FIC: Art and Magic (Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Gen)

Aug 24, 2007 15:04

Title: Art and Magic
Author: shiiki
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Gen, very slight Luna/Dean
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 662

Summary: Luna and Dean friendship fic. (Written for a_t_rain for the dh_predictions meme.)

Notes: Thanks to msmoocow for the speedy beta!

Link to fic at dh_predictions

A wizard without a wand, thought Dean, was rather like an artist lacking a medium. He had the latter now -- his dazzling hostess had cheerfully presented him with quill and parchment when he'd mentioned yesterday during dinner that he liked to draw. He'd come out to the garden now, meaning to sketch Shell Cottage as a gift for Bill and Fleur, but as he watched Luna testing her new wand on the plants around them, he lost a bit of the urge to continue.

It wasn't Luna's fault, really, but Dean couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He was now the only one at Shell Cottage without a wand, unless you counted the goblin -- and he didn't. In the past few weeks, Luna had at least been in the same sorry boat, and he had felt a bit of solidarity with her over that.

Lost in his brooding, he didn't notice Luna return to his side, and her soft, dreamy voice took him by surprise.

'That's very pretty,' she said, pointing to the half-finished sketch in his lap.

'Oh,' said Dean. 'Thank you.' He attempted a smile, hoping she wouldn't notice its falseness.

'Here,' said Luna, holding out her wand. Dean stared at her in confusion. She took his left palm and pressed her wand into it. 'You have a turn.'

'I ...' Dean gaped at her in bewilderment, but his wand hand closed its fingers around the wand, perhaps understanding before his mind that here, at last, was a chance to wield magic he had sorely missed since the Snatchers had caught him.

'Lumos!' he whispered, and felt a thrill run through him as the wand tip lit up. It didn't matter that Luna's wand felt awkward in his hands; he was doing magic again! He leapt to his feet, spilling both quill and parchment out of his lap in his eagerness.

'Wingardium Leviosa!' Leaves floated up several inches at his command. His Levitation Charm was nowhere near as powerful with this wand, but it was enough to satisfy him. He played for a while, Banishing leaves, Summoning them back; he sliced one neatly in half with Diffindo. Delighted, he called out, 'Accio sketches,' thinking he'd try some of his colour charms next.

Luna's 'oh!' of surprise brought him tumbling back to reality when he realised that he'd whisked both parchment and quill out of her hands.

'Sorry,' he said, lowering his wand sheepishly. The reminder that he was using a borrowed wand he couldn't keep was like a punch to the gut. He returned it to her, a little reluctantly.

'Thank you. It felt good to use magic again.'

'I know.' She was smiling at him, understanding in her eyes. Dean looked down to avoid her penetrating gaze and saw, to his amazement, his face staring back up at him.

Luna had sketched him as he tried out her wand. It was excellently done for a rough sketch -- she had managed to capture quite vividly the elation he'd felt. A feeling of warmth erupted suddenly in his chest.

'Wow,' he said, trying to find words. 'I -- er -- I didn't know you draw.'

'Oh, I'm quite good at it,' she said conversationally. 'I don't draw people that much, though. Mostly Snorkacks.'

For the first time, he didn't feel uncomfortable at her mention of the creatures. 'Maybe you could ... draw some for me.' He hoped she wouldn't think he was being sarcastic, because he felt quite sincere in this desire to see her depict, as an artist would, the illustration in one's imagination.

'I'd love to!' she said, her whole face brightening. He returned her smile with a real one this time. For several seconds, they beamed at each other, and then Luna held her hand out to him as easily as if they'd been friends forever. 'Shall we go in?'

Dean put his hand in hers. 'Sure,' he said, and let Luna lead him back into Shell Cottage.

2007!fic, fic_pairing: [gen], fic_pairing: [luna/dean], fic_fandom: [harry potter], fic_character: [dean thomas], fic_length: [ficlet], fic_character: [luna lovegood]

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