"Come with me if you want to live"

May 08, 2010 17:18

Finally got to watch Terminator: Salvation today (at least, in full-- got a phone call last time, so I missed most of the first half >.>) and I gotta say... I quite liked it ^^; I'd heard mostly bad things about it, which made me sad since I'd been looking forward to it, but still wanted to see it for myself & form my own opinion. And while I'm ( Read more... )

terminator, doctor who, rsj, fandoms

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Comments 7

vyrantium May 9 2010, 00:05:31 UTC
Oooh... North Beach! Enjoy that :) I really loved Richard's character in that movie (but again, that's nothing new). Also, enjoy the Fugitive Pope song that's played in the film. Flipped me out when I heard it... it's when he first shows up, jamming on guitar while high on speed xD

That's interesting you say you didn't quite feel Christian Bale as John Connor. I'm not big into the Terminator series so I haven't seen the film yet, but I was contemplating it just because he was in it (pretty big Christian Bale fan I guess :P). Maybe I'll catch it if it's ever On Demand for free xD


shiroi_yami May 9 2010, 02:29:18 UTC
Just watched it and I really enjoyed it! Richard's character was great XD (Hehe, I look forward to watching it again with the commentary *g*) Oh, and my Fugitive Pope CD came in too so I recognized the song in the movie :D Really good album and definitely worth buying!

pretty big Christian Bale fan I guess :P

Heh, well that was just me :P You should totally watch it if you're a fan! Since I've watched previous Terminator films and the tv series, that probably influenced the way I saw the character (well, that and certain other characters caught my attention, lol). He was good, tho, and by the end I was 'feeling' him (haha, that sounds kinda wrong XD), it just took some time :)


vyrantium May 9 2010, 02:52:08 UTC
Awww, yay! I'm glad you enjoyed both the movie and the album :D I haven't watched North Beach with the commentary yet, but I'm dying to... I hear it's priceless xD And the Fugitive Pope album? Yeah, totally not kidding when I say I love every song and have listened to the whole thing through nine times in a week, LOL ( ... )


shiroi_yami May 9 2010, 13:54:21 UTC
I hear it's priceless xD

Oooh, excellent! *rubs hands together* Can't wait :D

I love every song and have listened to the whole thing through nine times in a week

Yeah, it'll probably stay in my CD player for a while XD (and on my computer... and my ipod... lol)

he's only human xD

That's definitely true. And I mean, I know that actors kinda put themselves in the spotlight, being actors and all, but sometimes I wish the media would leave them alone when it comes to stuff like this (or their personal lives). Everybody can get like that at some point, but when it's an actor (or an 'Actor', heh) ppl make such a bigger deal about it... I dunno, maybe it's just me, but hearing about that stuff makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason :S

... All that to say, yeah, not really cool on either man's part, but oh well XD

Richard's wife played Michelle in North Beach

That was her? Hehe, that's cool XD Too bad they didn't have any scenes together, I'm sure they make a pretty couple ;)


ashleyien May 12 2010, 17:28:48 UTC
Never seen anything Terminator but I image-googled the actors you mentioned... very nice. ^_^ Not sure if I'd watch them just for pretty boys though...


shiroi_yami May 12 2010, 18:15:51 UTC
Not sure if I'd watch them just for pretty boys though...

You mean there are other reasons to watch stuff? ;P

Hahaha, I watch for the plot. Really >.>

In all honesty, though, they're quite good. It's pretty sci-fi, with lots of robots & stuff/etc, so I dunno how into that you might be, but I think it's cool ^^


ashleyien May 13 2010, 01:10:03 UTC
I'm not much of a robot fan, which is why I've never bothered to check them out. Maybe if I'm bored and need to look at cute guys sometime. lol


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