Oct 12, 2009 09:19
Okay Atlanta peoples! I need yet another excuse to get this place in order! Who wants to come to our place for a House warming/Halloween party on the 31st? I figure something kinda early.. maybe starting around 4-5ish. Could cook out some.. then those with kids we could do the trick or treating in our neighborhood.. Yay? Nay?
Oct 03, 2009 14:04
So I joined a group on here. But I've forgotten how to hide group posts from my friends page. Can anyone show me how? I want to stay a member. I just don't want the multitude of posts clogging up my friends page -.-
Jun 16, 2009 16:58
Its so hot in here I think I just saw some imps moving in under my bed @.@
Anyways.. getting off my butt and gonna finish packing. Gotta hit the road and get to GA. The man's got a doctors appointment tomorrow and gonna try and see the kids while I'm in town.
Later all.
Jun 11, 2009 18:33
It may have been a snake.
Jun 11, 2009 15:49
my dog is dead.
my days and nights are backwards. i just got up. i went outside to check on her. and she's dead. i don't know how yet. her lead was tangled but it didn't look that badly tangled. but she is dead. fuck.
i have to call raymond.
Apr 29, 2009 12:41
I was asked by an old friend some questions about Nero Atl. Well I realized that its been so long since I played that I can't really answer those questions.
Anyone on my flist going to the event this weekend? I gots some questions...
Edit to say: Wait.. it may be the South GA event @.@ *waits for reply email*
Apr 17, 2009 12:13
Raymond is free from Grady. Now to find where the nearest walmart with a pharmacy is to get his script filled -.-
Apr 16, 2009 02:02
I need someone to read an email before I hit send and totally ruin my life.