1. Posting Requirements
While there is no maximum amount of posting that you can do in
stoatshead_hill, we expect all characters to post at least once every two weeks. For clarification purposes, a post is considered either posting in the community or contributing substantially by way of comments in another person's thread.
Regarding posting and backdating. Under normal circumstances, all posting is done in real-time (October 17th, 2006 = October 17th, 2004), but threads are allowed to continue out past the initial date of posting. We will allow backdating, but only for two days. Backdating should only be used under dire circumstances. If it becomes necessary that a post has to be backdated beyond these two days, consult the mods.
Going a month without posting without prior arrangement with the mods will result in a warning. If there is no post from that character within the week, we will regain control over your character and remove you from the game. To that end, all character journals will remain property of the game. We created them and in the eyes of LiveJournal, they are ours. Updated passwords should be mailed to the mods at shhmods@gmail.com so we have them in case of emergency.
You are more than welcome to purchase paid time/extra icons for your journal. However, this doesn't make the journal belong to you. If you decide to leave with paid time still on the journal, the mods are not obligated to reimburse you for any additional paid time extending beyond your participation in the game.
2. Godmodding (or referencing other characters)
If and when referencing other characters in your posts, please make sure you check with the other player first. Give them at least a day or two to respond and if there is no reply, you may use a vague reference. For instance, you can say you saw 'x person' on the street, but not that their hair was dyed multi-coloured and they were blowing up buildings.
Power playing is not allowed at all. Powerplaying is considered to be moving another character or making another character that does not belong to you act OOCly in the eyes of that player's Muggle. If you feel as if someone is powerplaying your character, please contact the mods.
However, this game is also about the characters working together, and some characters might be inclined to try to say what they need to their own advantage. This means if Pansy, for instance, who is a Slytherin, wants the hospital over here, she might state or imply that she knows Harry wants that. This doesn't bind Harry's player at all, because this is her (the character) lying. If you have any questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to contact the MODs.
3. Icons
Players are not required to use HP movie actors as their PBs. Please make sure an age-appropriate model or actor as well as someone realistic for your character is used. We don't want to see a bunch of Lindsay Lohans running around. If you're having trouble finding a PB, ask your mods and they will do their best to assist you. The MODs reserve the right to veto a PB choice and would provide an explanation as to why, should that happen.
4. Shipping
While the game is not specifically ship-oriented, we are aware that shipping will occur. We ask that for the first three weeks of the game that no shipping (save for canon couples) happen. This doesn't mean characters can't hook up for a one (or three) night stand, but we do not want to see immediate relationships to begin with -- giving all the players a chance to get to know one another and flesh out characterizations.
stoatshead_hill is both het and slash friendly and we ask that all ships should not overshadow plot development. Also, shipping with any NPC characters or those currently not in play is not allowed without mod approval. We want to see interactions (both friendly and romantic) based on the characters in play.
5. Plots
An overarching game plot will be provided by the mods. However, we do expect players to incorporate smaller character arcs into the game. Any smaller plot arc that will have a major impact on
stoatshead_hill is asked to be cleared with the mods first. This includes such things as inventions of new types of magic, other things that greatly change the current Wizarding World or other plots that could potentially involve large groups of people.
Also, feel free to, once a plot has been approved, post to
shh_authors to get further input from players as well as recruit people to help with your character arc! This also will ensure that we do not have two plots of similar nature occuring at the same time (such as two pregnancies or two major break-ups).
The mods do reserve the right to veto proposed plots. If we do turn it down, do not take it personally. We have to take into consideration where the game is and if the plot is appropriate. Sometimes plots have a further reaching effect than one could even imagine. We usually don't turn down plots, but there are occasions where we may. It's nothing personal!
Every month, the mods will post a plot post to the author community. This is your chance to give a very brief rundown of what has been happening with your character. The purpose of this post is two-fold as, in addition to giving a brief summary, it's an opportunity to meet up with other characters who are having trouble interacting and having ideas of what to RP. It's a community effort and we want to create the best environment around!
6. Other Miscellaneous Things
Muggle References - Please remember to keep any and all Muggle references to a bare minimum. We know from canon that even Muggleborns rarely reference their own culture. To that end, remember to keep all references time appropriate (the year 2004) and to British Muggle culture and not American.
Spelling and Grammar - Proper spelling and grammar is expected at all times. A few spelling mistakes are allowable, but we don't want to see AOLNetspeak around. Using British spelling and slang is, of course, allowable but not required. LJ does have an easy to use spellchecker for both posts and comments. This is an RP thread based game and not an IM based game, so spellchecker is right there for use.
Fan Interaction - There is a fan community (
shh_watchers) and you are welcome to watch the community with both your personal and game LJ. We ask that, unless the situation warrants it (such as Player Q&A days) that you do not post as your character to this journal. If you are playing anonymously, you may use your player journal and post thusly: "as Harry's Muggle, I would like--", etc.
Canon -
stoatshead_hill is set post-HBP. All events from canon are recognized as part of the RPG canon. This game is set seven years after the end of HBP, so characters can develop and change based on the circumstances of a long war and changes in the Wizarding world. However, please keep these changes realistic for the character and their backstory that you create. Creativity and players willing to interact/plot are very welcome within our game.
Age Limit - This game will eventually have adult content, so we do require that applicants be 18 or older, or of the legal majority in their country.
7. Communication with the Mods
Please feel free to contact your mods at any time with questions, comments or concerns. If there is a problem in the game of any sort, the mods won't know about it unless you come talk to us. For larger disagreements, please make sure to email the mods at shhmods@gmail.com so the four of us can look over the problem and we can act accordingly.
Our contact info:
Inell (Hermione & Wayne): YM- inell1331 // email- inell@aol.com // LJ:
inellLia (Remus & Tonks): YM- moon.sense // email- thescarletwoman@gmail.com // LJ:
thescarletwomanRose (Severus & Harry): YM- rose_would // Email- rosewhispers.lj@gmail.com // LJ: