I a bitalit maybe am doing a meme. (OneBrain don't fail me now!)

Mar 16, 2006 17:24

Following in the ever-awesome and generally trodden-only-by-the-best footsteps of aneli8 and mrsronweasley and adopting the challenge of brooklinegirl's Post as Someone Else Day as wonderfully demonstrated by herself and Kev and then Anna and Liz, I give you My Post As Kat:

So, it turns out that we have no coffee left in the house. THIS IS *NOT COOL*. **whines. a lot.**

I a bitalit might have to walk down to buy some. And then I need to do some reading for my debate topic since my partner *finally* emailed me and all, but since I got due South back off Katharine I might have to watch Asylum first. **loses at homework today** Or maybe I should read the latest issue of Teen Titans because apparently SOMEONE dies or makes out with someone or something else totally DC-universe shattering happens again and it's supposed to be awesome. Or I could do both. **gardenstate** See, I made a plan! A good plan! --if you ignore the homework not getting done or maybe getting done later, anyway. Yaye! Plan!!

Okay. Coffee, and then due South and probably comics and then I really will *honestly* work on that thing and maybe write some more prompt CSI: due South for Claire. And yaye LJ for the new icons because I have now got *three* Nick!ship icons and it's great and I totally do not at all lose at effective time management. Srsly. But they're so pretty! Stupid CSI, being all rocking and making me love it.

....probably I should go get started on that all then, instead of being all *on the internet* and not actually doing any work yet. Except I should just finish reading this one fic first. GAH. PEOPLE, RESEARCH THINGS OKAY?? It's all *bad psych* and just. No. That is totally not what any responsible professional would suggest and just. Argh. **watch as flist all DEFRIEND at this point again** Okay. Maybe less CanCon tomorrow, that would probably be a good move, since only, like, ten of you are super-interested and all.

I think we might be going out to the Kilk tomorrow too, and there will be pool. And people. And talking about comics and gay porn and yaye. Also beer. Beer FOAMY. (It's like looking into the eye of a duck! And sucking the fluid from it's *beak*!)


Where are those printer cartridges again? Shit. I hope I didn't leave them downstairs again.

being kat!

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