FIC: Untitled (Colin Creevey, Romilda Vane, Gen)

Aug 24, 2007 15:00

Title: Untitled
Author: shiiki
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Colin Creevey, Romilda Vane, Gen/hint at possible Colin/Romilda
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 725

Summary: Just a short ficlet about Romilda in the Final Battle.

Notes: Written pre-Deathly Hallows, now A/U.

‘Harry, save me!’ she screams, and waits for his strong, supple body to throw itself between her and the masked Death Eater. A mixture of triumph and relief fills her as a bolt of red light streaks towards the Death Eater from behind her, and strong arms grab her around the middle, forcing her down on the ground. And then guilt for the relief she felt as she was rescued, because it meant that she’d harboured doubt that he might not come.

Then it’s replaced by shock as she realises - the voice that had roared, ‘Stupefy!’ is pitched higher; the arms tackling her are thinner; the hair in her eyes is mousy-brown.

It wasn’t Harry who came to her aid.

Colin Creevey looks at her with anxiety in his gaze and says, in a voice so unlike the squeak she has long ago dismissed as his, ‘Romilda, run and hide! Get away from this lot, all right?’

She doesn’t know how she stumbles away, runs towards the safety of Hagrid’s hut, where Demelza Robins is holding down the fort with Jimmy Peakes and Mary Fenwick. Her mind is a whirl. Dimly, she notices that Colin has left her, is plunging back into the fray - returning to danger.

A stray curse singes the top of her hair, and she squeals in fright. A burst of speed takes her to the hut, where she almost collapses against the walls. Jimmy hauls her inside and almost immediately turns to deflect a purple line sleeking through the air at them. The force of it throws him back against the hut and he gasps, winded. Romilda shoves several first-years away from the hut’s window and plasters her face against it.

Outside, the school grounds have turned into a bloody battlefield. Romilda’s romanticised idea of herself as a luckless heroine, clutched from the jaws of death by the noble Harry Potter, has faded, to be replace with wordless horror. She could have died - really could have died - posturing for Harry to save her. She can’t even see Harry now. There are flashes of classmates, schoolmates, all of whom she can’t believe are courageous enough to take on You-Know-Who’s minions.

Susan Bones’s plait whips by as she duels a Death Eater. Neville Longbottom fells another. Dennis Creevey dodges green light and hurls red back. It misses its target, but slams another Death Eater to the ground, and when the man falls, she can see Colin, who was fighting him.

Colin saved her life. Romilda’s breath catches sharply as she thinks this. It’s almost unconceivable, laughable, even. But it is true. It just happened.

She wonders when he has become so forceful; all she ever thinks of when someone mentions Colin is a tiny, undergrown boy with a camera and an annoying habit of pestering people with questions in that high-pitched tone of his. She used to believe he would always be stuck awaiting puberty, one of those boys who will never matured.

But the voice that spoke to her, that cursed her would-be killer, was that of a man’s. Nowhere as low as Harry’s, true, but a far cry from the childish squeak that Colin once possessed. And although his light brown eyes can’t compare with the brilliant green Romilda adores, she realises that the same spark of youthful, determined courage that she admires is alight in both.

It is also there in the brave stances of the students outside Hagrid’s cabin, who are risking their lives to keep them, the weaker ones who hide inside, alive. It is in all these schoolmates, the ones she once scorned for being plain and unpopular.

Romilda is shamed.

Suddenly, she knows that inside this cabin, squashed against all the younger students who are probably scared out of their wits, is not where she is meant to be. She knows the Full Body-Bind. She knows Expelliarmus. She has an armory of Defence O.W.L. spells, and she should be outside helping.

Without further hesitation, she throws open the cabin door and hurls out the strongest Petrificus Totalus she can muster. Demelza Robins glances over in surprise.

‘Romilda -’

‘Watch out!’ she yells, and Demelza ducks. The blue beam hits the hut and ricochets off. Demelza nods her thanks briefly, and returns her concentration to the battle.

And Romilda, she focuses, too, on the Death Eaters approaching.

2007!fic, fic_pairing: [gen], fic_character: [colin creevey], fic_fandom: [harry potter], fic_character: [romilda vane], fic_length: [ficlet], fic_pairing: [colin/romilda]

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