Special Challenge: Sleepovers!

Oct 12, 2009 16:55


However, if you didn't get a chance to sign up and would like to participate, feel free to write a BSC femslash story that includes a sleep over and post it any time!

After this round, assuming it's successful, we'll begin a prompts challenge as well.

The poll is closed and the winner was a theme round! However, several people were interested in prompts, SO, I think what we'll do is have a theme round and then if that actually gets completed (as in, if most of the stories people sign up to write get written), we'll set up a prompts challenge as well, or possibly an ongoing prompts post.

In the meantime, rather than drag this out another week and have voting on the theme, multiple people suggested "sleepover", so we're just going to go ahead and make that the theme this time. If we do this again, we'll open up voting on the theme. Remember, a sleepover can be defined in a lot of different ways, so if you don't love the idea of writing about a big group slumber party, there are lots of other options!

SIGN-UPS ARE NOW OPEN! They'll stay open until this weekend, at which point the assignments will go out and stories will be due on November 1st. If you'd like to sign-up, please fill out the form in the comments.

LJ name:
Email address:

Pairing you'd like: [feel free to specify one pairing or be more broad if you'd like]
Two or three other elements you want in the story: [you can list a location, a time frame, a quote, another character - anything to prompt your writer]
No more than two elements you don't want in the story:
Rating preference: [Please keep in mind that anything with explicit sexual content or where the characters engage in sex necessitates an accompanying timeline that puts the characters at 18 years or older]
Timeline preference: [Here's where you can say whether you'd prefer something with 11 year-old Shannon, later middle school Shannon, high school Shannon, college-age Shannon, post-college, you don't care, etc.]

No more than three characters or pairings you'd prefer to write:
Other characters or pairings you could write:
No more than three characters or pairings you won't write:
Anything else you won't write:
Rating preference for writing:
Timeline preference for writing:

LJ name:
Email address:

Pairing you'd like:
Two or three other elements you want in the story:
No more than two elements you don't want in the story:
Rating preference:
Timeline preference:

No more than three characters or pairings you'd prefer to write:
Other characters or pairings you could write:
No more than three characters or pairings you won't write:
Anything else you won't write:
Rating preference for writing:
Timeline preference for writing:

ALTERNATIVELY, if you don't want to enter the challenge but would like to write BSC femslash on this theme, please feel free to post a story about a sleepover anyway!

!sign ups

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