Title: In The End Pairing/Characters: Seishirou, Subaru Rating: K+, for mention of blood, but nothing really explicit Notes: Seishirou's thoughts in his final moments on the Rainbow Bridge Length: 554 words
So I've recently gotten into the X/Tokyo Babylon fandom and have been reading fanfiction almost non-stop for the last three days. It's been primarily Seishirou/Subaru fics and I've gotten a little depressed with all the angst and general "fucked-up-ness" that is their twisted excuse for a relationship. Not that there isn't some really great fluffy
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"Madness is, as you know, like gravity. All it takes is a little push." -The Joker
Heath Ledger scared the crap out of me in The Dark Knight and I f*ing LOVED it. Rest in peace, Heath, the acting world lost a lot of talent when you died.