Special Challenge: Sleepovers!

Oct 12, 2009 16:55


However, if you didn't get a chance to sign up and would like to participate, feel free to write a BSC femslash story that includes a sleep over and post it any time!

After this round, assuming it's successful, we'll begin a prompts challenge as well.

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Comments 31

marycontraria October 14 2009, 01:20:16 UTC
Name: Leith
LJ name: leithal
Email address: maryleithharris@hotmail.com

Pairing you'd like: I actually don't much care. Um, how about some Mary Anne? I don't think I've asked for Mary Anne before. Paired with anyone, really...
Two or three other elements you want in the story: pizza, some sort of small-gift exchange, reminiscing
No more than two elements you don't want in the story: nothing kinky
Rating preference: PG or lower
Timeline preference: coming home from college (anytime during college)

No more than three characters or pairings you'd prefer to write: I've had Dawn/Abby in my head lately, but if that doesn't fit with anyone's request then I'm up for a challenge
Other characters or pairings you could write: see above
No more than three characters or pairings you won't write: see above...
Anything else you won't write: no sex scenes... I hardly ever even get to kissing...
Rating preference for writing: PG or lower, obvs, LOL
Timeline preference for writing: the Dawn/Abby piece that I have in my mind is roughly set in about grade ( ... )


coffeecommunity October 16 2009, 00:19:01 UTC
I don't care if you get that pairing or not, YOU NEED TO WRITE THIS AT SOME POINT, even if I have to write a separate story just for you as a bribe. Two of my fave all-time stories here are the Abby/Dawn ones written by midnightwriting, so we need more of these two together.

Wow, so now I'm realizing that I sound really aggressive and crazy...I just get easily excited? Haha...=D


coffeecommunity October 16 2009, 00:20:34 UTC
I don't care if you get that pairing or not, YOU NEED TO WRITE THIS AT SOME POINT, even if I have to write a separate story just for you as a bribe. Two of my fave all-time stories here are the Abby/Dawn ones written by midnightwriting, so we need more of these two together.

Wow, so now I'm realizing that I sound really aggressive and crazy...I just get easily excited? Haha...=D


marycontraria October 16 2009, 00:52:18 UTC
I probably will write it whether I get it for the challenge or not. Right now what I am kind of itching to write is an epic high-school series (how epic? you ask... and I will tell you: I don't know if I am capable of epicness at all!), but that would be mostly gen-fic with bits of slashiness thrown in, so I'm not sure where I'd write it for. Anyway, the Abby/Dawn I have in mind would fit into that universe, which I'm thinking of as my "home" universe at the moment... anyway, rambling. Yeah, if I don't get that for the challenge, we'll talk. :)


chickwith_stick October 14 2009, 04:55:03 UTC
Name: Lauren
LJ name: chickwith_stick
Email address: vivalalauren@gmail.com

Pairing you'd like: Charlotte/Stacey. Or, if you don't feel comfortable writing that, Kristy/Dawn
Two or three other elements you want in the story: Power outage and something of 80s pop culture
No more than two elements you don't want in the story: Can't think of anything.
Rating preference: Anything
Timeline preference: I always like fics set during or shortly after the series.

No more than three characters or pairings you'd prefer to write: Claudia/Stacey.
Other characters or pairings you could write: Anyone.
No more than three characters or pairings you won't write: Mary Anne.
Anything else you won't write: Can't think of anything. :)
Rating preference for writing: Anything
Timeline preference for writing: Anytime, although, I don't like college aged fic, mostly because I'm lazy at establishing their future majors, schools and such.

Man, I should never fill these things out while half asleep.


midnightwriting October 16 2009, 17:15:38 UTC
YEA!! Thanks for signing up!


firecausesburns October 14 2009, 11:20:09 UTC
I'm going to write my own fic instead of getting and giving a prompt :) Do I just post it when the others start coming in?


midnightwriting October 16 2009, 17:16:06 UTC
Go for it any time--if you get it done sooner, feel free to toss it up. It might inspire those of us who wind up feeling stuck (as some of us inevitably do)!


coffeecommunity October 16 2009, 00:14:48 UTC
I'm so excited because now I actually have a sizable collection of books I've been buying/hoarding! YAY!

Name: Ashlee
LJ name: coffeecommunity
Email address: ashleer1703@sbcglobal.net

Pairing you'd like: Shannon with Kristy, Abby, Anna, or Stacey. I'd just really love some Shannon, because I wrote her last time and fell in love, but wouldn't mind if it doesn't work out that way.
Two or three other elements you want in the story: basically just wintertime fluff (can include holidays or not, up to writer), like with hot coffee/tea/chocolate/cider and snow and cuddling in front of the fireplace
No more than two elements you don't want in the story: excessive amounts of angst, clients
Rating preference: anything except explicit nc-17 (references/scenes are fine, just not explicitly so)
Timeline preference: preferably high school and older

No more than three characters or pairings you'd prefer to write: basically any of the sitters except the ones listed below
Other characters or pairings you could write: Anna, see above
No more than three ( ... )


midnightwriting October 16 2009, 17:16:15 UTC
Fantastic, thanks for signing up!


yaobezyananul October 16 2009, 04:03:48 UTC
I just found this site and have been reading all the stories archived here. I've never done a prompt before but when I saw a new one was going up I thought I'd just jump in and try. It seemed like a good way to get involved and introduce myself.

Name: Sam

LJ name:yaobezyananul

Email address :yaobezyananul@yahoo.ca

Pairing you'd like: Any of the girls, really.

Two or three other elements you want in the story: reminiscing and confessions

No more than two elements you don't want in the story: bsc clients

Rating preference:PG-R, nothing too explicit.

Timeline preference: high school to college

No more than three characters or pairings you'd prefer to write:
Stacey/Dawn, Stacey/Kristy Dawn/Kristy

Other characters or pairings you could write: Abby, Claudia

No more than three characters or pairings you won't write: Mallory Jessi

Anything else you won't write:nothing, really

Rating preference for writing:none

Timeline preference for writing canon, or early high school


midnightwriting October 16 2009, 17:17:13 UTC
I don't mean to be rude, because obviously you took the time to fill out this sign-up form, but could you please reply to this and let me know that you're a real person? Your journal looks very much like a lot of bots that I see.



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