
Mar 07, 2010 01:21

HI F-LISTIt's come to my attention that I've really lost touch with a lot of you ( Read more... )

about you & me, hi f-list

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shouyukoto March 7 2010, 22:35:30 UTC
For FF~
I'm an Aerith/Cloud, Squall/Rinoa, Zack/Sephiroth, Zidane/Garnet, Tidus/Yuna, Seifer/Quistis shipper.

Favorite character is so hard D: I've always been really partial to Zack for some reason.

Harry Potter wise~
Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Draco/Cho.

Favorite character ever was Luna~



foxicle March 7 2010, 18:30:58 UTC
Hey- long time no talk. Hehe- but yes I'll put something similar up in this post. :)

Name: Patricia
Age: 18/ September 4, 1991

I'm in my Freshman year of college. My home will always be in San Diego, California, but my new adopted home is in Irvine. I'm 100% Taiwanese, but also 100% Chinese if you count the original roots of my grandparents. I also enjoy Final Fantasy, and also I love Kingdom Hearts, yaoi (which you hooked me on in the first place xD), jpop, jrock, visual kei, goth loli, Ai Yazawa's art/manga, the Killers, Linkin Park, the All American Rejects, ddr music, iPhone app games, and Tora from Alice Nine.

My favorite animal animal is the fox.
Favorite color is black.
Favorite movies are V for Vendetta, the Matrix, Avatar, and Howl's Moving Castle.

Living in the dorms for UCI now- and going to stay for quite a while. I looove this place, and I hope you're enjoying life as well. ;D


flawedrhetoric March 24 2010, 08:10:24 UTC
I like all of these too:

J-POP/JE (just getting started-esque in K-Pop;)
Miyazaki films
Pandas/baby turtles omg *_*

I also know so many people with your birthday. No lie. xP

Who are your favorite JE boys & WHY. Just because I ask everyone this question. ♥


shouyukoto March 24 2010, 08:16:47 UTC
Kame is probably my favorite of favorites. He was probably the reason I got back into JE bands besides Tackey&Tsubasa. At first I just thought he was cute but now it's because he's so unbelievably talented.

Nishikido Ryo is my second favorite just because he's the token asshole. I love jerks for some odd reason. Also, he's short. I find that adorable and he's just so cute when he's not being an ass.

:DD I pretty much love all of JE but these two.. idk. I just love them most.


flawedrhetoric March 24 2010, 08:30:27 UTC
I'd have to say Kame was my first JE love...at first it was definitely just because of his looks but then he grew on me. I love his unhealthy workaholic (hardworking and talented still!) ways, periods of utter you-need-a-sanwich-bb, his abilitiy to win an award based off of wearing jeans, the thin eyebrows/lips, and his talk of sleeping nude. There's a lot to adore ( ... )


shouyukoto March 24 2010, 08:33:48 UTC
I adore Ryo's singing voice and lyrics *_*

and the boys are from the Korean band called SHINee ♥ They're adorable.


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