YAY NEWS! aka I love my job like whoa omg

Jun 09, 2011 01:50

It is also 1:50am now so I am surprised at how well i am being coherency stuff. Tho I wrote lots of this like maybe some hours ago and now it's been like 20 hours awake on like 5 hours sleep why am I still awake alive even

My second day of job training was excellent. (I have a badge now you guys. I'm LEGIT.)

My boss gave me instructions on how to use our huge studio camera and gave me like 10 minutes to play around with manual settings to get the feel of it, then set it to default (as far away as it goes as high up as it goes) and timed me on like four different shots, defaulting the camera each time. It's a monster to operate especially as I'm left-handed and so I can't use it like I normally would to take pictures. My time went down from like 36-42 seconds to about 14-20 by the third drill and she was ridiculously impressed with how great the pictures of her were cropped and shot.

According to her, I had 'beast cropping skills' and she wanted to keep the pics somehow for herself. She said she'd never seen anyone come in from just being hired and be THAT good right off the bat with so little training. And then she got a call from a different manager for something and was talking about my training and mentioned mah mad skillz to her, right in front of me. Which is a great great confidence booster and something I totally need right now. She already loved yesterday how well I edited photos for collages when we played around with that program and such with their settings and contrasts and frames and I couldn't exactly explain to her that I crop photos like all the time for making LJ icons and stuff so squares especially are kind of... really easy to work with. XDDD

Also, normally, new hires don't start doing actual photo shooting until like midway through week 2 of training, so that way they've had time to practice on the baby doll we have the various methods and styles for taking pics of any age child or adults so that it all goes smoothly for everyone with best results. I worked four hours today, and by the time two hours went by, she was ready to try and recruit someone with a kid in the store (our studio is in a baby store) for me to actually try and do pictures with. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time for a whole session by the time she was freed up to do that, but tomorrow we've actually got like three appointments during my shift so she said I'll definitely be working with them.

I'M SO EXCITED. IT'S MY SECOND FREAKING DAY THERE. I have 1 1/2 weeks left of training to do. And she's telling me I'm THAT good enough to take a session right there. Holy shit.

Also progressing nicely on my cross-stitching. I estimate about 13 hours have gone into what you see here, although right now it's about 15 hours total and I've got the top of the head filled in. Pleeenty more to goe before I'm any where near done.

(this isthe bit I am writing at almost 2am how did I stay up this late like 22 hrs now i am a zombie)
In other news, Tucker & Dale vs Evil is FINALLY FREAKING FINALLY getting a release date of something like september 26 or 27 or something around then. Totally excited just hope it's in a theatre near me. been waiting like over a year and a half for it or something and it's like the best or most anticipated movie never released XD

And... I am going to bed why haven't I already I feel like I'm gonna just fall asleep right he

too many tags now, movies, i am a zombie, omg why am i up so late, work, creative, i should sleep now, life, update, i am a crazy person

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