Title: Rude Awakening
shiikiRating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 151
Summary: Ron is shaken abruptly out of his dreams. (Written for the CM Scribbulous prompt 'Shamrock', and
slam_girl's birthday.)
Notes: Written pre-DH, but still canon.
Link to
original CM post.
His dreams of gold falling from the sky amidst shamrocks were shattered by a loud yell. Ron rolled out of bed, bumping his head against the headboard as he did so. Before he was properly awake, he, Harry, and Hermione had been pushed out of the tent and they were heading for the woods, stumbling blindly along.
He was sure that his dream had truly turned into a nightmare when Malfoy turned up, with a thinly-veiled threat against Hermione. Ron stiffened immediately, his thoughts suddenly flying back two years.
‘You’ll be next, Mudbloods!’
‘Pity it wasn’t Granger.’
Hermione, lying motionless and cold as stone in the hospital wing.
Suddenly, he wanted to be well away from Malfoy, away from any rampaging Dark wizards who could do that to his friend.
‘Let’s move,’ he said tersely, his grip tightening on his wand. He was determined to protect his friends at any cost.