This post is definately for you, Chuck! It can be like a Little John de-coder for all his music.
AND I found this most amuzing, just typing in random words and this came up for Bitch:
(1) Word used to describe the act of whining excessively.
(2) Person who rides specifically in the middle of a front-seatting only car meant for 2 passengers or less.
(3) Modern-day servant; A person who performs tasks for another, usually degrading in status.
(4) Term used to exclaim hardship.
(1) "Stop bitching Todd!"
(2) "Can I ride bitch?"
(3) "Bring my friend and I some vodka bitch"
(4) *Peron tells story to other cellmate, depicting how they came to be there, cellmate says* "Ain't that a Bitch!"