FIC: Married: The Morning After, (EB/OB), NC-17

Feb 16, 2006 02:46

Well, here it is, a belated Happy Valentine's Day to you all! I hope you like it!

Apologies to those it does not appeal to; hopefully I can strike your fancy in the future!

Title: Married: The Morning After
Pairing: EB/OB
Author: shrinetolust
Rated: NC-17
Story: Follow-up to the Married series. What happens when the boys face each other the morning after mind-blowing sex?
Disclaimer: Don't know these lovely men, don't know what they get up to in their free time. This is all part of my overactive imagination, done with love and respect, and no harm or offense is intended. It's FICTION!!
Feedback: Yes, please. I know it's not perfect but I tried my best! I hope it's worthy of the series. ~ Leave a note here or mail me at shrinetolust AT
Crossposted: banabloom, banalando and orlandoslash. I am a feedback whore.
Archive: My own LJ. Others, please ask.
Notes: The "knot" line is stolen shamelessly appropriated from perseph2hades threesome fic "Takedown". I hope she forgives me. *quivers* Unfortunately this is un-beta-ed. Please point out any glaring spelling/grammar errors so I'm not embarrassed for too long!

**No Barbies were harmed--only thoroughly embarrassed--during the making of this fic.

WARNINGS: You know Orlando and his mouth. *G*

**It's really best if you read Married: **PART 1** and **PART 2**
**PART 3** first, though I suppose it's not entirely necessary.

Married: The Morning After

Eric was hot, and sweaty, and completely naked. He grudgingly edged into consciousness, feeling oppressed by the heat, and wondering why every muscle in his body was aching. He'd had lots of pain from the rigors of training and filming, but this was different somehow. He just felt completely done in, stretched and drained and...

Oh fuck. He could feel it, then, the weight of another body resting against his. He jolted to full wakefulness, his eyes sliding open to observe the young man nestled in his arms. So that's why it's so fucking hot. Orlando was still wrapped up in the big terry robe, his body putting heat out like a furnace and making Eric's skin burn. Eric's first instinct was to move away and cool down, but once he looked at that perfect face, the chiseled cheekbones and dark lashes and wild curls framing it all, he couldn't make his tired limbs do a damn thing.

The evening's events slowly came back to him, causing his temperature to rise still further. It was actually painful, having a mind full of such images when his body was too beat to do anything about it. Even his damn cock was exhausted, unable to gather the energy for his usual morning erection. Eric began to worry that maybe he'd injured himself with last night's acrobatics and the wonders of Orlando's tight little ass.

He choked back a murmur of lust at the thought of those small, round cheeks and his much larger hands spreading them apart for... He shut his eyes tight and tried to think of anything else, tried to get his breathing to slow back down. If he didn't get himself under control, the poor kid was gonna wake up to a severe episode of molestation. And that could be a very bad thing, for many reasons, including the fact that Eric might die of a heart attack from the strain, and he also didn't know how Orlando's "morning after" feelings were going to run.

Almost as if he felt Eric's rekindled desire, Orlando shifted in his sleep, a small contented sigh escaping his lips. His hand slid a fraction of an inch on Eric's chest, and Eric felt goose bumps prickling all over his upper body. He should've known the kid would have this effect on him. Sean and Brad would be laughing their asses off if they knew how much of a horny idiot Eric had turned into.

He opened his eyes again and let his gaze slip down Orlando's body. Eric was on his side but the kid was sprawled mostly on his back, thighs spread wantonly, one knee jammed in between Eric's legs. The ends of Orlando's robe had fallen open to reveal startling tan lines and soft curling hair and an impressive erection--an obvious, youthful taunt to Eric's sleeping cock, soft and hooded and nestled comfortably in the warm crease between Orlando's hip and thigh.

Eric couldn't help a small shift of his hips and a low murmur escaped him as his cock rubbed against Orlando's skin. When he glanced back up, he found Orlando's eyes wide open, still a bit bleary with sleep.

"You're still here," Orlando said softly.

"Yeah." Eric rested a hand against the curve of Orlando's neck, letting his thumb tease Orlando's jaw. "Just woke up."

Orlando nodded, tilting his head and pushing more into Eric's caress. The little furrow appeared in his brow, his eyes tilting down a bit at the corners. "You leaving?" he asked, his gaze slipping away, following the movement of his finger as he traced an imaginary circle on Eric's chest.

Eric watched him for a few moments, realizing how completely fucked he was, and somehow not being all that disturbed by it. He forced his sluggish limbs to move again, sliding his hand up to Orlando's forehead. "I thought we talked about this," he said, his voice thick and low. He used his thumb to smooth at the deep wrinkle between the kid's dark brows. "I don't want to see this anymore."

Orlando smiled a little and the evil furrow almost went away. His eyes were still focused on Eric's pecs. "We've a holiday today. No filming."

Eric continued his caress, letting his fingertips tease at Orlando's unruly curls, his thumb skating over the arch of one eyebrow. "Did you have plans for today?" he asked. He was keeping his tone neutral, light, just as Orlando had the day before. Letting the conversation go where it wanted.

"Just thought I'd stay in," Orlando said, his eyes darting up finally. A small dimple formed at the corner of his mouth, his smile suddenly a bit more seductive.

"And get some rest?"

Orlando's fingernails scratched at the hairs on Eric's chest. "I dunno. Maybe spend some time with a friend?"

"That sounds nice."

"What about you?"

"Me?" Eric's hand followed the curves of Orlando's face, his thumb brushing against soft lips and pressing into that tiny dimple. "Thought I'd brush up on my scenes for tomorrow, maybe work on my sword training." At Orlando's widened eyes, he laughed, dropping his hand down to Orlando's chest, pushing under his robe and caressing the warm, damp skin. "Or I could just stay here and fondle you for another 12 hours."

Orlando grinned then, letting his arm fall back so Eric could more easily nudge his robe off his shoulder. "If that's what you want," he said.

Eric found Orlando's disinterested tone amusing, considering how debauched the kid looked right now, spread out on the bed with his thighs open and his cock sticking straight up in the air. "It's kind of you to be so--" Eric tilted his head down and brushed his lips against one of Orlando's nipples, eliciting a soft gasp of pleasure-- "accommodating."

Orlando reached up and clutched at Eric's long hair. "Resisting you isn't wise, yeah? Especially when you're...hungry."

Eric snorted. That was a good double joke, since he was widely known to get a bit cranky on an empty stomach. But he knew Orlando was the one who had the power here. Last night had proven that. Once Eric had gotten a taste of him, he'd known he was doomed, doomed to forever want more of a taste. His lips fastened over Orlando's nipple, alternately sucking and nipping, humming low in his throat each time Orlando whimpered or shivered beneath his hands.

"Oh God," Orlando panted, his fingers tightening on Eric's hair. "I wish--" His eyes squeezed shut and he bit down on his lip. "Just don't stop," he pleaded. "Please don't stop."

Eric didn't have any intention of stopping. His hand pressed warmly against Orlando's flat belly, bracing himself as he dragged his tongue along the curve of Orlando's pecs. He licked the tanned skin from side to side, laving the beautiful dark nipples again and again. It was intoxicating, hearing Orlando's breathless pleas interspersed with guttural moans of pleasure. Eric held firm, enjoying the way Orlando attempted to arch underneath him, his lean body pushing hard against Eric's long fingers. Orlando's leg was trapped between Eric's thighs, and Eric grunted softly each time he felt the muscles flex underneath his own.

Like last night, he had to control himself, keep himself from pushing too hard. Orlando was strong, and it felt good to have that resistance, but he knew he was bigger and heavier and he could hurt Orlando if he wasn't careful. And he didn't ever want to hurt Orlando, in any way.

"Like that," Orlando begged. "Suck it, harder, ohfuckfuckme..."

Eric pulled back, lips smacking as they released Orlando's thoroughly wet nipple. "God, it's like flippin' a switch," he teased, staring into Orlando's half-lidded dark eyes. "A little lick here and there and the filth just comes flooding out of that pretty mouth of yours."

"You like my filthy pretty mouth," Orlando purred, tugging on Eric's curls and pulling him in for a kiss.

Eric made a pretense of resisting, but it didn't take long for him to give in and respond to those soft, eager lips. He let Orlando take the lead, enjoying the sloppy and very wet kisses, and the exuberant sweep of Orlando's tongue. He let the kid lick into his mouth, only teasing back here and there, enjoying the way Orlando's forcefulness increased with each moment he was allowed control.

But then Orlando broke away suddenly with a soft laugh, his eyes meeting Eric's and then slipping down to their entwined legs. "You nudged me," Orlando said, seeming immensely pleased with this announcement.

"I what?" Eric stared at Orlando, confused until the kid's hand slid across his chest and tweaked one of his nipples. Eric moaned as he felt his cock surge upward and bump into the soft warm curve of Orlando's balls.

"See?" Orlando grinned. "You nudged me."

"I'll do more than nudge," Eric growled. He thrust his quickly hardening cock forward, the long shaft rubbing roughly against Orlando's sensitive flesh.

"Fuck!" Orlando twisted closer, increasing the contact, pressing his slender thighs together and capturing Eric's cock between them. "Oh," Orlando sighed, nuzzling against Eric's cheek as he slowly pumped with his hips. "Can you feel that?"

"Fuck yeah," Eric choked out, doing his best to match the subtle shifts of Orlando's pelvis against his. His cock was surrounded by warm skin and taut muscle, not as tight as being inside, but tight enough. He wrapped his arms around Orlando, shivering with arousal at the full body contact, at the feeling of Orlando's long, smooth cock trapped against his stomach.

Orlando buried his face in Eric's neck. "You're mine, now," he murmured, his breath blowing hot against Eric's skin.

"That's fine," Eric said. His hand clawed its way underneath Orlando's robe, seeking out bare skin. "Just as long as you remember that your ass belongs to me." His fingers gripped the small firm curves, then dipped into the cleft.

Orlando flinched, his thighs tightening forcefully against Eric's cock. "No--wait--"

Eric quickly drew back, hand retreating to Orlando's hip. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you? What did I do?"

Orlando snuggled against him. "You were born with an extraordinarily large cock, that's all. I'm a little--sore. It's okay."

Eric felt his cheeks burn as he soothingly caressed Orlando's back. "I'm--well, shit." He suddenly felt like a huge horny ogre. "Why didn't you say something? I wouldn't have started molesting you if--"

"Stop, stop!" Orlando ordered, laughing as he brushed gentle kisses against Eric's lips. "It's okay." He smoothed Eric's hair back, looking perfectly content and bright-eyed. "I'm not complaining, am I? I just need you to keep your fingers on the outside, that's all."

"I'm sorry I hurt you," Eric said, capturing Orlando in a nearly bone-crushing hug. "But it's your fault. You can't talk to a man the way you do and expect to remain in one piece."

"No, I can't," Orlando agreed, his voice dipping down to a husky whisper. "But I like the way you break me."

"Sonofabitch," Eric groaned.

Orlando rocked gently back and forth, his inner thighs gripping and tugging on Eric's cock. "Shall we pick up where we left off?"

Eric cursed again, his fingers reflexively digging into Orlando's flesh. He pulled back enough to see the kid's face, see the desire in those big brown eyes. "You're asking for it," Eric warned. "You know how I get."

Orlando stared right back, licking his lips in obvious anticipation. "Yeah, I know. I can tell by how you look at me."

"How's that?"

"Like you're gonna tie me in a fucking knot."

Eric's fists clenched tightly against Orlando's back. The images of tying Orlando up warred with the images of bending Orlando's limbs into various pretzel-like positions, and Eric knew in five seconds he was gonna be on all fours and braying at Orlando like some damn horny dingo. All this while the kid was sinuously grinding against him, taunting him and playing with absolute fire. Eric could feel his cock sliding deliciously against hot skin, knew he was leaking onto Orlando's thighs, making everything hotter and slicker with every stroke.

His hips jerked forward, pushing harder and making them both moan. Orlando was switched on again, fantastically filthy directives pouring out from between his perfectly shaped lips. Eric plunged forward again and again, nearly delirious with lust at how pliant and willing Orlando was in his arms. He grabbed a handful of Orlando's ass, hoisting him right off the bed and slamming their bodies together.

"Oh fuck!" Orlando exclaimed, his legs tightening against Eric's. "I can feel you against my balls, it's making them so tight. Rub me harder, Eric, fucking make me feel it."

"Damn that mouth of yours," Eric growled, covering it with his own and silencing Orlando with a brutal kiss. His tongue pushed hard between Orlando's lips, just as his cock shoved hard between Orlando's thighs. He felt the boy buck against him, and he rolled forward, using his body weight to press Orlando into the mattress.

Orlando made a variety of strangled sounds as he pushed back, wriggling his body any way that he could while still keeping his legs pressed tight together. Eric stretched Orlando's arms out across the bed, pinning his wrists down and resting heavily on top of him. He bit at the already swollen lips, growling again as he fucked those sinfully taut thighs.

Orlando turned his head, breaking away from Eric's onslaught, gasping for air. "Oh God, it's so wet," he panted. "You're making my thighs wet with your cock. Don't stop, Eric, don't--"

"I can't!" Eric interrupted, his voice rough. "I can't stop. I'm going to fuck you and fuck you and come between your legs. I'm going to come and it's gonna be everywhere."

Orlando smiled blissfully, writhing underneath Eric, arms straining against Eric's crushing hold on his wrists. "I'm gonna have bruises. I'm gonna be red and sore and covered in your come. Fucking do it, Eric, come all over me."

Those were the last words Eric heard. He knew Orlando was still talking, still begging, still saying things that drive men to the brink of insanity. But what blood wasn't pulsating in his cock was roaring in his ears, and he lost all brain power. All that was there now was the devastating force of his orgasm, crashing through him and shoving his body hard against Orlando's again and again.

There was white noise and stars behind his eyelids and the warm musky smell of Orlando's skin. Eric spun through the darkness, wailing at an unseen moon, feeling his heart pounding and breaking and scattering into the winds. He woke with a start, realizing abruptly that he must have lost consciousness for a moment.

He felt a gust of air against his ear, and heard a gentle laugh that caused the body underneath him to quiver. "You all right?" Orlando asked softly. "You there?"

"I think so," Eric grunted, and his voice sounded as if it were coming from somewhere else. "Holy fuck."

Orlando pushed gently, and they rolled onto their sides again, bodies still joined together. Eric cringed as he felt wetness sliding down his thigh, remembering all of a sudden what a mess he must have made.

"I think I need a shower," Orlando said, sounding very pleased with himself. "God, you're so fucking wild when you get going." He wriggled around, sliding his wet balls against Eric's still hard cock. "I thought you were gonna pound me right into the room downstairs."

Eric shivered, his hands gripping Orlando's body and holding him still. "So did I," he grumbled. He forced his eyes to open fully and look at Orlando's flushed face. "Did I hurt you?"

"Nothing clothing and make-up won't cover," Orlando joked, trying to wiggle around again but getting nowhere. "Let go, man, I've got to get into the shower before we get stuck together permanently."

Eric pulled his arm away, then smacked his palm forward onto Orlando's chest, pushing the kid backwards onto the bed. He watched as Orlando's legs fell open, and he hungrily took in the sight of shining skin, smeared thighs and matted dark hair. "God, I feel like I've died and I still want to fuck you all over again," he groaned.

"You?" Orlando shimmied away, dragging himself out of the bed. "I'm so hard I feel like I'm going to fucking explode."

Eric stared at him, watching him stand up and finally shrug out of the white fluffy robe. The kid definitely was hard, his cock pointing straight up, the head dark and swollen. "You're beautiful," he said, knowing he had lost all sense of the conversation. His mind had been emptied; what little there'd been of intelligence in the first place was now gone.

Orlando was grinning at him. "I think you need a nap, mate. I'm gonna have a quick shower and a wank and then we'll see about brekkie, yeah?"

"Eggs and toast, thanks," Eric said, feeling his eyelids dragging closed. He felt himself sinking into the mattress, barely aware of anything but the sweet heavy sated feeling in his abdomen. There was a far-off sound of a door closing, and then a gentle sprinkling sound, like rain.

Eric drifted for a moment, contenting himself with images of Orlando's sweetly tanned body, long lean limbs and beautiful dark eyes. And then Orlando's words floated in to him, about showers and wanking and breakfast and--

Eric sat bolt upright, turning to stare at the bathroom door, thinking that something was somehow horribly, horribly wrong. He was hot, and sweaty, and completely naked. He needed a shower, didn't he? Right now.

In four long strides he was shoving open the bathroom door and marching into the steam-filled room. And there was Orlando, pressed against the brightly colored tile, water streaming over his muscular body. He had one hand up behind his head, tugging on his own curls, the other wrapped around his wet cock.

"For fuck's sake," Orlando sighed, giving himself a long, languorous stroke. "I thought you'd never get here."


eric bana/orlando bloom slash, shrinetolust slash

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