it didn't help that we had to run 4 times by a house where they were doing construction and using a saw to cut tile, kicking up a ton of dust and smoke). It was a little surreal, running around a neighborhood block in the darkness with the Christmas lights. By the fourth lap, I was starting to feel a little nauseous and lightheaded, and the Christmas lights were starting to dance a little, which I figured probably wasn't a good thing. My breathing sounded HORRIBLE. Then again, so did everyone's. You could hear each runner from a full block away, because they were wheezing or moaning. Sounds fun, huh? Yeah, time trials aren't fun.

I finished and noted my time, but couldn't remember what I'd done last time, so had no idea if I'd improved. I was exhausted and sore and grumpy. When I got home, though, I found that my last time trial I did in 19:15. This one I did in 17:58. That made me less grumpy.

The McMillan Time Estimator Thingy says I should be able to do a 5k run in 29:10. I say "perhaps, but I don't have any desire to go all out like that and kill myself again any time soon". It also says I can do a half marathon in 2:14:50. I uh.. just wanna finish it, thanks!

Nice to know that I could do a 9 minute mile and hold it for 2 miles, though.
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