YAY NEWS! aka I love my job like whoa omg

Jun 09, 2011 01:50

It is also 1:50am now so I am surprised at how well i am being coherency stuff. Tho I wrote lots of this like maybe some hours ago and now it's been like 20 hours awake on like 5 hours sleep why am I still awake alive even

My second day of job training was excellent. (I have a badge now you guys. I'm LEGIT.)

My boss gave me instructions on how to ( Read more... )

too many tags now, movies, i am a zombie, omg why am i up so late, work, creative, i should sleep now, life, update, i am a crazy person

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Comments 3

vervet_monkey June 9 2011, 12:29:53 UTC
That's amazing! Well done.

And good to know LJ icons are good for the real world too!


faeriesfolly June 9 2011, 15:23:35 UTC
haha. I cannot cross stitch with a hoop. I can't. I always kinda roll it to where I'm working. *silly*

Glad your new job is going awesomely!! :D That's always a good feeling when you get good feedback like that.


kasiopeia June 11 2011, 11:23:46 UTC
(late comment is late, I know. I somehow lost this tab...)

CONGRATS ON THE JOB, THE LEGIT!BADGE AND ON HOW WELL IT'S GOING! :D I'm so glad this job is so great, and that you're good at it ^^



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