The Flora Legacy: Where is she now? Gen. 3

Mar 26, 2008 23:09


The following is the story of Juniper Flora, the Generation 3 spare. Unlike my usual updates, my "Where Are They Now" type updates are told in a sort of story format. Enjoy!

After her brother Sprout was announced as heir of the Flora Family, Juniper moved out of her family home and into this quaint yellow house a few streets over.

She'd managed to buy and decorate this house from the money she'd inherited from her family, but now that that was all done, what was she going to do with her life?

That night as she slept, Juniper dreamed of her life, of the goals and dreams she'd had for herself and of how she saw herself in the future.

The next morning she knew exactly what to do. She picked up the paper and found a job starting as a political campaign manager. Juniper Flora was ready to start her dream of taking over the world.

And so she headed off to work. Each day she was picked up by the same shoddy little carpool and each day she did her best to perform her job duties above and beyond what was expected of her.

And soon enough, her hard work paid off. She had been promoted to Intern for the SimCity Controller.

Over the next few months, Juniper worked hard on all her skills. She played game after game of chess to help with her logic skills...

.. And she spent hours of time practicing speeches in the bathroom mirror. She was determined to advance in her career.

And it seemed like her determination was paying off, because a short while later, Juniper was promoted to Lobbyist!

Juniper spent the next few months using her excellent and charismatic speech skills to help lobby support for the local politicians she worked for.

And over the next few months her lobbying worked and the politicians got the support they needed. One of them, a Senator who represented the state, was so pleased with Juniper's skills and hard work that he asked her to become his campaign manager as he ran for re-election.

Juniper was feeling very pleased. She had a gorgeous house, her life was on track and she was sailing up in her career.

She made sure to get on the good side of the Senator and all his contacts, in the hopes that it would help further her career.

At the recommendation of the Senator, she ran for City Council in the next election and, to her surprise, she won!

It was at a celebration party for her win that she meant Dr. Oliver Ebadi. He was a surgeon at Sim City hospital, and she couldn't help but notice how handsome he was.

They spent the next 20 minutes talking about their careers and their lives.

She had to admit to being just a bit interested when she found out that he was single.

And she could swear he was flirting with her just a bit as the night went on.

Over desert they learned even more about each other, somehow getting into conversations about their families and friends and how they'd grown up.

And she was pretty sure he was flirting when he offered to let her try some of his gelatin.

They said goodbye that night with a kiss on the lips, and an exchange of phone numbers.

That night, Juniper lay in bed and thought about the handsome Doctor. Starting a relationship hadn't exactly been in her plans for the future, but then again it had its merits. Voters loved a politician with a nice happy family.

With that in mind, she was far from dismayed when the phone rang the next day and Oliver asked her out on their first date. To be honest, she was incredibly pleased. Over the next few months, Oliver and Juniper went on dates at least once or twice a week.

Sometimes they went bowling together...

Juniper was pleased to discover she actually had a knack for it.

Not to mention that it was incredibly fun.

Other times, they went for romantic strolls in the hedge garden, where they held hands and kissed and talked about their lives.

And sometimes, they went out to dinner.

On one of these dinners, Juniper could swear that Oliver looked more tense than usual, but she couldn't think of any possible reason for him to be that way.

But when dinner was over and he pulled a tiny little black box out of his pocket and set it in front of her, Juniper finally figured out why he was so nervous.

"Juniper, these last few months have been the best, and I want the rest of my life to be just as amazing. So Juniper, I'm asking you now, will you marry me?"

She opened the box and stared down at the beautiful sparkling ring. This was perfect.

"Oh Oliver, of course I will!"

As she slipped the ring on her finger, Juniper couldn't help but grin. Not only was he handsome and smart, but this was going to do wonders for her image with the voters.

Just a short month later they were married at a very romantic ceremony. Everyone who was anyone was in attendance, including the Senator who had helped Juniper get her start in politics.

It was the event of the season, and Juniper was ecstatic.

Doctor Oliver Ebadi was quite the catch. Handsome, intelligent, dapper... in short, he was the perfect husband for an up and coming politician.

As and it turned out, Juniper's instincts were correct. Shortly after the wedding she ran for State Assemblyperson, and won. There was nothing that could stop Juniper Flora.

Except, of course, for one thing. One morning, a few months later, she got out of her bed and looked down at her stomach in shock. Finally, she realised what was happening. She was pregnant.

As she lay in bed next to her sleeping husband, Juniper went over all the possibilities. This was definitely going to slow down her career. But then again, as she'd realized before, having a family certainly did look good to the voters. And so she made the decision.

Oliver seemed much more excited about the baby then she was. He kept rubbing her belly and talking to it, and making plans to decorate the nursery. She couldn't help but get just a little bit caught up in the excitement.

But when she went into labor a month later, all that excitement went out the door. Labor HURT.

She pushed through the pain and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. They named him Beech Flora, and he had his father's eyes and his mother's dark hair.

Juniper wasn't the best of parents. She'd never planned on having children and too be honest it was all a bit confusing.

But Oliver tried his best to help her out and soon they had the hang of things.

News of Juniper's new baby boy was all over the papers and soon, to her delight, she learned that it had paid off. She won the election and was now a Congresswoman.

In what seemed like no time at all, it was Beech's birthday.

He was growing into quite the handsome little tyke, and Juniper had to admit she was happy with the pleasing picture he helped her give to the voters.

And so a few months later, when she realized she was pregnant again, Juniper wasn't entirely dismayed. If one baby had helped her reputation so much, imagine what two would do! After all, didn't everything think of the perfect family as a wife, husband and their two adorable kids?

Keeping in mind how much publicity she'd gotten just from the news of Beech's birth, Juniper figured that there had to be a way she could get even more!

So she invited a local reporter into her house, letting the photographer take some (carefully posed) pictures of her and her family to go along with the very warm and fuzzy article the reporter had written. She had a feeling it would be just what the voters wanted to read.

Just a month or so later, Juniper went into labor (in the bathroom of all places!).

She gave birth to a beautiful and healthy little girl. They named her Fern Flora and she looked just like her brother had as a baby; her mom's hair and her dad's eyes and both of their dark skin. She was beautiful, and Juniper couldn't help but muse about how perfect this was; a beautiful successful wife, her handsome doctor husband, and their two kids, one boy and one girl. The perfect family.

The follow-up article in that weeks paper featured a picture of the happy family on the front porch of their home and another cheerful article about how overjoyed the Congresswoman and her husband were to welcome their newest addition.

Just as Juniper has expected, the articles were a smash, helping to fuel her career and leading to her anticipated promotion to Judge.

With the passing of the next few years, Juniper worked as hard at her job as she always had, constantly anticipating the next Senatorial elections. Before she knew it, her children's birthday's had arrived. First came Fern's; rather interestingly, she had been born just a day before Beech's birthday.

She was absolutely adorable, more than Juniper ever could have hoped for. Those big green eyes and sweet little pigtails were sure to get right to the voter's hearts.

Luckily for Juniper, who really didn't have time to handle two toddlers, Beech's birthday was the very next day.

He was adorable, and Juniper thought he reminded her of pictures she'd seen of her Father Greenbean when he was a child.

And much like his Grandfather, Beech turned out to be a very studious little boy. He loved to read just about anything he could get his hands on.

With the upcoming Senatorial election in mind, Juniper arranged for another photoshoot, this time with a local Family-oriented magazine. The pictures of her and Oliver reading to their adorable children was priceless.

And it seemed to have hit it's mark, because just a month later, Juniper was elected to the Senate, taking the position of her former mentor who had retired this year.

It seemed like after that time seemed to speed by. Before she knew it, it was Fern's birthday again and she was becoming a child.

Fern was just as beautiful as always, and quite the little daydreamer. She loved to just relax on her bed and dream about her life and her future and all sorts of things, much like Juniper had as a child.

Before Juniper even knew what was happening, talk of th upcoming Mayoral elections filled her office. Everyone kept wondering, would she run? Well she couldn't let an opportunity like that go to waste, could she? So Juniper entered her name into the running and began her campaign.

Photoshoots of her family had worked before, so why shouldn't it now? Juniper quickly arranged to film a television ad for her campaign, featuring the happy Flora family on a trip to the park.

The kids were adorable, both she and Oliver were looking their best, and Juniper just knew the ad would be a hit.

And it turned out that once again, Juniper's intuitions were correct. She was now the Mayor of SimCity.

Life was going great. Juniper was the mayor of SimCity, Oliver had just been promoted to Chief of Staff at SimCity hospital and the kids had been accepted into the very prestigious SimCity Academy. Juniper felt like her life was right where she wanted it to be, and nothing could ruin it.

And the next day, she met Jason Dapper. Jason was an intern in her office and seemed to have no problem being friendly with Juniper.

Sometimes she could swear he would bend over right in front of her, just so she could get a glimpse of that tight butt- No. She wasn't interested at all, was she?

Oh who was she kidding. She'd always had a thing for red-heads, and Jason was HOT.

Of course it helped that he took every opportunity he had to compliment her.

And always found some way to touch her, be it to brush a piece of 'lint' off her sleeve, or fix a stray piece of hair.

And then one day when he was about to leave, he leaned in and gave her a slight peck on the lips. There was nothing wrong with a peck between friends, was there?

Except the kiss kept deepening. His broad arms slipped around her back as his lips tugged at hers...

And before she knew it, she was bent over the desk, his warm lips nibbling at her neck. She'd lost control.

She didn't even know what was happening, but somehow they ended up on the couch and clothes slowly began to disappear... Oliver? Who was Oliver? It was all about Jason.

When Juniper realised she was pregnant a couple months later, she wasn't at all worried. After all, she'd only been with Jason that one time (the temptation had been too much and she'd had to have him let go) and she and Oliver had been together several times around then. There was no worry. In fact, she was up for re-election soon and the pregnancy would be a perfect thing for publicity, just as it had been before.

The picture that appeared in the SimCity Family Magazine showed the happy family; Oliver rubbing his wife's very pregnant belly, and the two adorable kids jumping up and down on the plush couch. The accompanying article was all about how family oriented Juniper was, and how happy the entire Flora family seemed to be. It was great press.

She went into labor just a month later, and everything seemed to be going just as it had with her previous births.

Except until the baby was born. It was a little girl and she looked NOTHING like Juniper and Oliver's other children. Little Rutabega Flora has very pale skin, grey eyes and bright red hair. JUST like Jason Dapper.

Oliver was stunned. Actually, stunned was a bit of an understatement.

"JUNIPER, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" Oliver screamed as he stormed over to his wife, moments after she'd put her new daughter into a crib. "THAT IS NOT MY DAUGHTER AND YOU KNOW IT!"

"Oliver, I- It was only once, and-"

"DON'T GIVE ME THOSE PATHETIC EXCUSES! YOU CHEATING WHORE!!!" And with no disregard to their sobbing children, he smacked her right across the face.

Juniper was furious. No one treated her like that, especially not in front of her poor children. It seemed like a slap in the face was just the thing to make Juniper realise how much she cared about her kids.

"Don't you EVER talk to me like that, Oliver! Especially not in front of the children!"

But apparently, Oliver wasn't having that. "I'll talk to you however I want, you cheating BITCH!"

That was it. "GET. OUT." Juniper yelled right in his face and pointed straight for the door. "I don't ever want to see you in this house again, Oliver Ebadi. LEAVE!"

With a furious look in his eyes, Oliver grabbed up his things and stormed straight out of the house.

The next day, Juniper got news that she'd lost the race for re-election. She was stunned. In fact, poor Juniper had no idea what to do. All her life she'd been so focused on her career that she'd never thought about her family and how she was treating them. What was she going to do?

Finally, Juniper had an idea. She sat down at the computer and began to write.

She wrote about Oliver, and their marriage and her children.

She wrote about her career and yes, her affair. And finally, she wrote about how her marriage had ended and what she'd learned from all of it.

In just two weeks, Juniper had cranked out an entire novel. She titled the manuscript: 'The Secret Life of a Woman in Politics" and sent it off to a publisher.

A week later, she got the news. The book had been a hit with the publishers, and it was going to be printed immediately. She was sent a royalty check, with the promise that more money would be on the way. Her book was going to be BIG.

Juniper was happy about the book, of course, but she was more happy about finally being able to spend time with her family. Soon little Rutabega had become a toddler, and she looked even more like her father; she even had his freckles.

And in the next few years, Juniper wrote another book, this one all about her family. She titled it "Screw Politics, I'm a Mom!" Just like her previous book, it was a colossal hit.

Now Juniper focuses all of her attention on her family, who seem to be growing more with every day.

Fern is a gorgeous teenager who's just as dreamy as she was as a child. Except now, instead of dreaming about ponies and faeries and castles, she dreams about finding the man she loves and starting a family of her own.

Beech is still just as smart as he was in his childhood. He's the president of his high school class and he spends much of his time in the schools science lab, dreaming of the day when he'll be a famous Mad Scientist.

And little Rutabega is an adorable child who spends her free time playing with her dolls and talking to her little boyfriend on the phone. Fern keeps saying that Ruta is going to turn into QUITE the flirt when she grows up.

But all and all, they're a family. And they're happy.



First off, I thought you'd like to see some images of Juniper's kids as adults, since if I don't do it now, I'll forget. I saved the game, aged them up and took some pictures, and then excited without saving. That way, they'll still be two teens and a child in the game and they can interact with Datura and Snapdragon in the regular updates.

Here is Beech as an adult. If you couldn't guess from the above, he rolled knowledge. I think he looks a lot like his dad, but he has his grandfather (Greenbean's) lips.

And here is Fern as an adult. She's very pretty but I think she looks a lot like Juniper, except the eyes (they're smaller and green, obviously). She and Beech have the EXACT same personality, which is also the same as their dad, Oliver. She rolled Family, if you couldn't guess from the bit above.

Here is Rutabega. I think she's the most unusual of the three. She has her father's hair/eyes/skintone (I only had to exit and re-birth ONCE to get her like that), but I think she has an interesting mix of her parent's faces. Her mom's lips, but her dad's chin I think.

And here she is as an adult. I think if Juniper had been Gen. 3 heir, I would have chosen Ruta as Gen 4 heir. She's pretty and different for me. Oh, she ended up rolling Romance when I aged her up, although technically in the game she's still a child.

And just some more quick notes:

- Like my genetic experiments, every shot you see in this update was done in the same house. I had one extra room that I used for the offices/events/parties/restaurant etc. I also used their backyard for the bowling shots, the garden/park shots and the wedding shots.

- The house that Juniper lives in was downloaded from MTS2. It was created by the amazing and talented plasticbox.

Um, I think that's it? I had a lot of fun playing Juniper's family, though it took a little longer than usual getting all the shots I wanted. Oh, keep in mind that Juniper is actually a ROMANCE sim, which is why she had that nifty little plot twist.

There won't be another update for the Flora Legacy right away, because I'm participating in the latest Founder Challenge at legacy_writers, so you should be seeing the first update of my new family, the Libellus Legacy, very soon. :D

flora legacy: generation three, flora legacy, flora legacy: where are they now?

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