Love is a Menace - a Team 7 FST

Oct 05, 2010 17:08

Title: Love is a Menace
Fandom: Naruto
Subject: Team 7 and the rift
Warnings: None, really. 
Notes: SasuNaru in all its angsty glory, plus Sakura finding herself (implied SasuSaku, at least past), PLUS two bonus!songs - one for Kakashi, and one for Sai. I've enjoyed a renewed love of Naruto lately, and this is my way of exploring what I think are ( Read more... )

fst, fandom, naruto, fanmix

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Comments 8

inknose October 6 2010, 02:41:27 UTC
beautifully put together! I love a well-thought out fanmix. might give it a listen later :) thanks!


shinebunny October 6 2010, 21:50:39 UTC

I know the playlist thing isn't that convenient, but it's nice if you're ever in the mood for some new music. :)


raisel October 6 2010, 03:57:23 UTC
t-t-the tracks aren't avilable in my country D:

*goes off to youtube to listen instead*


shinebunny October 6 2010, 21:51:32 UTC
D: Do you want me to put together a Youtube playlist for you?

I know how irritating it can be to have to look them all up like that.


rot_chan October 6 2010, 13:30:33 UTC
OMG...You have GARBAGE on here? I <3 you. "Milk" is beyond perfect for T7. Great mix. =)


shinebunny October 6 2010, 21:52:43 UTC
I LOVE GARBAGE. And "Milk". I think it's one of my favorite tracks off that album, and I agree with you that it's perfect. Now that I think about it, it applies just as well to Sasuke and Naruto, with all that hot-cold red-blue imagery. <3


forthelulz90 October 8 2010, 01:22:48 UTC
OhOhOh... This looks so great :D I'll give the playlist a listen fo sho, because... omg, my favorite things <3


Britney Spears vs. Nine Inch Nails Mashup anonymous October 19 2010, 18:26:08 UTC
That sounded cool, so I did some research and found the Britney Spears vs. Nine Inch Nails mashup here:


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