Love is a Menace - a Team 7 FST

Oct 05, 2010 17:08

Title: Love is a Menace
Fandom: Naruto
Subject: Team 7 and the rift
Warnings: None, really. 
Notes: SasuNaru in all its angsty glory, plus Sakura finding herself (implied SasuSaku, at least past), PLUS two bonus!songs - one for Kakashi, and one for Sai. I've enjoyed a renewed love of Naruto lately, and this is my way of exploring what I think are the most interesting dynamics of the show: those within Team Seven. :) Comments on song choice, art, and whatever else are appreciated.


alternate covers (click to enlarge)


M i l k - Garbage
I am weak
but I am strong
I can use my tears to
bring you home

I t ' s  a  F i r e - Portishead
'cause this life is a farce
I can't breathe in this mask
like a fool

D a f f o d i l  L a m e n t - The Cranberries
thunder and lightning
won't change what I'm feeling

S o m e t h i n g  o f  a n  E n d - My Brightest Diamond
so we took her to a doctor
he said oh, it's a bad one
and there's such a shame about it
cause she's so pretty

B l i n d i n g - Florence + The Machine

no kiss, no gentle word
could wake me from this slumber
until I realized
that it was you who held me under

M e t a l  H e a r t - Cat Power
losing a star without the sky
losing the reasons why

T o d a y - Poe
the future is a mistress that is so hard to please
and the past is a pebble in my shoe
but today's the day
 we break free

Y o u  K n o w  Y o u ' r e  R i g h t - Nirvana
always knew it would come to this

C o m e  H o m e - Placebo
every sky is blue
but not for me and you
... come home

B o u n d  f o r  t h e  F l o o r - Local H (Naruto)
born to be down
I've learned all my lessons before now
born to be down
I think you'll get used to it

H o w l - Florence + The Machine
if you could only see
the beast you've made of me
I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free

W o n d e r w a l l - Ryan Adams (coverin of Oasis)
I don't believe that anybody
feels the way I do about you now

... O n e  M o r e  T i m e - Travis (cover of Britney Spears)
I must confess
I still believe

M a g i c  D o o r s - Portishead (Sasuke)
I've been losing myself
my desire I can't have
no reason am I for

P e r f e c t  E n e m y - t.A.T.u.
keep yourself away, far away from me
I'll forever be your perfect enemy

B l o o d s p o r t - Sneaker Pimps
my mother never told me
love is just a bloodsport

T i m e  i s  R u n n i n g  O u t - Muse
you will be the death of me...
our time is running out

W h a t ' s  i n  t h e  M i d d l e - The Bird and the Bee
where is the heart, is the heart of the matter
I must empty my skull of all this useless chatter

T i m e  - Tori Amos (cover of Tom Waits)
well, they all pretend they're orphans
and their memory's like a train
you can see it getting smaller as it pulls away
the things you can't remember tell the things you can't forget
that history puts a saint in every dream

Technical notes: The art for the alternate cover comes from this fanart by Sideburn004 and is used without permission. Blood textures by Goregoat.

Song notes: Sakura's songs focus on her obsession with Sasuke (Milk), then with growing out of that obsession and into herself (It's a Fire and Daffodil Lament, which even has the nifty, specific reference to daffodils). Something of an End is the end of Sakura's childhood, essentially, when Sasuke leaves and she's jolted out of her relative complacency, or it could be her big hair cut, whichever you like. Blinding is growing out of Sasuke at last; Metal Heart is for those moments where she realizes (much to her own disgust) that she hasn't grown out of him as much as she'd like. Today is a hopeful future as she once again tries to break out of her patterns.

Naruto's and Sasuke's songs mostly focus on their relationship. You Know You're Right just has a show-down feel to it, and it just worked for me. Come Home is obvious, of course. Bound for the Floor describes Naruto's outlook - having his best friend turn on him dredges up memories of a childhood where rejection seemed to be a constant. Howl is another fight song, although it emphasizes how Naruto and Sasuke seem to bring out the highs and lows in each other. Wonderwall is for all the quiet moments where we learn that, yes, they do understand and care for each other in a way no one else can, no matter where life takes them. The post-timeskip section kicks off with ...One More Time. The version I'd initially intended for this mix (which I like better) is the World Famous Audio Hacker remix of the original, which meshes it with 'Closer' by Nine Inch Nails. Much neater idea to that, especially considering these two. I can't find it anywhere on the net, unfortunately; if you wait a bit, I can probably upload it to Youtube. Magic Doors is Sasuke's perspective, as he loses sight of himself in the name of his goal. He sees it, but can't stop it.  Perfect Enemy and Bloodsport are two more songs that express the tense, explosive bond they share; Time is Running Out refers to the looming showdown where, presumably, one or both will die.

Sai's song, What's in the Middle, refers to his issue in canon. He does't seem to have a middle - a name, feelings, a soul. But he's trying to find one. Kakashi's song is Time. Because of his past, Kakashi has let time pass without doing enough of the one thing that's truly important, which is making strong connections with others. This song just reminds me how he might have felt as he was dying - namely, quite a bit of regret that he didn't live a fuller life. Also, it's gorgeous. I'm inclined toward the studio version myself, though (another Youtube upload, I guess).

fst, fandom, naruto, fanmix

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