Fic: Contagious

Sep 01, 2008 18:41

Title: Contagious
Author: shining_moment
Characters/Pairing: Doctor, Donna
Rating: G
Summary: She is wrapped in the duvet with him and she thinks they probably resemble some kind of two-headed, messy-haired creature from some swamp planet or other.
Word Count: 968
Disclaimer: I do not own Donna or the Doctor
Author's Notes: Runner up in the Ten/Donna Romance category in Round One of the Children of Time Awards

“I can’t believe it, I really can’t!”

“Yeah, well, now you know how us humans feel every flippin’ January.”

“In 900 years I have never caught a cold and now look at me!”

He breaks off to deal with a particularly violent bout of coughing as she blows her nose equally noisily. In the few seconds of quiet between the coughing, nose blowing and one of them inevitably starting to complain again, Donna takes the opportunity to grab an extra few inches of duvet. The Doctor sighs and pouts ever so slightly as he tries too late to hang on to it before it ends up wrapped up further around her.

“Oh, stop pouting! God, they really don’t call it Man Flu for nothing.”

“Well, I’m cold and you’ve left me with a corner of the duvet barely big enough to blow my nose on!”

She doesn’t bother to hide the disgust on her face as she waves the box of tissues at him,

“I know you claim you’ve never had a cold but you do know that these are what we usually blow our noses on, right?”

He continues pouting until she sighs and drags herself along the sofa only stopping when her leg touches his and she can’t move any further. She throws the duvet in his direction and he pulls his share back around him, nudging her shoulder gratefully.


“It’s ok,” she smiles and nudges him back.

“I still can’t believe I caught your cold.”

“How do you know I didn’t catch it off you?! Oh yeah, I forgot- 900 years without a cold, I get it. Well, maybe if you’d stayed away from me once you knew I had this cold-”

“Donna, how am I supposed to do that when we live in the same place?!”

“And when I am just so hard to stay away from, right?”

“Well, at least it’s your cold, I suppose. If I had to catch these nasty stinking snot germs from anyone, I’m glad it was you.”

“Bloody hell, you don’t half know how to give a girl a compliment.”

“Well, I have had a few centuries of practice.”

“I think you could still use a few more.”

“You know what I think we need?”

“What’s that?”

“More of that hot lemon stuff that makes my head go spinny.”

“I think if it’s making your head spin, that probably means you shouldn’t have another one.”

“Oh, but it’s spinny in a good way! Go on…”

“No way mister, I went last time. You go.”

“I think you’ll find I went last time.”

“You’re the one that wants another one.”

“Yes but you should have one too.”

“Why is it that the TARDIS can move all the decent sized towels so I have to run round with my arse barely covered when I get out of the shower but she can’t move the kitchen closer when we’re ill?”

The Doctor makes a strange noise, sounding something like a cross between a distressed cat and a nervous choir boy and, when she looks at him suspiciously, he leaps up far more quickly than anyone with a spinning head should, dragging her and the duvet with him.

“Only one thing for it! We’ll both go.”

She is wrapped in the duvet with him and she thinks they probably resemble some kind of two-headed, messy-haired creature from some swamp planet or other. Together they shuffle to the kitchen and lean against the counter in a pile of germ induced self-pity as they wait for the kettle to boil, before heading back to the sofa, hot lemon in hand and ridiculously worn out from a mere few minutes of exertion.

Back on the comfort of the sofa and still managing to retain roughly half of the duvet each, Donna finishes her hot lemon and snuggles down lower into her little cocoon, laying her head against the Doctor’s shoulder.

“You know, for a skinny bloke, you do have a nice comfy shoulder. I suppose the huge layer of duvet helps though.”

“Oh Donna, how you wound me, blessing me with a compliment only to cruelly rip it out from under me.”

“Definitely no more spinny head lemon stuff for you if you’re going to go all Drama Queen on me, “ she sighs, “alright, you have a nice comfy shoulder and I’m glad you let me use it for a pillow sometimes. Better?”

“Much. Donna….”


“Can we watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?”

“Again? Really?”

“I just can’t quite get over it. I mean, the laws of physics absolutely dictate that, no matter what, that car should not be able to get airbound. It’s nothing short of an aeronautical miracle!”

“Well, it is just a film…but if you want to watch it again and try to crack the science, you go for your life. I’m just going to make good use of this shoulder and sleep a bit so try not to sing along quite as loudly as you did last time, yeah?”

“Thinking about it, it’s probably just as much of a miracle that Truly ever fell for Caractacus, really. A slightly eccentric man who spends his time inventing strange things, talking rubbish and tinkering about with machinery and we’re supposed to believe that she’d end up with him.”

There’s no response from Donna straight away and he wonders if she’s dozed off already but as he reaches down for the remote control, she snuggles closer into him and, as she squeezes his arm, he hears her murmur,

“Oh, I don’t know. I can definitely see the appeal of a mad bloke with a flying machine.”

As he rests his head on the top of hers, he thinks maybe a flying car isn’t the most incredible thing he’s ever heard, after all.


donna, doctor, fanfiction

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