Good afternoon. It's Tuesday. I have consumed a cup of coffee approximately the size of my head, and yet I'm still not alert. So it goes.
Last week I threatened to post Frank Iero picspam. Pretty much everyone promised me dire threats in return if I did not deliver. Well, you asked for it, and it isn't dial-up friendly:
frankenspam )
Comments 91
Except he doesn't have any socks stuck to him with static cling. Although now I've mentioned it, I am sure you will provide photos of same.
I won't, because even sad, pathetic Frank fangirls like me need to go to bed sometime.
and I agree you are not obsessed or stalkerly, just extremely focused.
I'd been looking for said picture of Frank. I mean, I'd seen plenty I'd liked, but nothing that just cut my stomach out, you know?
Until the first pic in this spam.
Thank you.
I do know what you mean. And that's why I chose that first picture to start, because when I first found it, my gut leapt sideways and I lost my English.
Holy shit, Frank. Holy shit.
Obviously, it doesn't. But still amusing.
...Or Spike.
*stares at pics* Um, I could be lured over to the dark side.
I am woefully ignorant about their music though, sorry. It's not deliberate, I like metal. I did think for a minute that I'd seen an SGA vid set to one of theirs, but then it turned out to be The Chemical Brothers. So.
Can you recommend a couple of songs I should go hunt down to, you know, get a feel for what they're about?
Can you recommend a couple of songs I should go hunt down to, you know, get a feel for what they're about?
It's hard to describe the My Chemical Romance, but they're certainly not easy listening. They're influenced by punk and metal. Can you download from free places like SendSpace? Because I can send you some things to your profile address...
Also, searching YouTube for My Chemical Romance will often bring up their music videos, which are not to be missed.
So, I went away to do research. (I am stoopid and did not immediately think of Youtube. I won't make that mistake again).
Turns out I'd heard only a couple of the songs before. But as I have now spent the last couple of days in serious research I have several favourites. So um YES PLEASE, if your generous offer is still open and you have Teenagers, Welcome to the Black Parade, The Sharpest Lives and/or Mama that would be BRILLIANT.
Also, Frank is very pretty.
I am stoopid and did not immediately think of Youtube. I won't make that mistake again).
No, dude, I didn't think of YouTube for a long time, either. And then I did, for some reason. And then I found all the videos and interviews. And then I realized, "Oh my god, these guys are SO AWESOME. I LOVE THEM."
If you have a chance to buy their "Life on the Murder Scene" CD/DVD combo, I totally recommend it. Videos, behind-the-scenes of the videos, live performances, AND two hours of footage of them being dorks at the camera.
So um YES PLEASE, if your generous offer is still open and you have Teenagers, Welcome to the Black Parade, The Sharpest Lives and/or Mama that would be BRILLIANT.
It's definitely still open! I'll start sending you stuff when I get home from work this evening.
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