A Troyella Story (12/?)

Oct 22, 2012 15:01

( Chapter 11)


Chapter:  12 - This Can't Be True!

Troy's POV

I was so happy. I missed her lips. I missed her.

But why did she leave crying?

I would've ran after her… But, I held myself back. Maybe she needed time alone. Maybe she needed to think first. Yes, that's logical. That makes total sense.

… But why?

Did she really need to leave so abruptly? Couldn't she at least leave with a few words out the door? What did I do wrong? Why couldn't she tell me?

I left those questions unanswered and laid down on my bed.

I remembered the best 30 seconds of my life.


"Yeah," I started, "It's a little complicated. I came to the conclusion that the school loves me and hates me. I'm still the star ball player." My lips curled the tiniest bit and my eyes turned towards her.

She smiled back.

We stared each other's eyes for the longest time. We could've been staring for 100 years and still kept on staring. Why wouldn't I stare at her eyes anyway? She had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Such a deep chocolate brown. What a beauty. I couldn't help but stare. No one probably could help but stare.

I put my arms around her and pulled her closer. I was so incredibly happy when she pulled me closer as well. We held each other for the longest time. It felt even longer than when we stared each other to me. My heavy breathing soon calmed down and I was grateful. I pulled her chin up and stared at her beautiful brown eyes. Soon our faces were getting closer. Inch by inch. I could almost hear her fast beating heart… Or maybe that was mine.

We kissed each other passionately. We wanted our needs to be fulfilled. Those needs didn't matter though. I was just so - … Happy! I have never been this happy in my entire life. My heart leaped into an all out sprint which could've reached the moon even!

We pulled back reluctantly for air. We stared once again. Her lips were smiling slightly. But then she looked away thinking quietly to herself. She looked so cute just thinking! I wondered what she thought about. Then I started to with that she wasn't thinking too badly of this situation. Oh, I loved her so much. Why did I leave her in the first place? Holding my tears back as much as possible I pulled her chin towards me again. We looked into each other's eyes again. Mine begged for forgiveness. Begged for more.

Then we couldn't help ourselves. She threw my arms around me and we kissed some more. More passion. Then the passion intensified. Her growing stomach put us in an awkward position but I kissed her back. I missed her lips too much for this to stop. I missed her too much for this to stop.

Then she left without another word with tears down her face.

End flashback

I didn't want to dwell on the fact she left too much… But I did anyways.

Why did she leave so suddenly? What was so wrong about me kissing her? And her kissing me back? Was there something in the way? No, it can't be! She's not in a relationship. I didn't hear about that… Then again, I don't hear much since no one talks to me…

But no. Gabby, in a relationship? No. It's not possible! Is it? It made perfect sense though. She felt terrible for kissing me so she left with tears to think. NO! NOOO! She's NOT in a relationship. But it makes perfect sense! But… If she was in a relationship, she could be thinking about what she's doing like when she turned away from me after the first kiss.

The pieces fell together easily. Gabby was in a relationship without me. She felt terrible for kissing me so she left suddenly crying. She needed time to think. For goodness' sakes, she could've even gotten the names she came with from the guy she's dating!

Oh my God.

This can't be true. Can it?
( Chapter 13)

fic, hsm: ats, hsm: troyella, fic: hsm, fic: multichap, fic: old

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