(no subject)

Mar 07, 2010 01:21


It's come to my attention that I've really lost touch with a lot of you.
So in order to remedy that, please tell me about yourselves!

I guess I'll put stuff about me here..

Name: Grace~
Age: 19 / November 4, 1990

I'm in my Sophomore year of college. I live in San Diego, California~ Lesse.
I'm 3/4 Japanese. I enjoy Final Fantasy, Assassin's Creed I & II, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Avatar: The Last Air Bender, Disneyland, Pokemon, k-pop (despite its recent wank), j-pop, and Johnny's Entertainment.

My favorite animals are pandas and turtles.
Favorite color is purple.
Favorite movies are Crows Zero, Avatar, UP and any Miyazaki film.

Ummmmmm. That's all I can think about! If you want to know more, just ask.
But the point of this post is for me to get to know YOU guys! :D

about you & me, hi f-list

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