Mar 06, 2013 21:40


The shinee prompt fest for fanfiction, fanart, fanvids, and any other fan made media that you can think of. This is a pairing, genre, kink, etc friendly fest. This means that anything is welcome so long as everyone is of legal age. Underage is allowed, as long as you keep in mind that the legal age of consent is 16.

What this it?

Basically, this is a fest where you're allowed to submit prompts for the fanworks that will be created.

The prompts can be in anything, quote/video/song/etc, so long as they follow the format below. You can submit as many prompts as you like, but each prompt should be submitted in a separate comment.

Unlike other fests, if you submit a prompt you don't have to create something in return. Although, you are more than welcome to do so. This means that non writers/artists are welcome to post prompts and can participate in the fest.

Once all the prompts are posted up, writers/artists are welcome to claim the prompt they'd like to work with. There will be a separate claiming post, as well as a brief viewing period in which you will be able to see all the prompts.

Claiming by proxy is allowed.

Note: While this is not an exchange, it will still be anonymous. This means that you can't tell anyone what prompt you're writing for, nor can you tell them which of the prompts you gave. There will be a reveal at the end of the fest. The reveals will depend on the number of fics, and the inevitable delays, but the reveal should go up about a week after the last work is posted.

When is it?

Prompting opens: March 8, 2013
Prompting closes: March 22, 2013
Viewing post goes up: March 24, 2013
Claiming opens: March 26, 2013
Claiming closes: April 26, 2013
Submissions due: May 10, 2013
Posting starts: May 17, 2013

To leave your prompt, simply fill out the following

Special Request(s) (optional):
Things you don't want:
Maximum Rating:
Anything else (optional):

Note: If there is a section that doesn't fit with your prompt, or if you have no preference then please jsut put "n/a" in the appropriate area. Also, even though it asks for pairing(s)/character(s), threesomes and moresomes are permitted. Gen fic is also welcome.

Please make sure that you've put down all the things you don't want, or things you do want. The person who chooses your prompt is not going to be able to talk to you, so please get down as much as possible.

Also, since this is an anon fest, comments in the prompting post will be screened, and you may not reveal what prompt is yours until the fest is over. Because we're new, crossovers are allowed, so long as one of the people in the pairing is a shinee member.

You can submit as many prompts as you want.


1. All fics must be at least 1,000 words long. There is no max.
2. All fics must be created specifically for this fest.
3. Fics cannot be part of a prequel/sequel.
5. The header, as well as info for submitting your fic, will be posted as we get closer to the submission date.


1. All art should be created specifically for this fest.
2. There is no minimum or maximum number of art works you can create for this. However, we do ask that there be a clear effort put into what you are making. (don't just throw something together just because)
3. Headers/icons/manips/comics are all examples of artwork you can create for the prompt of your choosing.

More general rules:

1. There will be zero tolerance for bashing/flaming and being disrespectful in any way.
2. If you have any problems making any of the deadlines, please, please email the mods at as soon as possible. Communication is key when it comes to extensions and such.
3. If you've finished and want to submit your work early, feel free to do so.
4. If you've submitted early and would like to claim a second or even third prompt, please do so, by submitting another comment on the claims post.
5. If you absolutely can't make the deadlines, let me know as soon as possible.

Joining/Watching the comm:

I would suggest watching or joining shinee_prompts to keep up with announcements.


If you can, please advertise this fest. Below is a model template for advertising. Anyone who wants to provide banners and things can do so. Just email me.

: an anonymous shinee prompt based fest">Rules/Info |">Prompting post


If you have any further questions or comments, please leave them here and I will answer them as soon as possible.

You can also PM the mods at shineepromptmod. Or send us an email at shineeprompt [at] gmail [dot] com

info, mod

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