RP mun friending meme

Jul 08, 2010 20:25

Because I haven't done one of these for ages and I don't remember the last time I saw one ( Read more... )

other: ooc

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Comments 473

shot_my_shoes July 8 2010, 19:37:04 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: Nic/Paranoidangel
Mun LJ: paranoidangel42
Mun Age: Not old enough to feel grown up
Mun Location: England
Characters you play: Harry Sullivan (shot_my_shoes) and Jo Grant (unit_girl) mostly. But I also can be persuaded to bring out Harry Pearce (sir_spook) and Gene Hunt (gene_genie81) on occasion
Places where we might have seen your characters around: the_blank_slate, crowdedhour and guardian_rpg are the RPs. oncoming_storms and lightyearsahead are the prompt comms. There have been others in the past that I can't quite be bothered to list.
Fandoms you're into: Doctor Who, Spooks, Ashes to Ashes, SJA, Torchwood, Blake's 7, Red Dwarf, Star Trek (all of them), Stargate (all of them), Leverage, The Bill, generally British cop shows/murder mysteries, probably others I've forgotten
What sort of things you post about on mun LJ: Mostly real-life stuff, but some fandom stuff. I don't post that much at the moment as I've been ill and work is busy :( I don't tend to talk about what I've watched in detail because I find it's a bit like English Lit at school - discussing it makes me dislike it
Anything else you'd like to add: guardian_rpg is my cross ( ... )


empirical_data July 8 2010, 20:11:10 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: Binky | Bianca | Thundercrap
Mun LJ: thundercrap
Mun Age: 29
Characters you play: My active list is here.
Most Common:


rude_not_ginger July 8 2010, 22:16:28 UTC
Why halo thar. I was about to go "Ooooh! You play that great Seven!" then I was about to go "Ogog, you play a Rimmer!" and then I was left going "EEEEEEEEEEEEE DAYNA."

So, yes. Hi.


dominie July 9 2010, 00:36:38 UTC
Poor Dayna. She's so neglected from everything ever and totally wins for kickass female characters.

Rimmer and his terrible bouts of smeghead.


rude_not_ginger July 9 2010, 00:40:25 UTC
I think the whole of Blake's 7 is neglected, sadly. I'm so psyched to see you play from there!

Except in the AU where he's Ace. DUN DA DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN~


rude_not_ginger July 8 2010, 21:58:18 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: MJ
Mun LJ:electric_girl
Mun Age: 26 on July 31st
Mun Location: Washington, DC
Characters you play:

. the tenth doctor.. the first doctor.. the first doctor.. martha jones.. amy pond.. rani chandra.

... )


aliengeekgirl July 8 2010, 22:34:59 UTC
<3 <3 <3 your gif!

I'll be back after my holidays, and back into rping with Tosh. We should do something =)


rude_not_ginger July 8 2010, 22:37:05 UTC
Wilf is love!!!

And the correct answer is yes yes yes! =D Drop me a line when you're back and we'll set stuff up!


aliengeekgirl July 8 2010, 22:43:07 UTC
Wilf is totally love!

I'm back on the 23rd, god knows when I'll be over jetlag, but any time after that =)


jurisimmortalis July 8 2010, 22:05:32 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: Liz

Mun LJ: celticdreamz

Mun Age: 33

Mun Location: Atlanta, GA

Characters you play:

Places where we might have seen your characters around:

Fandoms you're into:
Law & Order (original series [up to Lenny's departure]) & SVU
Criminal Minds
[okay, so yeah, mostly procedural shows]

What sort of things you post about on mun LJ:
Mostly my twitter stuff. I generally don't update that very much aside from things like "zomg I woke up with a snake crawling on me" type posts.

Anything else you'd like to add:
Just my girl being a badass:

... )


rude_not_ginger July 8 2010, 22:17:19 UTC

ST: Voyager's Doctor, that is.


jurisimmortalis July 8 2010, 22:18:37 UTC
Yeah, I guess he forgot his sonic screwdriver that day.


rude_not_ginger July 8 2010, 22:19:55 UTC
This is what happens when he leaves the Medical Bay.


changehistory July 8 2010, 22:25:47 UTC
Mun Name and/or pseudonym: Bria
Mun LJ: ladyofbrileith (also mun Twitter= ladyofbrileith)
Mun Age: 34
Mun Location: Lake Tahoe/Reno area
Characters you play:
Err, too many to put them all out there, but most active ones:
Adam Monroe (Heroes) - changehistory/makemethe_hero
Lydia (Heroes) - thepainted_lady
Melissa Talmadge (OC) - capturedworlds
Mohinder Suresh (Heroes) - capableof_both
Angela Shaw (Heroes) - seemynightmares
Julian Sark (Alias) - elementof_risk
Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries - BOOK VERSION) - prodigalsavior
Lord Byron (Highlander/Historical) - the_corsair
Methos (Highlander) - reallyoldguy/goodtobeamyth
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (BtVS/Angel) - wesley_w_price/thereis_a_line/watcheroncemore
Sawyer (Lost) - dontspeakdstiny
Surreal SaDiablo (Black Jewels) - birthrightgreen
The Real Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood) - anightngalesang
David Shepherd (Kings) - favoredby_god
Lancelot (Merlin) - proveto_myself
Kaylee Frye (Firefly/Serenity) - xiaomeimei
Mal Reynolds (Firefly/Serenity) - stillflyin
Eric Northman (Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood) - hasgoodtaste
Sarah Walker (Chuck) - onemoremission
Kurt Hummel (Glee) - honorary_girl
Jonathan Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries-TV version) - burnthemto_ash

Places where we might have seen your characters around: heartsand_minds, theatrical_muse, writers_muses, mad_muses, sixwordstories, plus lots of PSLs
Fandoms you're into: Heroes, Lost, Highlander, Buffy/Angel, The Vampire Diaries, True ( ... )


viridian July 8 2010, 23:02:31 UTC


changehistory July 9 2010, 04:13:57 UTC


viridian July 9 2010, 04:18:00 UTC
& I noticed you listed Illyria's Wesley up there. :3 Wanna play something with them soon?


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