FIC: Touching, Chapter 12 (SB/VM), NC-17

Apr 01, 2008 02:19

***No, it's NOT an April Fool's joke! It's really a new chapter!! Thank you to the sweet diehard fans who keep asking about this one, and I hope you enjoy. :)

Title: Touching, Chapter 12
Pairing: SB/VM
Author: shrinetolust
Rated: NC-17
Story: The insanity continues. Sean endures Hobbit torture, and unexpectedly discovers a new way to push Viggo's buttons--in a fun way. :)
Disclaimer: Don't know these lovely men, don't know what they get up to in their free time. This is all part of my overactive imagination, done with love and respect, and no harm or offense is intended. It's FICTION!!
Feedback: Yes, please. The boys were stubborn this time around. Hope it all still works! ~ Leave a note here or mail me at shrinetolust AT
Crossposted: rugbytackle, sons_of_gondor, more_than_mates, bean_uncensored, fellow-shippers. I am a feedback whore.
Archive: My own LJ. Green Opals, Rugbytackling. Others, please ask.
Notes: Heavily edited as always but un-beta-ed. Please point out any glaring errors so I'm not embarrassed for too long!


**BIG SQUISHY THANK YOUs to loyaldreamer for my icon...*mwah!*

**Touching: (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8) (Chapter 9) (Chapter 10) (Chapter 11)

Yes, I know, it's been ages! You might want to read Chapter 11 for a refresher!

Touching: Chapter 12

Sean scanned the tree line, eyes peeled for the little urchins, nostrils quivering for the scent of Hobbit. He didn't see any signs of the little bastards, save for their gangly false footprints scattered across the dusty path in front of him, but that meant nothing. They were wily creatures, no doubt trained by their lithe, Elf-like cohort to hide in the shadows and lurk behind shrubbery.

He growled at the thought. It had gone on for a week, now, with no signs of stopping. The whispered jokes on set, obnoxious innuendoes at lunch, and their ever-present smirks whenever he and Viggo got within ten meters of one another. It made Sean's skin flush red with rage just at the thought.

Never mind he was horny as all hell on top of it. He'd been afraid to go near Viggo, ever since that little slip-up on the set. It was bad enough how they went on, no sense giving them actual evidence of his rela--well, his...thing...with Viggo.

As usual, Viggo had been understanding, but Sean didn't think it would last much longer. Every day Viggo would catch Sean's eye, raise one eyebrow in a silent question, and Sean would shake his head. No. Then Viggo would nod ever so slightly, and turn away. The turning away hurt, but it hurt even more because Sean knew that Viggo was hiding...hiding that shadow of disappointment in his eyes that made Sean's chest ache in the most terrible ways.

Well. Sean wasn't going to let that happen again. He'd watched Viggo on set today, swinging that sword around with such vigor, shouting and lunging at hordes of Orc stuntmen... Sean couldn't take his eyes off of him, couldn't stop thinking about the muscles rippling in Viggo's chest and arms and legs, and how those muscles had felt under his hands and against his body and...

Sean's pace quickened and he walked right past the wardrobe trailer. Hell with bloody wardrobe, he'd drop his costume off later. The Elfling had finished close-up shots just before him, and might still be in the make-up chair getting his ears off, if Sean were lucky. The Hobbit clan usually waited for Orlando to finish up, so if Sean avoided that whole side completely, he just might escape undetected.

He rounded the corner of the wardrobe trailer and tried to remember how many rows back Viggo's was. Four? Five? Well, whichever, he'd know it when he saw it.

The gravel shifted behind him and his nostrils caught a scent in the wind...of cologne. He gritted his teeth so hard he thought his jaw might break. He'd hung around the pub with that expensive musky boy scent enough times to recognize it. Eau de Elf. "Smells like someone's all tarted up to go out," he grumbled.

"Smells like someone's costume needs dry-cleaning," came Dom's dry reply. Sean closed his eyes for a moment, but kept walking. So they were all there, then, the lot of them.

"Looks like he's on his way to Viggo's," came Billy's lilting tone, and then he could see them, fluffy little bedheads on either side of him.

"Do you think they're into role-playing, Bills?" Dom asked, sounding scandalized.

"Tsk, tsk." Billy wagged a finger at Sean. "You know velvet spots easily, Beanie. You've got to be careful with your wardrobe...the film budget's finite, you know!"

"So's your lifespan," Sean replied, glaring at him. "Shall we see how quick an end we can make of it?"

Billy's cherubic mouth opened slightly and the aromatic but unseen Elf giggled nervously. "Ooh, hostile," Lij squeaked out, from somewhere behind Sean's elbow. "Does Viggo like it rough, then?"

Sean didn't answer, too busy wondering if he swung his arm back a little harder if it might crack Lij in the jaw.

"Of course he likes it," Dom answered, as if Lij were the stupidest person on the planet. "Don't you remember the time he tackled Sean to the ground?" He stared up at Sean with an exaggerated look of awe. "Is that how it started, then? All that rough physical contact, and it just grew from there?"

Sean stared at him, trying to keep his rage under control. He held Dom's mischievous gaze and then drifted slightly to the left, forcing the distracted Hobbit to walk smack into the edge of the next trailer.


Sean smiled and kept going, listening to the tumble and scuffle behind him, and the mixture of curses. His satisfaction didn't last, however, as the Hobbit brigade soon overtook him again.

"That was uncalled for, man," Dom pouted, rubbing his elbow and wincing dramatically.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going," Sean replied.

"It's so much more fun to watch where you're going," Billy chirped. "And if Dom gets decapitated in the process, well, that's it's own sort of fun, too, isn't it?"

There was another chorus of giggles and Dom stuck his tongue out. "Thanks much, Bill."

"Has he kissed him yet, do you think?"

"Oooh, I dunno," Dom mused, fingers massaging his own chin. "What about the beards? All that friction...might start a fire."

"Oh, the beards aren't a problem," Orli piped up from behind them. "Sean's is quite soft, actually. Tickles more than anything."

Sean's feet stopped dead in the path, then, and his leather costume creaked as Orlando bounced right off of it. He turned around to glare at the frightened Elfling, who was stumbling backwards and suddenly looking more like a terrified deer in headlights than a reserved, mythological figure of Tolkien's creation. Lij's big blue eyes were saucer-like as well, as they stared between his friend and Sean, back and forth, waiting no doubt for some sort of explosion or...Event.

Even the Evil Hobbit tag team was stunned into silence, and the air grew thick between them for several moments. Sean strenuously resisted the urge to grab the boy and choke him, but his hands twitched forward slightly before he could stop them.

Then he blinked, and Orlando was gone.

"Orli?" Lij took off running, darting round the corner of a trailer along what must have been the Elf's escape route. Dom and Billy started howling with laughter. Then Dom slapped Sean heartily on the back, and the two Hobbits took off after Lij.

Sean stared after them, stunned, until his brain sparked and he realized he was once again alone on the path. Alone. "Fuck me!" he murmured, turning quickly and practically running himself, in the opposite direction.

As he rushed towards Viggo's trailer, he realized he'd have to forgive the stupid kid for uttering the most appalling comment in the history of...well, in the history of Stupid Orlando Utterances. Though unintentionally, he'd created quite the diversion, and had allowed Sean to escape.

Darting from one row to the next, Sean finally spotted Viggo's trailer. His heart racing, he made his way to the door, hoping he would make it without being seen, stopped, or interfered with in any way. He knocked hard on the door, wincing as the overzealous rapping echoed down the aisle.

Viggo looked a little surprised as he opened the door, but Sean thought it was a good sort of surprise. "Well, hello Sean," he said softly, invitingly, and Sean felt his skin flushing all the way down to his toes.

"Are you busy?" Sean croaked. "I mean, can I--"

Viggo took Sean's arm and dragged him inside.


Sean locked the door, then checked it three times to make sure it was secure. He could feel Viggo's eyes on him, could picture that bemused smile, but he couldn't help his paranoia. It was getting dark and Viggo had drawn the curtains, which was good, but he hoped there weren't any gaps. He couldn't shake the image of little Hobbit faces pressed to the glass watching every move he and Viggo made.

He turned and looked to Viggo, and suddenly he felt foolish. Viggo was waiting patiently, smiling gently, but with no teasing in it. Sean felt that sudden flush of warmth in his belly he always got when Viggo smiled like that. He stretched his fingers a few times, trying to shake the tingling out.

"Do you want something to drink?" Viggo asked, eyes flickering over Sean's costume as he moved towards the kitchen.

"Eh, I dunno." Sean was feeling more ridiculous by the minute. Viggo was in sweatpants and a soft cotton shirt, all traces of Aragorn gone.

"Was something wrong with wardrobe?"

"I couldn't wait," Sean blurted, and he knew his cheeks were burning red. Fuck. Why couldn't he be all composed, the way Viggo was?

Viggo stopped moving, and his smile deepened. "Couldn't wait for what?"

"You been askin' for it all week," Sean growled. "You know what."

Viggo's eyes sparkled. "I love it when you snarl at me." He stepped closer, reaching up to the clasp at Sean's neck. "May I take your cloak?" he teased.

Sean felt his pulse jump the moment Viggo touched him. He lifted his own hands up, cradling Viggo's face, his fingers curling around the strong jaw. "Don't--" he began, inwardly cringing at how desperate he sounded. "Don't do anything."

Viggo's eyes widened, but he didn't protest. His fingers slid away from Sean's throat, gently brushing against metal and leather as he retreated.

Sean earnestly cupped Viggo's face, drinking in his smooth, open expression, and the beckoning softness of that full bottom lip. His breath caught as Viggo's hands crept back up and curled gently around his forearms, rough fingers scratching against the tooled leather of his...well, Boromir's, really...vambraces.

Sean just stood and stared, then, letting the moment stretch, looking at Viggo in a way he hadn't felt able to in days. It felt good to hold him like this, to be the only two people in the room. His thumbs slid over the sharp curves of Viggo's cheekbones, circling up and around the clear blue eyes that stared back at him expectantly. "Don't move," Sean whispered.

Viggo's soft okay puffed gently against Sean's lips, the word quickly devoured as Sean fervently pressed their mouths together. He realized at that moment how stupid he'd been, all week avoiding a kiss like this, missing out on the heat of Viggo's mouth and the sensual brush of his wicked tongue. He bit down a little, working at that tender bottom lip, body warming at Viggo's responding moan.

He licked at the bruised flesh and then gently turned Viggo's head, pressing his lips to the corner of Viggo's mouth, his stubbled jaw, the curve of his cheek. He nuzzled against Viggo's beard, letting the rough hair scratch against his face. With a soft growl, he pushed forward, feeling a surge of anticipation as he slid his tongue out to teasingly trace the shell of Viggo's ear.

Viggo shivered against him, and Sean hummed with pleasure, sliding his fingers back to tangle in Viggo's hair. "Still a good spot, eh?" he murmured, lips brushing each curve and bend.

"You know it is," Viggo rasped, fingers clinging more tightly to Sean's arms. "Can I move now?"

"No," Sean insisted, teeth nipping at Viggo's earlobe.

Viggo groaned. "Not even a little?"

Sean felt it then, Viggo's fingers moving ever so slightly against the leather vambraces. Viggo's thumb found the gap between the buckles, reaching below to the soft sleeve underneath, brushing against Sean's sensitive inner wrist. He heard himself moan out something unintelligible, the light touch sending a line of fire straight down to his cock.

He pulled back to find Viggo grinning at him. "Do I have your attention?" Viggo asked.

"When don't you?" Sean huffed, his legs getting shaky as Viggo once again stroked his wrist. His hands encircled Viggo's face again. "You weren't supposed to move."

Viggo looked back at him calmly, letting Sean's fingers slide over his skin in a gentle caress. "You can't expect me to hold back from touching you." He put both hands on Sean's chest then, and leaned his body weight forward. He tilted his head slightly, eyes sliding closed as he inhaled deeply. "Not when I can smell all that leather and dirt and sweat, and hear the creak of your boots and the jangle of chain mail..."

Sean couldn't help smiling. "Don't tell me you've got a Boromir kink."

Viggo's eyes opened and he grinned back. "Philippa said we were supposed to be like lovers." He rubbed his body suggestively against Sean's. "Don't tell me you've never thought about doing it with Aragorn in the woods somewhere."

"Never!" Sean sputtered. "Boromir would never--"

Viggo's eyes were bright now, his hands sliding over Sean's leather-covered chest. "Would never what? Kneel before his king?" He cackled at Sean's horrified expression. "Well, he is rather proud. Maybe he'd prefer it if Aragorn knelt?"

Sean opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out. It was too suggestive, too perverse, and Aragorn's--Viggo's hands were on his belt, fingers deftly working at the buckle.

Viggo smiled, the crooked, sensual smile that made Sean's knees weak. The belt dropped to the floor. "I think you're the one who shouldn't move now," Viggo said, stepping back.

Sean watched in silent awe as Viggo stripped out of his clothes, tossing them heedlessly to the floor. He'd seen Viggo, felt Viggo naked, but he still couldn't get used to it. It still felt like he were dreaming, or drunk, seeing his best mate starkers in front of him. Especially since Viggo always seemed so proud of himself, standing there with his taut body and impressive erection.

Sean's mouth fell open and he exhaled hard. He suddenly and very vividly felt every layer of clothing on his body, the draping fabric and sturdy buckles and rough chain. All that to press against Viggo's warm, lightly furred skin, pale flesh with splashes of wind and sunburn where his costume didn't cover.

Sean took in a few gulping breaths and enveloped Viggo with all the force of his arms and the crush of velvet and linen and leather and brocade. Viggo let out a sound of pure, guttural bliss, and Sean tipped forward, burying his face in Viggo's neck. He sighed against warm skin, slowly running his hands up and down Viggo's smooth, naked back.

"You w'n't s'posed t'move," Viggo said, words muffled against Sean's shoulder.

"Dn't care," Sean mumbled back, before biting and sucking on Viggo's neck. He felt like a needy vampire, trying to draw what he could out of Viggo, to taste everything.

Viggo twisted against him with a laugh, attempting to evade Sean's mouth. "Too much!" he protested. "Don't give the makeup girls any more work!"

Sean snickered at that, his smile widening as he tried to hang onto his squirming friend. "C'mon, then, just one more little bite...I promise it won't leave a mark..."

"Lies, all lies," Viggo protested, but it was clear he was now struggling just enough so that his body was continually rubbing against Sean's.

Sean ran a hand up into Viggo's hair, fingers tightening against the silky strands and tugging gently. "Is this what Aragorn likes, then?" he asked. "Stripping himself naked and getting manhandled by a fellow warrior?"

Viggo's eyes sparkled as he dragged his palms across Sean's chest. "Mmm...warrior. I like the sound of that." He tilted his head slightly, seeming to think it over. "All that kingly responsibility weighing down on him--I can see Aragorn wanting to just give it up to someone who enjoys being strong...and dominant."

Sean pulled Viggo's hair, forcing his head back further. "And that's me, is it?"

Viggo stared back at him, breath softly hitching as he tried to move within Sean's tight grasp. "It's you," he agreed.

Sean could feel his heart pounding hard within his chest, so hard he wondered if Viggo could feel it too. He kept his fist clenched in Viggo's hair, his other hand dragging over bare skin, fingers seeking out the gentle arc of Viggo's hip and the taut curve of his arse. He felt Viggo arch underneath his touch, one lean thigh pressing in between Sean's legs, slipping between the gaps in his costume to rub against the soft thin fabric of his trousers.

Sean's balls tightened instantly at the contact and he pushed forward, pressing against Viggo's leg, his fingers digging into Viggo's arse. He bit into Viggo's neck again, then dragged his tongue along the skin, working his way back up to swirl around and dip into Viggo's ear. "Is my king ready to kneel, then?" he asked, his cock doing all the thinking now, unable to let go of that seductive suggestion.

Viggo didn't answer, but he let his knees crumple, letting Sean push down on him, urging him to the floor. Viggo's hands reached forward, dipping in between the folds of heavy clothing to skate across Sean's thighs.

Sean's breath started to come hot now, his body quivering under Viggo's gentle touch. He pulled at the clasps to his heavy leather surcoat with one hand, the other still tightly wound into Viggo's hair. He helped Viggo push the layers of costume aside, and his cock surged as he felt Viggo slowly sliding his trousers down off his hips.

When Viggo's hand closed around him, it was all he could do to keep his knees from buckling and crashing him down to the ground. His head fell back and he let out a groan, thrusting his hips forward and pushing himself into Viggo's deliciously firm grip.

"Aren't you going to watch me?" Viggo asked, his breath ghosting warmly across the head of Sean's cock.

Sean's hips bucked again and he forced his eyes open, dropping his chin and feeling the soft red Boromir hair swish against his face. He looked down, down to where his cock protruded obscenely from the confines of his elegant costume, down to where Viggo's fingers clenched tightly and his thumb circled lazily, sending shivers all through Sean's body.

Sean watched every movement, took in every line and curve of Viggo's naked body he could see. He could feel his skin burning, could feel that goddamn flush creeping over every inch, and he knew that Viggo could see that tinge of pink across his thighs. But this was nothing, nothing compared to the heat that seared through him when Viggo started caressing his own body.

Viggo's rough sword hand, marred with angry cuts and bruises, passed over the paler, purer arc of his chest and abdomen. Staring up at Sean with intensely blue eyes, Viggo arched back, letting Sean watch as his fingers slid down to encircle his own cock. He held himself gently, sliding his fingertips over his smooth, hard flesh, a delicate dance that seemed sure to torture Viggo as much as it was doing so to Sean.

All this while he continued to slowly pump Sean's erection, forcing all the blood to drain out of Sean's brain--if in fact there'd been any left there after the first moment Viggo had started touching him.

"Don't tease," he choked out, tugging hard on Viggo's hair.

"You're enjoying it," Viggo said, and then he leaned forward, eyes still locked with Sean's as his tongue slid out to taste him.

Sean felt the warm lick against his sensitive flesh and his cock jumped, bumping against Viggo's lips. He pulled again at Viggo's hair, trying to assert himself. "I thought I was the dominant one, here," he growled.

Viggo merely smiled, then, a warm and sensual smile that gently crinkled the skin at the corners of his eyes and mouth, and Sean knew what that look meant. Knew that even though Viggo was naked and on his knees, he was the one that was really in charge. Sean's ego crumbled, and he let the blush singe across his cheeks. "Please," he murmured, relaxing his fingers enough to curve them around the back of Viggo's head. "Please."

Viggo tilted his head, urging Sean's fingers to gently play through his hair. He stared up at Sean, obviously enjoying the moment, letting it stretch until Sean was just about ready to beg again. Then with a soft hum of anticipation, Viggo slid forward and swallowed Sean completely.

Sean bit down on a bellow, remembering at the last second that they were surrounded by other trailers, and that the walls were thin. I'll never get used to this, he thought wildly, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. Viggo was holding him, and sucking him, and Sean was staring so hard he thought his eyes might rupture from the strain--along with the rest of him.

Viggo was still stroking himself as well, his body undulating as he pleasured them both in perfect, alternating rhythm. Sean's gaze flickered back and forth, up and down, to the muscles rippling in Viggo's shoulders, the tantalizing glimpses down his back to the rise of his arse, to the sinful stretch of his mouth over Sean's swollen cock. It was too much, too much, and Sean knew that once again it was going to be all over too soon.

He could feel the rolling coil of pleasure working its way up inside him, spreading out and exciting every nerve, tightening every muscle. His hips started to move, his fingers looped through Viggo's hair again, and then he was fucking Viggo's mouth, pushing his cock in again and again.

His own mouth was open, exhaling heavy breaths, grunting out gibberish. His mind was melting into vapor, and he didn't really know what he was saying, only that it was filthy and suggestive. The small, panicky part of his brain was sending out warning, but it was too late. The more he said, the more Viggo moaned around his cock, and the more that sweet naked body below him tensed and trembled.

Somewhere Sean's brain registered fuck and beautiful arse and then he stared in awe as Viggo came hard, taut hips jerking forward as he spilled himself all over Sean's knee-high boots. Sean groaned low and it resonated in his chest, vibrating against the steady pounding of his heart.

Viggo was still stroking himself, riding out the remaining waves of pleasure with his mouth still tight around Sean's cock. His lips sucked hard, dragging Sean to the peak between pleasure and pain, and Sean was panting, "Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah--"

Viggo's hand, slick with his own release, slid up Sean's cleft and teased at the tiny puckered entrance. Sean's eyes bulged out and he let out one last strangled...



Sean stared up at the white paneled ceiling and tried to remember who he was. His arm was twisted awkwardly and there was a strange weight pressing down on his chest. His back felt stiff, his throat dry, but worst of all his arse was itching--was that the bloody carpet underneath?

He moved his arm to scratch, but bumped into naked skin that was not his own. With a groan he tilted his head up to look, and found himself staring into hazy pale eyes.

"Hello, handsome." Viggo smiled crookedly, his head resting comfortably against Sean's chest. "Glad to see you made it back."

Sean grunted, unable to form any words apparently. He reached up and rubbed at his eyes, and had a sinking feeling that there was something he was going to be embarrassed about, if only he could remember it.

"It's getting late," Viggo informed him gently. "We should probably get you back to wardrobe before we destroy your costume completely."

"Bugger," Sean groaned, eyes flitting over to the clock on the wall. "They'll probably have sent out a search party by now."

Viggo turned and pushed himself up to a seated position. "C'mon, pull your pants up and lets get going."

Sean hoisted himself up, resting for a moment on the weight of his hands. He stared down at his inelegant position, half his costume crumpled underneath him with his trousers around his knees. "Fucking attractive, that is," he grumbled.

"Well, I think it is," Viggo grinned. "You needed to dry off, anyway, after I cleaned you up. Didn't want you going to wardrobe with any embarrassing spots."

Sean stared at him. He noticed Viggo was wearing a towel and smelled faintly of soap. "Fuck, Viggo. How long was I out?"

"Half hour, maybe." Viggo's grin widened. "I love that about you."

Sean flushed. "What?"

"It's a good feeling to knock someone out cold." He leaned in, then, and nuzzled against Sean's ear. "You're very...responsive."

Sean's blush spread, and he knew his whole face was pink, all the way to the tips of his ears. He gripped the back of Viggo's neck, holding him still while he bit into his shoulder.

Viggo cursed and pulled back, eyes glinting dangerously as he stared back at Sean. His hair was tousled around his face, and his bottom lip was deliciously red and swollen. He looked just as sinful as he had earlier, his fingers curling around Sean's vambrace once again, sensually tracing the patterns in the leather.

Sean yanked him closer and pressed their mouths together, eagerly parting Viggo's lips with his tongue and licking deep inside. Viggo's responding kiss was warm and wet and a little bit vicious, and Sean groaned low in his throat as he felt Viggo's teeth bite down. "No marks," he hissed as he reluctantly pulled away. "Remember?"

Viggo nipped at him again, then stared down at his mouth, running a rough finger over Sean's lips. "You started it."

Sean grinned. "S'pose I did. You're supposed to be the gentle one, though."

Viggo chuckled. "Don't provoke me, then. I have a violent streak."

"Sadistic, more like."

Viggo's thumb pushed at Sean's lips, parting them. He leaned in and kissed him again, gentler this time, tongue brushing softly against Sean's.

Sean's eyes slid closed and he sighed into Viggo's mouth. This was getting addictive, these kisses.

"Better?" Viggo asked, pulling back.

"It'll do."

"Wise ass." Viggo tugged on a strand of his hair, or Boromir's hair, really. "Time to go. The sooner we get you out of costume and into regular clothes, the sooner we can hit the bar."

Sean took Viggo's offered hand, struggling to his feet and clumsily tugging his trousers back up. "The bar? We're going out?"

"Yeah, the whole crowd's going to be there. Dom asked me this morning."

"Hobbits?" Sean shook his head. "Sod it. I can't handle those idiots for another minute. Why the hell do you think I showed up in costume? I was trying to dodge them before they got out of wardrobe."

"Did it work?"

"Not really. Orlando made himself a bigger target than me for a minute and so I managed to escape."

Viggo laughed, and then pulled Sean in for a quick, messy kiss. "You know," he said, reaching up to adjust the clasp on Sean's cloak, "you might want to consider handling this a different way."

Sean frowned. "Like how, exactly?"

Viggo grabbed a shirt from where it was draped over the back of a chair, and stuck his arms in the sleeves. "You've been playing right into their hands. Nothing makes them happier than driving you crazy." He tugged the shirt over his head, ruffling his hair even more. "So--don't act crazy."

"What, I should just ignore it, then?"

Viggo pulled his sweatpants back on and toed his way into a pair of sandals. "Sure, ignore it...or you know--" and here he smiled-- "you could enjoy it."

Sean stared back at him, thinking about that. "Bloody hell," he groaned, watching as Viggo opened the trailer door.

"What's wrong?" Viggo asked, heading out into the dark. "Scared of a few Hobbits?"

Sean followed him, his boots crunching loudly on the gravel as the door banged shut behind him. "'Course not. It's just that--well, I'd promised myself I wouldn't get that drunk again."


sean bean/viggo mortensen slash, shrinetolust slash

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