Woman! Woman! /Animal

May 08, 2009 17:01

Hmmm. Y'all are probably elsewhere, doing weekend-y things now (like Star Trek), but what the hell.

You know what I want? I want JJ love. Because she is awesome, and I love her, and I and fandom just don't pay enough attention to how fabulous she is. I told smittywing that JJ's ability to slip into the background is her gift and her curse. She's this gorgeous woman who can use her physical presence to get whatever the team needs, or she can somehow fade into the background and let them take focus while she does whatever else needs doing. She's so smart, basically doing what the profilers do but not getting the credit, all at the same time doing her own job of coordinating and buffering the whole BAU process. She is kickass with a gun, but completely caring, too.

Tell me your JJ love! Or, if you're not into JJ, tell me how about any awesome woman character! Garcia and Prentiss. Morgana, Gwen, Teyla, Abby, Uhura, Number One, Miss Parker, Parker, Janeway, Cagney and Lacey. It doesn't matter if they're the most perfect example of female power ever or not. Even if they get written into the corner of the screen, if you see something in them to love, that's what counts. Because we know how to bring them out of the corner and let them shine, right?

ETA: I am deja vuing so hard right now. I've totally done this post before, haven't I? Oh, well. Girl love is always good, no matter how many times you repeat it. ;)

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