Will do--life's been crazy lately, so I'm a little brain dead when it comes to plotting, but I'll see what I can come up with--feel free to hit me up if you have ideas, too. lol
She's generally up to the end of S3, though I'm happy to play earlier in canon, too. Mostly I've just played her in one game, where she's actually only up through Chuck rescuing her in Paris, but in general RP stuff, I've been figuring she'd likely be up to current canon if whoever she was interacting with was. :-)
I've see all of S3 so I'd be happy to work with any range of canon. For now, I'm leaving Chuck as considering all of his options based on what his father left him and still yet to make a decision.
Mun LJ: ladyofbrileith (also mun Twitter= ladyofbrileith)
Mun Age: 34
Mun Location: Lake Tahoe/Reno area
Characters you play:
Err, too many to put them all out there, but most active ones:
Adam Monroe (Heroes) - changehistory/makemethe_hero
Lydia (Heroes) - thepainted_lady
Melissa Talmadge (OC) - capturedworlds
Mohinder Suresh (Heroes) - capableof_both
Angela Shaw (Heroes) - seemynightmares
Julian Sark (Alias) - elementof_risk
Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries - BOOK VERSION) - prodigalsavior
Lord Byron (Highlander/Historical) - the_corsair
Methos (Highlander) - reallyoldguy/goodtobeamyth
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (BtVS/Angel) - wesley_w_price/thereis_a_line/watcheroncemore
Sawyer (Lost) - dontspeakdstiny
Surreal SaDiablo (Black Jewels) - birthrightgreen
The Real Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood) - anightngalesang
David Shepherd (Kings) - favoredby_god
Lancelot (Merlin) - proveto_myself
Kaylee Frye (Firefly/Serenity) - xiaomeimei
Mal Reynolds (Firefly/Serenity) - stillflyin
Eric Northman (Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood) - hasgoodtaste
Sarah Walker (Chuck) - onemoremission
Kurt Hummel (Glee) - honorary_girl
Jonathan Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries-TV version) - burnthemto_ash
Places where we might have seen your characters around: heartsand_minds, theatrical_muse, writers_muses, mad_muses, sixwordstories, plus lots of PSLs
Fandoms you're into: Heroes, Lost, Highlander, Buffy/Angel, The Vampire Diaries, True ( ... )
If I come up with something, I'll drop you a line though. Is your Sarah up to the end of S3 or at another point in canon?
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