I am a posting MACHINE! Or, uh, just really blabby. You decide!

Mar 27, 2008 19:28

AirNZ finally ponied up some date-appropriate specials, and in spite of the fact that just this morning I was crafting more and more elaborate plans for pre-birthday shenanigans, I... may have decided I would regret NOT doing it more, so I'm coming down to Wellington for Armageddon again this year. ( Vaguely planny stuff! )

picspam, armageddon, wellington, fangirls

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Comments 72

off topic seratonation March 27 2008, 06:54:35 UTC
Hi! *waves* I've been sort of but not really stalking you (as in coming in occasionely, telling myself I will comment and then running away) I've seen you around the SGA fandom and I see your in to Panic now too *squee* and also your on a couple of my friends flist too. *winning smile*

So I was wondering if I could friend you? *tries to not sound like a dork*


Re: off topic shihadchick March 27 2008, 07:29:45 UTC
Hi! *waves back* And, aww, I am totally familiar with that LJ-pattern, please- feel free to friend away and comment, whenever, it is ALL good by me. *grins* I am kind of failboating dramatically right now in, uh, keeping up with LJ full stop, so I'm being even slower than usual about friending back, but I pretty much post everything ever unlocked anyway (oh hai there intarwebs, yes, that is my face on an unlocked post. dear co-workers, plz never learn about the internets. :D) and look at the other journals whenever i can, so, yeah. friend away! new people! shiny! (and people who are into bandom AND sga, DOUBLE shiny. *is just sayin'*)


Re: off topic seratonation March 27 2008, 08:43:45 UTC
\o/ awesome!

and well, since the SGA season is over, and I just discovered the wonder that is Bandom, I'm leaning towards that at the moment :D


Re: off topic shihadchick March 27 2008, 08:47:13 UTC
*is right there leaning with you* Indeeeeeeed.

Oh, hey! Auckland fangirl! *is slowly getting through tabs* Are you planning on hitting the Panic show in August?


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shihadchick March 27 2008, 07:26:17 UTC
I think so! I need to go double check, I must admit I am mostly in it for the fangirls, meeting ChinaShop's new kittens (kittens!) and Chris Judge, who is both hilarious and smoking fucking hot in real life. But I definitely need to investigate who else will be there, especially since it's apparently morebliss's first con, so it'd be cool to be less clueless than I usually am. :)

*beams* Thank you! After being disappointed with the initial fuckup, I kind of like the cumulative effect of three separate colours/dyeing occasions a LOT, so. Yay! I love my new hat. I'm kind of forgetting to take it off, sometimes. ;)


(The comment has been removed)

shihadchick March 28 2008, 05:28:07 UTC
Oh, absolutely, not a problem at all. Just let me know name/etc and I will sort it. Unless the only signing he does is sunday afternoon, but in that case I will second someone else to sort it!

You never know, the One True Hat is possibly out there, somewhere, waiting for you...


blue_raven March 27 2008, 07:30:11 UTC
I was kinda hoping to go, seeing this time around I have the correct days off. Just depending on several circumstances, like getting Sunday and perhaps Monday off, but I think it's do-able. And I can easily split a room if it comes that.


shihadchick March 27 2008, 07:38:59 UTC
Oooh, excellent. I was HOPING you'd be able to make it. (I, um. May have been looking for a polar bear stuffed toy at the warehouse this weekend juuuuuuuuuust in case. ;) ) Let me know whenever you know, and we'll see what we can tee up. *plots fiendishly*


blue_raven March 27 2008, 07:46:46 UTC
Friday and Saturday (I have to look at the site, I haven't been to the Welly one before so I have no idea of dates and things, whups) are my days off, and Sunday I can get if I ask in good enough time. There are plenty of decent and cheap places to stay, AND I can drive down. Logistically, it's pretty good. :)


shihadchick March 27 2008, 07:53:47 UTC
As far as I recall - I've only done Welly once - they run it Sat/Sun, so I'd say that'd be the way to go, BUT we can hang out dorkishly on Friday evening if you came down the night before, so... and oh, I didn't even think of that, yes, that's a good point. Mobility yay! (Since I will be public transporting it myself this time, at any rate.)


aworldinside March 27 2008, 09:26:23 UTC
Hi. I friended you a while back when I was looking for other NZ fangirls and my insane fandom of choice at the moment is SGA, which I saw you were into as well. (Still a little bitter I got into it after JFlan was in Auckland). And I have a friend who was very into bandom, and they kinda intrigue me ...

Anyway, I am planning to be at Armageddon in Wellington as I live there. So, if there are any fangirl happenings, I would be keen to hang out. If you know, you don't mind a random SGA fangirl you haven't met saying hi. If not, that's cool. :)


shihadchick March 27 2008, 09:29:54 UTC
Hi! And mmm, SGA, indeed. (Oh, no! I must admit, I missed about four other people myself through similar timing issues, so I feel a little of your pain, there, yes.) And ooh, let the bandom side lure you in, it's excellent hiatus fodder, I promise. *grins*

I'm fairly sure we will totally be down for some fannish hanging out - I'll try and hook something up with you closer to the time once I know exactly when/where I'll be? SGA blither + hot beverages of ones choice is pretty much always a winning combination in my books!


aworldinside March 27 2008, 09:42:52 UTC
Yeah, I keep kinda telling myself 'you know, maybe he'll come back, maybe to Wellington' but no, and the Wellington one is sadly quite annoyingly placed for any actors which are on currently shooting shows. Ah well. ;) Chris Judge should be pretty awesome.

And yay, that sounds cool. :)


shihadchick March 27 2008, 09:51:25 UTC
Yeah, one can but hope. And this is so true, yeah. Makes life difficult.

Awesome, I'll keep you in the loop!


china_shop March 27 2008, 09:35:05 UTC
Oooh, hair of awesome! ♥

'm coming down to Wellington for Armageddon again this year. \o? Who wants to hang out?

Duh! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (But I can't offer you floorspace, sorry.)


shihadchick March 27 2008, 09:39:05 UTC
Thank you!

*flails* Yay! I wanted to see you, awsome. (And oh, no worries at all, I rather expected that to be the case. As it is, I think Ange and I are going to hit the backpackers close to Courtenay Pl. I am perhaps already looking forward to unabashedly getting breakfast BOTH MORNINGS at - um, that place I forget the name of. That does breakfast. mr something?)


china_shop March 27 2008, 09:41:14 UTC
Btw, when is Armageddon? *clueless* Also, for some reason I can't currently think of, I thought you were going to bitchinparty. Guess not, huh? *g*

*stares blankly at you re Mr Somethings Breakfast Boutique* ;-)


shihadchick March 27 2008, 09:49:09 UTC
19th and 20th of April! So... three weeks? I think? And nope, no bitchinparty for me. I am doing con.txt thought!

...it'll come back to me! Those of us in the backpackers for G/T last year went there like three times, it was shiny awesomeness and is apparently some kind of mini-icon in the area, or something?


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