FIC: Married (3/3) Eric Bana/Orlando Bloom, NC-17

Aug 10, 2004 01:20

Voila! (Please note this is now a three-parter, so don't forget Part 2!)

Title: Married, Part (3/3)
Pairing: Eric Bana/Orlando Bloom
Author: shrinetolust
Rated: NC-17
Story: The continuing tale of two hot men. Orlando is still pretty. Eric is still married. They are both horny as hell.
Disclaimer: Don't know these lovely men, don't know what they get up to in their free time. This is all part of my overactive imagination, done with love and respect, and no harm or offense is intended. It's FICTION!!
Feedback: Yes, please...this one caused me a lot of angst!! I think it's much improved from earlier drafts but I've read it so many times now I've lost all objectivity! ~ Leave a note here or mail me at shrinetolust AT
Crossposted: banabloom, banalando and orlandoslash. I am a feedback whore.
Archive: My own LJ. Others, please ask.
Notes: Many thanks and HUGE SQUISHY HUGS and sloppy kisses to perseph2hades, for slaving over the beta and offering invaluable assistance. Any cohesiveness the fic has is thanks to her guidance...all remaining fuck-ups are my own! Please point out any glaring spelling/grammar errors so I'm not embarrassed for too long!

**Thanks also to Mr. Shriney for being stunt double, prop master, and offering some male perspective for the ending...hee. *snogs*

WARNINGS: Some more filthy language and acknowlegement of het relationships.

**It's really best if you read **PART 1** and **PART 2** first.

Part 3:

Eric waited outside the tent for Orlando, and suppressed a shiver when the boy emerged in a tight white tee-shirt and low-slung khaki shorts. He looked fucking edible, his tan deliciously dark against his light clothes, his hair wild and curling damply against his forehead. His smile was practically blinding in the bright sun as he climbed over the sand to Eric. "Waiting for me?" he asked breathily, still a bit winded from his fight scenes.

"Yeah, I was," Eric confirmed. He put a hand to Orli's chin to tip it up. "Make-up miss this?" he asked, surveying a thin red line across the otherwise flawless skin.

Orli's smile widened. "No, that one's real. I think I got it from scraping against the hair on your leg."

Eric laughed and pulled Orlando into a headlock, trying not to get too excited as he felt Orlando's hands grab at his sides. "Brave Paris," he teased.

"Yeah, no noble Elf this go 'round," Orlando said rather proudly, pulling ineffectually on Eric's forearm. "I get to be a complete arse; it's brilliant."

Eric couldn't help but be amused by his enthusiasm. He let go of Orlando's neck and put an arm around his shoulders, attempting to keep him steady on his feet as they walked across the shifting sand. "So, my dear arse of a brother, do you have dinner plans?"

Orlando shook his head, his hand squeezing Eric's waist. "Did you have something in mind?"

Eric tried to sound casual. "I figured you'd be pretty well tired. Thought we could just hang out together, order room service, watch a movie or something."

Orlando's eyes were bright as they focused on Eric's face. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. You up for it?"

"I'm all yours." Orlando looked so happy he was practically glowing, and Eric felt a small knot of terror growing in his stomach.

I hope you know what you're fucking doing, his inner voice warned.


Orlando led them to his own room without even asking. Once inside, he picked up a few clothes, moving around and tidying up while Eric sat down on the edge of one of the beds.

"You don't have to do that," Eric said, toeing off his shoes and pushing them off to the side. "I'm not the neatness police."

"Just getting some crap out of the way," Orlando explained, throwing a stack of magazines onto the desk in the corner.

"I don't understand these rooms with two beds, anyway," Eric said, looking around. "At least they're king-size. I can't stretch out on the smaller ones."

"Oh, I love having two beds when I travel!" Orlando kicked his shoes under a chair.

Eric looked at him. "And why is that?"

"One to fuck in, one to sleep in!" Orlando replied, as if the answer were completely obvious. Then he flushed a little at Eric's surprised look. "Sorry," he murmured, plopping himself down on the bed next to his friend.

Eric didn't answer, just stared forward at the open cabinet in front of him. They were sitting facing the television, but neither one of them moved for the remote.

They sat in silence for a few moments, then Orlando shifted closer. When Eric didn't move away, he shifted again until their hips touched. Then he lifted his right leg and draped it casually over Eric's left thigh, and rested his cheek against Eric's shoulder.

Eric felt himself starting to sweat again, and the knot in his stomach tightened. But just like it had been a week ago, he was helpless to move. Orlando was pressed against him, warm and seductive, the wiry hair on his legs scratching against Eric's as he kicked his bare foot nervously.

Eric put a hand on Orlando's thigh to still its movement, but once he felt the taut muscles shift against his fingertips, he knew he wouldn't be pulling that hand back any time soon. He started gently rubbing back and forth, fingers sliding over the soft hem of the shorts onto the heated skin and then back again. He tilted his head down to watch, letting his eyes drift up Orlando's leg until he saw the telltale pull of fabric across the kid's erection.

His own cock twitched happily in response, and his breathing picked up. He was mesmerized, dropping his head down further, leaning in and watching his hand curl around Orlando's thigh, watching his fingertips tease under the edge of the fabric.

Orlando sighed happily and nuzzled Eric's shirtsleeve. "That's nice," he said, voice soft and perfectly neutral, asking nothing, insinuating nothing.

"Yeah," Eric breathed out. "It is." He knew Orlando was being careful, giving him a chance to pull back, no harm done. But he didn't think he had that kind of willpower anymore. He pushed a little farther underneath the hem of Orlando's shorts.

Orlando leaned forward, then, until his nose brushed against Eric's cheek. He hummed softly, the tiny stubble on his chin scratching against Eric's beard.

Eric turned his head slightly, returning the contact, enjoying the way Orlando's warm breath puffed out against his skin. He continued stroking Orlando's thigh, fingers moving steadily upward. He couldn't stop himself, couldn't help how hard he was getting, just from the touch of Orlando's sweat-dampened skin. And it was perverse, the amount of pleasure he felt seeing the hard outline of Orlando's cock against the khaki fabric, seeing it twitch and jump each time his hand got a little closer.

And then Orlando started mouthing his jaw, not kisses exactly, more like a sort of gentle gnawing, like he wanted to devour Eric bit by bit. His long-fingered hands came up and held Eric's face, controlling him, tilting and turning his head so Orlando could taste as much as he wanted. When his lips met the corner of Eric's mouth, his tongue slipped out and poked greedily at the softer flesh, demanding entrance.

Eric succumbed, his mouth opening, letting Orlando in. His hand gripped Orlando's thigh hard, pulling a little so the kid's legs were spread wider. It was almost surreal to be kissing Orlando, kissing him and holding him and rubbing against him. For a brief moment his doubts returned, insistent little voices not yet lost in the sea of lust. You're a responsible adult, Eric. You're not a fucking horny teenager.

Orlando sucked hard on Eric's tongue, then let go and nibbled on his bottom lip. Without pausing for breath, he kissed and mouthed and licked his way over to Eric's ear, tracing the shell of it with his tongue and then biting on the lobe. "Say you want me, Eric," he whispered against the damp flesh. "Say you want me as much as I want you."

Yes, I am a fucking horny teenager, Eric thought then. Today I fucking am.

Brad had been right when he'd said it would drive him crazy, and crazy he was. Crazy for the dark want in Orlando's eyes, for the trembling of Orlando's slender body against him, for the softness of Orlando's skin. "I want you," he whispered hoarsely, just before putting his mouth back over Orlando's.

Orlando pawed at him, grabbing at his shirt, tugging on his hair. He let Eric control the kiss this time, letting his mouth be invaded, his lips pressed hard and then sucked on. "Say it," he panted, when Eric pulled back to catch his breath. "Say you want to fuck me with your huge fucking cock."

Oh God. The kid was going to kill him. "Do you want me to?" he asked, his voice unsteady. He grabbed Orlando's hand and pressed it to the front of his jeans. "Is this what you want?" He rubbed Orlando's fingers up and down his erection, groaning at the contact and nearly coming from that alone.

Orlando made several unintelligible noises of his own and then squeezed Eric's cock through the fabric. "Yes," he finally managed to say. "I want it so bad." He used his free hand to grab Eric by the neck, yanking him forward so he could kiss him again and again.

Eric felt a terrible want, a need, building up like some huge fucking tidal wave that would just destroy him when it hit. He shoved Orlando backwards, knocking him flat on his back on the bed, pushing half of his body onto Orlando's and pinning him down. As they kissed and fucked each other's mouths with their tongues, Eric let his hand travel roughly over Orlando's body. His hand stroked hard over every curve, every muscle, and finally traveled up between Orlando's legs.

He let out another groan as his fingers curled around Orlando's balls, massaging them, and then forcefully rubbed up the length of the rigid cock. Orlando arched underneath him, lips moving against Eric's, eyes suddenly wide. "Oh God, touch me. I'm so hard, Eric. I'm so fucking hard for you..."

Eric stared at him, at the beautiful face all flushed and damp from kisses, his lips swollen and dark pink. The words that came out of that sweet little mouth were incredible, and he knew, knew it now more clearly than ever, he'd do whatever that mouth told him. Whatever filthy words were uttered, whatever requests were made, he would do it. He would do it all.

"Touch me," Orlando said again.

The khaki shorts hung low, like all of Orlando's clothes, and Eric knew there was room. Room for his hand to plunge inside the waistband, inside the faded plaid boxers, until his hand touched smooth hard flesh.

Orlando whimpered, body arcing again, struggling to be closer to Eric, to feel more of him. He tugged again at Eric's shirt. "Please," he begged. "Please give it to me."

Oh fuck, I'm gonna give it to you. That is if I can get you naked without coming all over you first. Eric's cock was throbbing, pushing out the waistband of his jeans, begging to get into the action any way possible.

He let go of Orlando for a moment, sitting up to pull off his own shirt, nearly ripping it in half in his effort to rid his body of it. Only when the cool air hit his soaking wet skin did he feel himself thrown out of the moment. "Fuck!" he exclaimed, resting back on his heels. "I'm sweating like a fucking horse."

Orlando's tee-shirt was damp in several places as well and he yanked it off over the top of his head. His smile was half-sinister as he stared up at Eric. "We could jump in the shower, if you like."

Eric's cock nearly leapt out of his pants. Orlando wet, naked, up against that slippery tile wall...oh God. Give it to me. "Yes--shower," he stammered, clambering backwards out of bed and then quickly dragging Orlando to his feet. Their bodies slammed against each other and they started kissing again, their sweat-slick torsos rubbing together. Eric couldn't help himself, and jammed his hand down inside Orlando's shorts again, shivering as his fingers once more closed around Orlando's cock. The warm flesh felt so fucking alive, pulsing in his hand, and he moaned as Orlando writhed against him, little hard nipples rubbing through the hair on his chest.

"Your hand feels good," Orlando murmured against his lips. He made more soft noises of pleasure, grinding his hips against Eric's. "So fucking good, oh God..." He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to Eric's neck. His whole body was trembling. "But I want to come when you're inside me," he whispered. "I want you to fuck me, Eric, fuck me and make me come."

"Fuck, I love the way you talk," Eric blurted out, letting go of Orlando's cock and grabbing him by the waist, half-carrying, half-dragging him toward the bathroom. He wondered how long he could control himself, without giving in, so he could hear Orlando begging for it just a little bit more. It was driving him into a frenzy, listening to the kid talk, and he didn't want to stop hearing it.

Orlando laughed, throwing his arms around Eric's neck and hanging on, realizing quickly that it was best to just go with Eric's momentum. He tried to be make himself as light and small as possible, being careful to keep his elbows and knees from getting caught in the doorway.

Eric set Orlando's feet back down on the ceramic tile and then reached back to shut the door. Orlando turned and grabbed a little leather case sitting on the edge of the sink, placing it on one of the glass block half-walls of the shower before stripping off the rest of his clothes.

Eric watched him, feeling no small amount of déjà vu and liking it very much. His feet and legs felt heavy again, preventing him from moving, from doing anything but watching Orlando's naked body come into view. He saw the shorts and boxers fall to the floor, saw bronzed skin and the tan line that started just above the dark pubic hair. He saw the long smooth cock jutting upward above the line, pointed ever so slightly in the direction of the sun--the tattoo version of the sun, anyway.

Orlando smiled at him, then turned, and Eric watched his perfect, tightly curved ass as he stepped into the shower area. Orlando stood a little to the side, turning the water on and testing the temperature with his hand first.

It wasn't long before steam started to rise from the droplets of water hitting the tile, and Orlando turned the showerhead towards himself and let it wash the sweat off of him. It also wasn't long before he realized that Eric wasn't in the shower with him. He turned around and pressed his back to the wall, looking at Eric with unmasked desire, and gave his own cock a few gentle strokes. "I don't want you to just watch this time." He closed his eyes and bucked his hips, arching his back and letting out a soft moan. "I want your hands on me."

Eric moaned with him, hands instinctively moving to cup his own erection through his jeans.

"Please," Orlando gasped, stroking himself harder. "Please come touch me. Please come fuck me."

Before Orlando could utter another word, Eric was in the shower. It had been insane to think he could stretch this out, that he could control himself at all. He threw his whole body against Orlando, grinding him back into the wall, heedless of the water pouring over his head as he bit into Orlando's neck.

Orlando let out a groaning noise and wiggled his body as much as Eric's pressing weight allowed, which wasn't much. "Your clothes," he murmured, pulling at Eric's already half-soaked jeans.

"Wasn't time," Eric said, before running his tongue along Orlando's shoulder. It was better than he'd even imagined, tasting him, feeling the kid's wet, silky skin under his fingertips, feeling the soft tendrils of black hair caressing him and dripping down his chest as Orlando nuzzled against his throat.

He pulled Orlando off the wall then, so he could get his arms completely around him, could wrap himself around Orlando's slender frame. The feeling of power and possession nearly overwhelmed him, and he had to concentrate, hold himself back from squeezing the kid too hard.

Not that Orlando was weak. He had muscle enough to hold his own, if he chose to use it, but right now he was pliant and accepting, letting Eric manhandle him. "Clothes," Orlando mumbled again, mouth still pressed to Eric's neck. "Off."

Eric wasn't thinking about clothes; he was too busy molesting Orlando, his hands roaming across Orlando's back, fingers feeling each individual muscle before sliding down to caress his ass.

Orlando said "Off" one more time, and then Eric felt him reach out, and suddenly the shower wasn't pouring down on his head and shoulders. It was pouring into his pants.

He let out a howl, jumping back to find that Orlando had taken the handheld showerhead down and was stuffing it into his waistband. The water pressure was strong enough that it created an instant lake in his jeans, causing his balls to actually float up and a river to rise up into the crack of his ass. He howled again, a noise somewhere between maniacal laughter and maniacal outrage.

He wrenched the showerhead out of Orlando's fingers and rapped him on the ass with it. Orlando shrieked and Eric descended upon him, biting his neck and shoulder and holding him still while he directed the shower spray at all his sensitive areas.

"Oh God, no! Stop!" Orlando begged, then moaned, his body falling against the wall. He was shaking again, eyes closed, and he looked so incredibly fuckable that Eric wondered what the hell he was doing letting the damn showerhead have all the fun. "It's gonna--fuck--make me come--" Orlando panted, squirming desperately in Eric's grasp.

"No, it's not," Eric growled, putting the showerhead back where it belonged. He turned around and unbuttoned his jeans, bending over and peeling them off with some difficulty. Orlando helped him balance by holding onto his ass with both hands, fingers occasionally wandering.

Eric grunted softly, the combination of the touching and the exertion from trying to wrestle out of his wet pants nearly driving him crazy. He almost fell over when he felt Orlando's hard and wet cock nudge into his cleft, and he kicked frantically to free himself of the last of his soggy clothes. Once liberated, he spun around with a snarl and slammed Orlando back into the wall. He kissed him roughly, reaching down with both hands to grab Orlando's erection. The skin felt incredibly taut under his fingers; the kid really was aching for it.

Orlando broke the kiss with a gasp and looked down between them. "Your hands are so fucking big, man!" he exclaimed.

The kid was more than a handful and had nothing to be ashamed of. "You're pretty big yourself."

"Compared to you, I'm not," Orlando sighed, staring in awe at Eric's cock. "Now I know why Hector wears the longer skirt."

Eric grinned and stroked him a little more gently. "It's proportional," he said. "Put my cock on you and you'd tip over."

Orlando laughed, the noise echoing off the tile walls. Then he wrapped his fingers around Eric's erection, both of them shuddering at the contact. Orlando looked up and melted Eric with his beautiful dark gaze. "How about putting your cock in me?"

Eric leaned in close, bringing one hand up to caress Orlando's face. "The way you talk, I should put it in your mouth." He watched his own thumb as it dragged across the swollen pink lips. "Your pretty fucking filthy mouth," he practically growled. "But then I won't be able to hear you--and I want to hear you."

Orlando purred and slithered up against Eric's body. "I want you to fuck me, Eric--fuck me against this wall."

"Yes," Eric urged, loving the way Orlando's voice dropped low, vibrating with need. He grabbed Orlando's hands and rubbed their cocks together, eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head at the delicious slippery slide of their flesh.

"Now," Orlando whispered. "I've waited so long and now I want you so bad. Please."

"I will," Eric panted, all the blood leaving his brain. "I will fuck you, in this shower, up against this wall. I'm going to turn you around and fuck your sweet little ass like I've been wanting to do from the day I first met you. I'm going to fuck you until you think you can't take anymore, and then I'm going to keep fucking you. I'm going to fuck you until we're both screaming."

"Oh God," Orlando whimpered, staring up at him with wide eyes, his body trembling, cock twitching against Eric's. "You should see yourself. You should see how you're looking at me."

Eric was shaking, too, desire raging through every part of him. He knew how he looked, had learned how to turn it on for the cameras. He knew his eyes were way beyond scary now, could see their darkness reflected in Orlando's gaze, could feel how completely out of control he would soon be. "Right now I want to see myself fucking you. I hope you're ready."

Orlando arched seductively against him. "Kiss me first."

And since Eric did whatever that beautiful mouth told him, he leaned down and licked Orlando's lips before kissing him hungrily. He grabbed Orlando's arms and pinned them behind his back, gripping the kid's wrists with one hand so he could knead the smooth wet curves of his ass with his other. He moaned into Orlando's mouth, forcing their hips together as their tongues intertwined.

Orlando did have one thing over Eric--the kid's mouth was fucking huge. Eric felt completely consumed, his face wet, lips bitten until they were swollen. When Orlando pulled away, Eric just stood there stunned, his eyes blurred and his cock so painfully hard it was excruciating.

He almost whimpered when Orlando touched him again, the long fingers rolling on a condom before Eric knew what was happening. "Fuck, Orlando..." he groaned, nuzzling into the kid's neck and trying to slow down his breathing.

"I don't need anything else," Orlando said softly, dumping half a bottle of lube into his palm and then rubbing it all over Eric's cock.

Eric was glad of the condom, as it dulled Orlando's touches slightly, but he was still having trouble focusing. "What do you mean?"

Orlando turned around and pressed his face and chest against the tile, arching his back so his ass stuck out. "Just push it in," he ordered.

Startled, Eric looked down at Orlando's ass and for a moment he panicked. He wanted it so bad, so fucking bad but he'd never gotten this far, had never done anything like this before.

"It's easy," Orlando said, bracing his hands on the wall. "Just do it."

And then Eric remembered that he had done it...he had fucked women this way. It couldn't be all that different. He put his hands on Orlando's ass, loving the way they almost covered it completely. He pulled the cheeks apart, lined himself up, then slowly pushed in.

He was expecting resistance, and there was some, but then Orlando took a deep breath, hitched his shoulders and pushed back. Eric cried out as he slid deep inside, ridiculously tight heat gripping his cock. "Oh fuck," he groaned. He shoved his hips forward.

Orlando made a gurgling sound. "Ohgodohgodohgod...Eric..."

Eric stopped and rubbed a hand gently up and down Orlando's spine. "You all right?"

Orlando nodded, moving a little so he could cling to the chrome handrail bolted to the shower wall. "I'm a little out of practice and your cock is fucking huge." He took a few deep breaths and pushed up onto his toes. "You promised me you'd fuck me until we were both screaming, and I haven't started screaming yet."

Eric's cock twitched inside Orlando and they both moaned. "Be careful what you wish for," Eric warned, slowly sliding his cock back out, then in again. "Say stop if you need me to stop. Say more if you want more."

"Okay," Orlando turned his head back and smiled at him. "More."

And Eric started fucking him. Really fucking him. He started slow, not wanting to hurt Orlando, but it wasn't long before he began to feel Orlando open up and take it. And he could see it, too, could see as each thrust sent his cock deeper into Orlando's perfect little ass.

"More," Orlando whispered, all the muscles in his body tightening each time Eric pounded into him.

Eric leaned over him, putting one arm around his ribcage, holding him as tightly as he could and still be able to move. "I'm fucking you," he grunted into Orlando's ear. "Just like you begged so much for. My cock is way up in your ass and I've still got more to give you..."

Orlando's legs quivered and he grew heavier on Eric's arm. "More," he pleaded. "Give me more, Eric. Give me more of that huge fucking cock...I want all of it...please."

"I'll give you more." Eric pushed his hips harder and they both groaned. The grip the kid had on his cock was incredible...he wasn't sure how he was holding his orgasm back, because he could feel it, could feel his balls tightening, that moment of inevitability lurking just under the surface. He was hanging on by a thread, forcing himself to hold to his promise. Orlando was making noise, was breathing hard, but he wasn't screaming. Not yet.

"More, Eric," Orlando panted, pushing with his arms and trying to get Eric in even deeper. "I can't feel your balls yet. I want to feel your fucking balls slapping against my ass, want to feel you driving all the way in...fuck me, Eric, fuck me harder!"

"Orlando!" Eric shouted, wrapping his other arm around Orlando's chest and yanking him upright. He arched backwards, bringing Orlando with him, leaning back until Orlando's feet lifted off the tile. Then he started bucking his hips, with enough force to cause Orlando's ass to bounce against his cock.

Orlando howled. "Holy shit!" he exclaimed, his surprise almost sounding like a laugh. His feet scrambled for some sort of leverage, his heels finally planting just above Eric's knees, right arm flailing out and finding the glass wall. "Oh God," he panted. "It's in there, it's in there!"

And it was. Eric's whole body was straining with the exertion of holding Orlando up and trying desperately not to orgasm every time Orlando's ass pounded back against his balls. With Orlando now bracing himself and pushing back, everything got so tight that Eric was afraid he might never get his cock back. "Oh shit, I'm gonna come," he moaned helplessly. His legs were shaking, about to give out, but he was still moving, still thrusting up, still fucking Orlando as hard as he could manage.

Orlando was yelling again, the sound echoing off the tile walls. "Oh fuck, Eric, I can feel it, can feel you're gonna come...can feel it in your whole fucking beautiful cock--oh God, Eric, please--"

Eric nearly wept with the effort as he held Orlando tight with one arm and let his other reach down to rub the kid's straining cock.

And Orlando screamed. One final thrust and his come shot straight up into the air, one, two, three times--each pulse punctuated by another howling shriek.

Eric thought he might die from the sight of Orlando's orgasm, let alone the feeling of Orlando's body convulsing around and against him. The tiny thread of control he'd been hanging onto snapped, and he drowned out Orlando's wavering whimpers with an ear-splitting roar of his own, spilling what seemed like a week's worth of come up inside the kid's body. Or into the condom, at least. He struggled to stay upright, surviving on sheer willpower as his body shook with spasms of pleasure.

Orlando made more inarticulate noises, riding it out until the last tremor, and then finally sagged against him. "Oh God, it feels hot inside," he murmured. "You wanted me so fucking bad."

"I did," Eric agreed, laughing weakly, his heart feeling like it was going to beat right out of his chest.

"Slowly," Orlando whispered, still holding on to the wall as Eric carefully set him back down on his feet. "Fuck, I'm going to collapse."

"You and me both." Eric slid one hand down to Orlando's hip, holding the condom in place with the other as he slowly drew out his cock with a groan. When Orlando stumbled back, he caught him by the waist, holding him against his hip. "You all right?"

"Yeah...but let's go lie down before we fall down," Orlando chuckled softly, obviously in imminent danger of the latter. "Slippery tile doesn't seem to be the place to be right now."

Eric held him tighter and nuzzled close to his ear. "Did I fuck you like you wanted?"

Orlando turned and smiled up at him, eyes wide and happy. "I won't be able to sit down for a week!"


"I'm not sure I'll ever move again," Orlando yawned, holding tight to Eric's hand. They were wrapped in the hotel's terry-cloth robes, hair damp against the pillows as they lay tangled together on the bed designated for sleeping. "Where did you learn that last trick, anyway?"

"Just an impulse of the moment," Eric said truthfully, every muscle in his body tingling at the memory. "You were driving me crazy with that talk of yours."

Orlando looked cheerfully smug. "I know."

"You were driving me fucking crazy all day long," Eric went on, trying to glare at him menacingly but too tired to manage it. He pulled at Orlando's robe, running a hand over the bare thigh he uncovered. "Like doing all those fucking stretches before your Menelaus scene," he grumbled.

Orlando laughed lightly and shifted against the sheets, his robe fanning open and exposing more leg for Eric to caress. "The fucking bastard was right!"

Eric looked at him quizzically, his fingers sliding lazily up to his hip. "Which bastard is that?"

"Brad!" Orlando's half-lidded eyes twinkled with amusement. "He said Bean was always muttering about wanting to fuck me every time I bent over in my skirt, and he figured if some guy as straight as Bean felt that way, that maybe it would work on you, too."

Eric's hand fell still. "You two discussed this?"

"Well, not really. He just mentioned this little tidbit one day, out of nowhere. And he was right." He grinned triumphantly.

Eric brought his hand up and rubbed it wearily over his eyes. "You know, Brad's what we like to call an instigator of evil."

Orlando laughed. "Who's we?"

"Me and my cock, I guess."

"I don't think I want to know what your cock has to say about Brad." Orlando wriggled closer, rubbing his body against Eric's. "It might make me jealous."

Eric snorted. "Okay, my cock will only talk about your filthy fucking mouth from now on, then."

Orlando looked downward suggestively. "I think that's a conversation I'd like to have with your cock directly."

"I'm sure you would." He rolled Orlando over and spooned up behind him. "Less talk now. More sleep."

"Okay." Orlando pulled Eric's arm tight across his chest, his body relaxing heavily against Eric. After several moments of comfortable silence, with their breathing gradually evening out, Orlando turned slightly and whispered, "Now's the part where you say something about being married."

Eric was half asleep but he managed a soft laugh. "And what would you say?" he murmured, nuzzling into Orlando's damp curls.

The answer didn't come right away, and after a few minutes of waiting for it, Eric lifted his head and looked down at Orlando. The kid's face was smooth and beautiful, lashes resting darkly against delicate bronzed skin, a gentle smile still lingering on his lips. His chest rose and fell evenly under Eric's arm, his body warm and pliant against him.

"Good answer," Eric whispered, grin gradually fading as he rested his head back on his arm. He was asleep the moment he closed his eyes.

~~ End

eric bana/orlando bloom slash, shrinetolust slash

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