LIMS → Rules + Information

Aug 07, 2011 03:14

DID YOU GUYS MISS ME? probably not BUT I'm back now to mod the new project miyasaikou and I have been talking about! I've always wanted to try running one of these, so as this is my first time please be patient with me! If you have any suggestions, ideas, tips, etc. then do let me know!

As you can tell by the subject, welcome to shoujochallenge's first ever LIMS battle! I'm not too sure how long this will take as it'll probably depend on the amount of people that sign up, so if you do want to join please keep this in mind! I hope to have a more definite date at the end of sign ups, which will take place from now until the end of submission period for Challenge 1 (which is Friday August 19 @ 11:30 PM)! That gives everyone 2 Weeks to decide if they want to sign up or not! Although the faster you sign up, the more time you'll have to make your icon and the faster I'll get a date for when this will end~

Underneath the cut is the table with rules and other information! The Sign Ups post is here and will also include the finished Identity Icons while the Promotion Banners are here!

AND if I left anything out, let me know okay!

The mod for this LIMs Round is dearmykeysx!

Also, if you're confused about how this will work let me explain to you what I had in mind!: Each week everyone participates in a challenge, and you gain or lose points based on the crits you get for your icon. The icon maker who gets the least points that week will be eliminated, and this will continue until there is one icon maker left. If we get a lot of participants, we might have to eliminate more than one person per week, but I don't see that happening XD

If you use a skip for a challenge then you can't be eliminated that week. Keep in mind that you only get 1 Skip though, so don't waste it! If you have any questions, please ask because since this is the first time I've done this, things will be weird and confusing, and possible crazy so if you could help, that'd would be lovely :)

rules. ☆
★ Every participant must choose a character from a Shoujo, Josei, or Shoujo/Josei-related series. This is to keep the participants annonymous.

☆ At the end of the Round, there will be 1 Winner BUT I am still giving awards to the Top 3 icon makers with the highest amount of points!

★ Please do not advertise your icons before the round is over, and do not tell your friends (or anyone) who your identity is. If you do so, you will be disqualified.

☆ Each icon has to fit the standard Live Journal requirements (100x100, 40KB or less, .png .jpg or .gif format) These will also be posted with every Challenge post.

★ All icons need to feature official images of a series that it either of the Shoujo genre, Josei genre, OR if your series has some Shoujo or Josei-related/influenced aspects. If you're unsure, just ask! Manga panels are allowed, but only if you coloured them in yourself or you have permission from the original creator (proof will be required if so).

☆ Each participant must submit to each challenge. However, you also get 1 Skip. You'll also get 1 Extra Skip for advertising. Once you run out of skips, and miss 2 challenges you will be disqualified.

voting + points. ☆
★ Anyone can vote! If you're not a participant in the battle you won't get points, but it will be very helpful for deciding the results!
☆ Do not vote for the icon you think is going to win either way, or ask others to vote for a certain icon.
★ When voting, you will be voting for both your favourite and least favourite icons.
☆ You get +1 Point every time someone votes your icons as a favourite, but lose -1 Point every time someone votes your icon as a least favourite.

☆ Crits are required for your Least Favourite icons, and optional for your Favourite (and any other) icons.
★ You will get +2 Points for voting normally (just crits for your least favourite icons).
☆ If you also write crits for your Favourite icons in addition to your Least Favourite icons, you will get an extra +1 Point.
★ If you also write crits for at least 3 other icons that were not your picks for Favourite/Least Favourite and in addition to your Least Favourite icons, you will get an extra +1 Point.
☆ For some challenges, there will be a Bonus Challenge in which you will have the oppurtunity to gain bonus points.
★ You can also get +3 Points if you advertise this community/round, and leave a link to you advertising it in a comment on this post.
☆ If your icon gets chosen as People's Choice you will get +3 Points and if your icon gets chosen as Mod's Choice you will get +1 Point.

Confused about how Crits work? You automatically get +2 Points for voting with crits for your Least Favourite icons, but you could get an extra +1 Point for including crits for your Favourite icons. If you also include crits for at least 3 other icons, you will get another extra +1 Point. 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 Points from Voting.

schedule. ☆
Sign Ups: Sun. August 7 - Fri. August 19 (end of submission period for Challenge 1)
Challenges: Start Every Monday and End on the Friday (11:30 PM) of that week
Voting: Friday/Saturday until Sunday (11:30 PM)
Results: Sunday Night/Monday

Please note that the times I will begoing by are in Eastern Standard Time Zone (I think -5? Check a Time Converter). If for some reason you need an extension, PM me and I'll see what I can do about it.

challenge: lims, lims: round 1, !mod post, lims: rules and info

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