[Warp and Weft ficlet] First Fruits

Mar 10, 2014 22:27

What better way to celebrate Remus Lupin's birthday than with a little post-war AU denialfic? ;)

First Fruits (1570 words | PG/beware of fluff | March 1999)
Remus gets a bit of good news from Kingsley just in time for his birthday. Teddy squirms, Nymphadora drops things, and Andromeda looks on, fondly.
(AU, in the Warp and Weft ficverse. This ( Read more... )

warp_and_weft, au, remus/tonks, stories

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Comments 22

solochan March 11 2014, 06:42:55 UTC
This - This for really touched me. Actually, it touched me in such a way that it's actually wanted me to write a post about it...this is beautiful written and the icing on the cake after the day I had yesterday.

It was almost like you were watching my life yesterday - so thank you for that...

I love that it's from Andromeda's point of view, and I love how Kingsley is so happy for them and Remus's frozen stare.

Love love love.

Yeah...I could just write the whole post here, but as this is important news I'll put it in my journal but I must say a tremendous thank you for this little fic :)


shimotsuki March 12 2014, 03:49:32 UTC
Thanks so much! I guess it was quite a coincidence.

I really like writing Andromeda. Glad you like her, here!


starfishstar March 11 2014, 18:11:10 UTC
Awww, Remus getting to live to see anti-werewolf laws repealed.

I think my favorite bit is the way Remus says, "I know you don’t care, love. But I do." - how Tonks is still fiercely defensive of him, and he's still determined to do right by her, but for both of them it's in this loving way, rather than being an argument. They've come a long way since the hospital wing, these two!

Because I love Andromeda in general, I enjoy seeing Tonks and Remus from her perspective here. And ooh, Andromeda as accountant, that's a cool take on her - works for me!


shimotsuki March 12 2014, 03:53:19 UTC
Awww, Remus getting to live to see anti-werewolf laws repealed.

Getting to help, too! (Grrr.)

They've come a long way since the hospital wing, these two!

They really have. It's fun to think about the kind of life they could have built together.

I'd forgotten -- you have an Andromeda series, don't you! I need to put that on my "list" for when I go looking for back-catalogue to read. In this ficverse, she's an accountant, except that wizarding accountants have to use a certain amount of Arithmancy. ;)


starfishstar March 12 2014, 18:25:35 UTC
Yup! I've somehow ended up writing about Andromeda a lot - she and Remus are my two great character loves. Anyway, this comment of yours prompted me to pop over to AO3 and put all my Andromeda stories together into a series so they're easier to find - so thank you :-)


shimotsuki March 12 2014, 18:39:21 UTC
Cool! That " series" feature on AO3 is definitely useful.


gilpin25 March 11 2014, 23:21:35 UTC
I knew you'd keep up the birthday fic tradition, no matter what work was throwing at you. :)

My favourite part is the same as starfishstar's, because it's wonderful to visualise and to know what it means to both of them. I also admire Andromeda's tact, lol, and how well she's come to understand Remus and the respect and liking that has grown between them.

I love Remus checking out the weight of the pouch in disbelief, and how Kingsley couldn't wait to be the one to tell him. Gifts a-plenty on this birthday for all.


shimotsuki March 12 2014, 03:57:43 UTC
One of my Spring Break resolutions for this week[*] is to write a little fic! Glad I got this one out. Maybe some Kaleidoscope, except that HBP Remus is being extremely uncooperative, lol.

Thanks so much for reading, and for noting the details you most liked. Remus and Andromeda seem to have a certain amount in common -- I'd like to think they'd end up very fond of each other, given enough *cough* time.

[*]I'm also trying to learn how to play the bodhran. Pity the neighbors.


gilpin25 March 14 2014, 21:56:38 UTC
[*]I'm also trying to learn how to play the bodhran. Pity the neighbors.

Oh fun! How's it going? I'm sure the neighbours will get with the beat, lol.


shimotsuki March 15 2014, 01:53:48 UTC
I don't think the neighbors can really hear it -- not even the ones whose stereo we can hear from across the street when they have a party. ;) The main victim is my guy, and he's on board with the project because he agrees that our session group needs some more people who can take a turn drumming! (...which goes against all stereotypes of session groups, lol.)

I'm not very good yet, after all of four days. ;) Thank goodness for beginner lessons on YouTube, or I wouldn't even have been able to figure out how to hold the tipper (drumstick)!


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shimotsuki March 12 2014, 03:59:41 UTC
Aw, thanks! I'd say a snog is imminent...

I like to imagine a Tonks who's tough and self-sufficient, but has quite a soft heart under it all.


merryb87 March 12 2014, 04:10:06 UTC
Oh that was just lovely for Remus' birthday. It really put a smile on my face, so thanks so much for sharing that with us.


shimotsuki March 12 2014, 18:41:00 UTC
Thanks! The day seemed to want a little celebratory fic. :)


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