[Chalion ficlet] Chronicle

Nov 28, 2010 13:53

Hope all the Americans had a nice Thanksgiving, and everyone else had a good weekend!

I swore off working on Thanksgiving Day (cooked instead, hee), and as a consequence, I finally had a chance to write up the Ista story I'd been kicking around in my head since I first got my (excellent!) prompts for the Gods' Delight event at chalion_ibra.

livejournal, chalion, chalion_ibra, stories

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Comments 2

gilpin25 November 28 2010, 20:30:09 UTC
Banner looks both good and pretty!


shimotsuki November 28 2010, 21:27:56 UTC
Thanks! :)

I thought you had to redo your entire layout as "custom CSS" to add a banner, but all you have to do is input the banner formatting and URL in one spot and there it is.

Now the temptation to spend lots of time tweaking my layout is high, lol.


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