[Chalion ficlet] Chronicle

Nov 28, 2010 13:53

Hope all the Americans had a nice Thanksgiving, and everyone else had a good weekend!

I swore off working on Thanksgiving Day (cooked instead, hee), and as a consequence, I finally had a chance to write up the Ista story I'd been kicking around in my head since I first got my (excellent!) prompts for the Gods' Delight event at chalion_ibra.
  • Chronicle (990 words | PG | pre-Curse of Chalion)
    What is left that Ista can do?
Also, I am disproportionately proud of myself because after all these years, I have finally figured out how to put a banner on the top of my journal. ;P Now that I know where to put the code, maybe I'll even shake it up and try a holiday-themed one for a while?

livejournal, chalion, chalion_ibra, stories

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