Title: “I Owe a Debt to Konoha” - Gaara and Naruto - Naruto
Author: snaphappy_fma
E-mail: snaphappy[underscore]fma[at]yahoo[dot]com
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Gaara and Naruto
Disclaimer: Naruto was created by Masashi Kishimoto; I am not making any money from this.
Warnings: Spoilers for the anime up to Naruto Shippuuden Episode 32, and the manga up
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Comments 9
Gaara is one of the most fascinating characters in anime, and one of the most heartbreaking. I agree that his attachment to Naruto is romantic, in the strictest meaning of the word - it's not necessarily a sexual love (though a good writer could certainly create a yaoi story about them) but it's an intrinsic love that is more like the love found in medieval chivalric romances. It becomes rather like an obsession. And during the rescue arc in Shippuuden I'd say Naruto's feeling for Gaara result in a fair amount of obsession from him, too; there is such empathy for Gaara coming from Naruto, I was left in tears as I watched it.
If you don't mind, I'll add a link here to my story (which is more gen than anything else):
Mortality (the "Days of Our Lives" Remix. The original story by lovediamond is linked from my ( ... )
... however, when you describe it as one-sided, I can see it a little more. Sort of a silent, sad thing.
Thank you for the essay. :)
very nicely done!
I think you're absolutely right. The beauty of their relationship is in the weight of knowing how much Naruto has done for Gaara, but that Naruto is oblivious. He'd never expect that anyone could benefit so greatly from contact with him b/c for all his bluster he really is rather humble. And the Victorian novel sense of bittersweet romance is exactly right--Gaara has the maturity, from being "further around the circle" than Naruto at this point, to see that Naruto's fixated on someone else, and also Naruto's not ready. (Kind of how Sasuke doesn't understand how his actions have so greatly impacted Naruto, b/c he can't see anyone but Itachi. ;__; But that's a totally different topic, lol.)
This is brilliant, and well done. I commend you!!! *massive glomp*
If Gaara ends up alone at the end of the manga, I will be so depressed. ;_;
I really, really like Naruto and Gaara's friendship, but I don't ship them. XD; Still, I enjoyed reading this essay. ^_^ I certainly won't deny that if Naruto hadn't changed Gaara, I probably would still hate him because his psychotic days kinda freaked me out. >_>; Yay for Naruto's Magical Punch of Awakening! \o/
(I only like one pairing with Gaara, teehee. :3)
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