Sound and Fury

Oct 11, 2008 21:24

Saturday has not strayed far from Zev's side as they wait to hear from DOPE. He's afraid of West coming and getting him. If he thought West was coming for him then he would keep his distance, however he's smarter then that. And foolishly protective of his new lifeline to humanity and family ( Read more... )

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shooting_blind October 13 2008, 15:38:02 UTC
At the height of their cycle, the twins can see individual dust balls in the cracks of a wooden broom handle from across a dark room. They have both powered down now but Sat can hear Zev's heart thumping like a drum and Olivia is watching the blood pump under his skin. zev is the main focus in the room right now. They are both regarding him as a sick animal. He may not be either of their target, but he's so tired and weak. Humans still react to that. It's silly to think on some level they don't ( ... )


shooting_blind October 14 2008, 15:36:14 UTC
The bedroom hint gets a lot of uncomfortable squirming out of Saturday before he's put down. On some level he knows he's being teased so he'd rather not give Zev the reaction he was probably going for (with the exception of that small hope the man holds that sat will get hard and begin stripping). Saturday decides zev meant that he needed one of his little power naps by time they get to the bathroom ( ... )


thecompanymutt October 15 2008, 00:00:18 UTC
Zev doesn't expect to get laid. No. He just thought Saturday would need to sleep for a while and didn't want to leave him alone. He rolls his eyes as the man tries to insist on doing anything before at least hosing off.
"You can take a fucking bath and rehydrate. .... Do you have juice at your place? I have the meat, but only a frozen can of concentrate as far as OJ goes."

The water temperature is checked again as the tub fills and he cools it down a little for the last bit.
"Strip down and climb in, unless you want help with that. You can scrub off the Night of the Living Dead look you've got going and I'll make us dinner and get you something to drink in the tub."
He won't even spike it. He can play nurse too. Zev will even do it effectively this time. That is unless Olivia also plans to fuck him and steal his patient. If that's the case, he's going to quit.


shooting_blind October 15 2008, 00:11:11 UTC
Saturday thinks about it, wondering if he wants Zev to go to his place. Olivia is very different now. He's a bit protective. Even though she clearly has no intentions of hurting him unless Zev goes for her first...
But he does have plenty of OJ stocked up. Every agent does. He begins undressing as he gives out orders as politely as he can. He's just not used to ordering around people not at work.
"There are two gallons in there and an extra freezer against the kitchen wall. Take one out of the fridge and and two out of the freezer. Put one of the frozen ones back in the fridge to thaw out."
In case Olivia needs more.

He smiles.
"I think I like it better when you're taking care of me. You're a much better nurse then a patient. You didn't hurt yourself did you?"
He's worried about the stitches.


thecompanymutt October 15 2008, 00:18:39 UTC
"Alright. I'll watch myself over there and get back quick. I think I can handle the job."
He teases a little, but if Olivia decides to turn on him he has no chance and he knows it. The only reason he's alive is because she hasn't decided she wants him dead yet. It's not as if where he is in this building will make much of a difference in that.

The concern for him gets a smile in return. Zev's still sort of embarrassed about his injuries and would rather just ignore it and keep working. He's a terrible patient. Still, it's nice that Saturday cares.
"I'm fine." He really is this time. A little sore, but much better. "You've taken good care of me. Now I get to do the same. Probably more fun when you're conscious, too."

Zev chuckles to himself, gives Saturday a good look over once he's at least mostly disrobed, and heads out of the door.
"I'll be right back."


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