A Troyella Story (11/?)

Oct 22, 2012 14:56

( Chapter 10)

Chapter:  11 - One Kiss

Gabby's POV

Jayden Marcus and Alexia Marie. I liked the names a lot. I could've left right then and there, I got what I needed - but I didn't. I wanted to stay longer and just be with him.

"So, what's going on in your life Troy?" I asked simply.

He hesitated before answering. "Ah, well. Nothing much, you know. Just basketball," he replied before looking away.

I was curious. I knew something was bothering him, but I couldn't figure out what. Then I remembered what my friends told me at the beginning of my pregnancy; the first day I was absent for my stomach.


Everyone hated Troy just as he stepped into the doors of East High.

End flashback

I walked over to where he was sitting. "Troy, are…" I didn't know how to put this into words well. "Are, people still - uh - giving you a hard time?"

He strained his eyes for some reason. To hold back his tears? Most likely. I gave him a hug; it was a little awkward. My stomach was in the way of him and me but I did what I could.

"Thanks Gabby," he said finally letting his tears out.

"No problem Troy," I answered.

He turned my way a little and gave me a one-armed hug. It felt nice. Us just in his room hugging each other.

"It's been so hard on me," he started. I nodded for him to continue. "Everywhere I looked everyone would give me dirty looks and murderous stares." He sniffed; I felt so bad for him. "I would hear the meanest things, about ME! ME! I'm not being cocky or anything but, why me? I felt so alone. It took about 5 months before Chad even talked to me. We still don't talk as much as before but… I guess it's better than nothing." He used his free arm to wipe his tears.

I was so shocked. "Troy. I - I… I had no idea…"

He sniffed again. "Yeah, it's been hard."

Then I thought of something. "Wait. I caught a game once," and I cheered for you, I wanted to say but I skipped that, "Everyone was cheering your name."

"Yeah," he started, "It's a little complicated. I came to the conclusion that the school loves me and hates me. I'm still the star ball player." His lips curled the tiniest bit and his eyes turned towards me.

I smiled back.

We stared at each other for a while and soon time didn't mean a thing. Seconds could've turned into minutes. Those minutes could've turned into hours. Those hours could've turned into days and so on. Then again, I don't really give a shit. It felt good just to be with him.

He put both arms around me and held me closer to him. I pulled him closer as well. We held each other for as long as we stared at each other. His heavy breathing soon calmed down. I was glad about that. Then he pulled my chin up. I stared at his deep blue eyes. Oh such beautiful eyes. And soon our faces were getting closer. My heart started to beat faster. Then I closed my eyes.

We kissed with such passion the house could've burned down. I wouldn't care though. I was so happy. My swelling heart finally shrunk back to its size. Though that didn't mean it wouldn't stop beating so fast!

We pulled back reluctantly for air. I stared at him again with my lips slightly curled. I looked down away for a moment. This can't happen, I told myself. You're going to get hurt like the first time, I thought with tears in my eyes. You can't let yourself go too far. Then Troy pulled my chin towards him again. I looked at his eyes once again. They begged for forgiveness. They begged for more.

Then I couldn't help myself. I threw my arms around him and kissed him with even more passion. Though my huge tummy put us in an awkward position, he still kissed me back. I missed his lips so much.

Then I let go for air and dashed out of his house with tears on my face.
( Chapter 12)

fic, hsm: ats, hsm: troyella, fic: hsm, fic: multichap, fic: old

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