Sound and Fury

Oct 11, 2008 21:24

Saturday has not strayed far from Zev's side as they wait to hear from DOPE. He's afraid of West coming and getting him. If he thought West was coming for him then he would keep his distance, however he's smarter then that. And foolishly protective of his new lifeline to humanity and family ( Read more... )

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shooting_blind October 13 2008, 15:38:02 UTC
At the height of their cycle, the twins can see individual dust balls in the cracks of a wooden broom handle from across a dark room. They have both powered down now but Sat can hear Zev's heart thumping like a drum and Olivia is watching the blood pump under his skin. zev is the main focus in the room right now. They are both regarding him as a sick animal. He may not be either of their target, but he's so tired and weak. Humans still react to that. It's silly to think on some level they don't.

Olivia thinks about it a moment.
"It doesn't matter. This is what I stayed alive for. This is why I accepted their offer instead of death. They were impressed with me, Saturday. They realized they chose the wrong twin. You're the only one that didn't know. You were a mistake and that's why you've been treated like the step child all these years. But we belong together. We always have. Would you rather I left you alone with Zev? If that were possible? Or would you rather I was with you and hurt you?"

This is all for Zev. She knows what her brother's answer is going to be.
"Don't leave me."
From zev's lap, has hand comes out behind him to grab her wrist tight.


thecompanymutt October 13 2008, 15:45:58 UTC
Maybe there are some things that a person is destined to repeat time and again. Some mistakes that are so ingrained in the mind and soul that they can't be avoided, no matter how many times they hurt you. Whatever the reasons for it, maybe Saturday will always hurt and be hurt by those he loves. Whatever the reason, Zev will always abandon the ones who care for him so they can't hurt him.

"Sat...You stupid bastard."
Zev shifts and pushes a little, crawling out from under Saturday with a look of sadness and disgust. He pulls himself to his feet, feeling almost sick and wanting no part in this.
"I've got no part in this bullshit. So if I'm free to go? I'd rather not watch this little exhibition of atrocities. Thanks."

He'll go back to his room, drown the sound and memories out with drugs, and sleep for a day and a half before going back to his own world for a while. He needs to be far away from this. He can't save Saturday if Sat doesn't even want to save himself.


shooting_blind October 14 2008, 02:59:04 UTC
He looks up at Zev with huge black sorrowful eyes from where he's left on the floor, surrounded by devastation and still sitting in his clotting blood. His very quickly clotting blood. He's in a very gross pool of... gel.

"She's my sister. I thought she was dead... she's the only family I have."

Olivia is blank. It's not clear how she feels about breaking this relationship up. She wants to hurt Saturday, but Zev is sort of cannon fodder at this point and she didn't plan for that.


thecompanymutt October 14 2008, 03:06:09 UTC
"And what? She just... Fuck, Saturday, she just shot you! She plans to do the same or worse again and again. Who the fuck cares if you're related? Blood means nothing. It's just a coincidence of genetics. I'm not going to watch her torture you."

Just because this round seems to be over, doesn't mean he can put up with this. It's insane. It's more insane than anything Zev has ever had to go through. He must love this stupid bastard because even leaving this idiocy is hard. It's painful. He thinks of that first play date and wants to kick himself for even trying.


shooting_blind October 14 2008, 03:24:27 UTC
"I tortured her for years and killed my family! She's my twin! She was my only.. my only everything. I deserves this. It has nothing to do with blood! I grew up worshiping her! She was the only one that never treated me like I was sick. She protected me from the other kids in school and from my parents. She got in fights for me."
He gets up, grabbing Zev's arm. Olivia isn't enjoying this any more then Zev is. She doesn't want to remember how things were before.
"Don't. Don't make this harder. I really like you. I risked everything for you. I stayed with you when things got uncomfortable. You'd rather leave me now then know I can't give up the only good part of me I have? Even if it's just a little dying spark... they made us monsters. We belong together. I wont ever abandon her again."


thecompanymutt October 14 2008, 03:34:05 UTC
Why does Saturday have to do this? Why does the man insist on putting him through this. Zev could pull away --wants to pull away-- but once Sat's hand is on him he just stands there. Stands there miserable, confused, and feeling somehow like he's been cheated.

"...What do you want me to do, Sat? Where the hell do I fit into this? Because I'm not seeing it. I can't stop this, I'm not part of it, so what do you want me to do?"


shooting_blind October 14 2008, 03:59:41 UTC
Saturday is feeling the same way about Zev now. Why does he have to do this? Can't he see this is the hardest thing he never thought he'd have to do? It's an impossible situation.
"... You don't have to stop it or be part of it. I'm not even asking for your help. I'm just asking you not to..."
He's at a loss for a moment.
"Break up with me. Now you don't want to be with me?"

Realization strikes. Zev sat there and heard what he did. Saturday lets him go looking shaken. Who the fuck would be with a man that's done what he did to his own family? Jesus.
He crosses his arms in front of him, pulling away.
"Sorry. It's okay. You can go."


thecompanymutt October 14 2008, 04:29:53 UTC
"I... Break up with you?"
Something inside of Zev shatters. They can't be going out, can't really be together, but he can be accused of breaking up? He watches Saturday curl away from him, knowing that the other agent doesn't understand at all.

"That's not..." Zev takes hold of Saturday's arm now, trying not to lose the man but not knowing what to do. He looks over at Olivia, silently asking her if there's even a chance in hell he'll be allowed a place in Saturday's life.
"I want to be with you, you idiot. That's the fucking problem...."


shooting_blind October 14 2008, 04:40:01 UTC
"I don't know what else to call it!"
He thinks Zev's problem with this phrasing is that it's incredibly stupid for other reasons. Like that's only a something high schoolers do. He's been out of the dating scene a long time. He looks up at Zev like a big doll with his skin still white and huge eyes. Half his hair is plastered to his face and head in some kind of dried blood helmet.

Olivia is leaning on the overturned sofa, shrugging. It's not as if she planed for this drama.
"Even after she told you what I did?"
Her eyebrow goes up. Olivia wants to know too.


thecompanymutt October 14 2008, 04:53:42 UTC
This can only possibly get more painful and awkward. That's all Zev can think as he watches Olivia look over the scene with that casual interest. This is a very ugly future he's walking into. Hopefully, there will be another exit at some point, because he's sure he's an idiot for not taking this one.

"They fucked your head up. I won't judge you for your past. Though, you better fucking offer me the same courtesy. ... You've done some despicable shit. You've been dumb as hell. If you ever try anything like that with me? I will kill her just for a chance to kill you. Don't forget that."


black_arbutus October 14 2008, 05:04:39 UTC
Saturday pouts heavily as Olivia glares.
"As much as it would thrill me to force the reeducation camp on Saturday, I've never turned in a homosexual in my life and I never will."

Sat's head jerks around at that.
"But don't ever threaten me again. I don't take people in or torture them like he does. If I come after you- it's over before you finish a thought. Or finish tugging on yourself."
She starts mumbling.
"You've got to be slow if you're dating my brother. Or just a glutton for punishment. I'm going to take a bath."
She wanders off down the hall.


thecompanymutt October 14 2008, 05:54:51 UTC
Zev nods his understanding of their situation. There won't be anymore threats made unless he plans to immediately make good on it. For now, he just accepts that she's willing to let him be with Saturday, even as she takes out her revenge on her brother. That has to count for something, at least right now.

When she leaves for the bath, he wonders if she isn't a little right about him. He has to be a moron to be going on with this. He can't stop himself, though. Zev strokes Saturday's hair, his fingers getting sticky with blood.
"God...I thought you were dead. I couldn't stop her. I'm sorry for that."
Zev kisses Saturday, whether the man likes it or not.
"Sat? Did you..." He smiles slightly. "Were you really afraid I was going to 'break up with you'?"


shooting_blind October 14 2008, 12:48:32 UTC
Saturday would have said that it wasn't Zev's fault and he didn't have a chance. But once the man leans in for a kiss Saturday is quick to close the rest of the distance. His stomach reels and it's not just Zev's kissing skills. Doing something so wrong with his sister right in the next room still seems more insane then her coming back from the dead to torture him.

It only ends because after the physical trauma and his nerves right now he's feeling a bit like he might throw up in the man's mouth.
Saturday looks surprised and maybe a little tricked at the question.
"You weren't?"
He's cycling down hard and feels like he's wearing weights around his legs and shoulders. He looks deeply into Zev's eyes in a moment that belongs in a movie with lovers and sunsets and odes of eternal devotion.
"Hold me."

Instantly his legs buckle under him. The request wasn't a grand romantic gesture on his part, it was very literal.


thecompanymutt October 14 2008, 14:13:27 UTC
As strange as Zev knows it must be for Saturday with Olivia here, he can't go without kissing the man. He needs that affirmation that Sat is still alive and still wants him. It makes his heart race and it eases some of that tension.

"I didn't even know I could. I didn't know you were mine to break up with."
Not for sure. Everything between them as been so tenuous. This is the most confident Zev has yet felt with Saturday. It's such strange circumstances for it. For once, though, he doesn't feel like Sat is just looking for a safe exit and a way to run.

When the smaller agent's legs go slack, Zev dips down slightly before pulling him closer and swinging Saturday's legs up to carry the man in his arms. He cradles Saturday and carries him next door to his own bathroom, since Olivia is occupying Saturday's.
"Let's get you cleaned up. You look like shit."


shooting_blind October 14 2008, 14:25:51 UTC
As thrilled as Saturday was not to be abandoned and as big a step for him it was to ask Zev not to leave- being considered his jarrs the agent. He looks so unsure. Since this is directly followed by the request for Zev to hold him and then falling down, the expresion isn't out of place.
Saturday doesn't want to date any other man, for sure. And shocking himself, he realizes he would much rather be with Zev then any other woman. He'd just never considered that men could have relationships that were the same as with girls. He saw it as only rought trade. Now he has to deal with the fact that he's asked for something he didn't know existed until afterward. And he worries that in doing so he's obligated to go further then he wants to.

For now though, he remembers that all Zev wants is to be with him. He smirks with eyes shining as he's carried away.
"But I'm still hot, baby."
It sounds horribly akward when Saturday says it, like a white boy saying 'word!'.


thecompanymutt October 14 2008, 15:18:27 UTC
To be perfectly honest, Zev doesn't want to 'date' anyone else, either. He hadn't wanted to date anyone at all until he started falling down this weird slope with Saturday. Thinking of the man as 'his' provides a feeling of satisfaction he only barely understands.
Zev doesn't know when or even if Saturday will ever go farther with him. He doesn't know if they'll have sex before this all comes crashing down. Just being closer is something to hold onto for now.

Saturday may sound awkward, but he succeeds in making Zev laugh. He kisses a small, clean spot on Sat's forehead with a small grin.
"Yes. You're still hot as hell. I just don't want your blood all over my bed."
Which, would suggest that's where Zev plans to put Saturday after this bath.

He sits Saturday on the toilet seat in his bathroom and starts filling the tub with hot water.


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