May 15, 2004 10:46
It's funny when you find out that a bunches of your teachers dads work with your dad. And when you were a little kid, those same teachers were teenage girls who babysat you.
May 14, 2004 11:22
my bro isn't goin to the hospital.
i have a cold or soemthing.
i got happy lil pills from the DR for cramps... but i guess they are really arthritis pills cuz i can't feel a damn thing and i am stoooooned!!
goodtimes. my mom is laughin at me.
May 12, 2004 23:41
kelly renee 37: is ur cooter gonna be ok
May 12, 2004 10:01
I'm going to be a good daughter today and make italian chicken pasta for my family!! I'd love to make the rolled meat with olives, but I'd have to make the dough the day before and I won't have time to cook it tomorrow. :(
So Italian chicken pasta it is.
And low-carb chocolate pudding. Mmm.
May 09, 2004 23:37
Making a new LJ. I don't trust people anymore, so comment if you want to be added. I'll let you know tomorrow night what the SN is if you make the cut.
Comment or you wont be added!
May 07, 2004 14:14
Yeah.... I'm going to go AWOL for a week.