Title: That One Time Arthur Was Beaten By a Pixie Pictsie (And Merlin Never Let Him Live It Down)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2498
Warnings/Spoilers: Wee crossover with Discworld. And a shameless abuse of the Scottish accent. Shameless.
Summary: Really, the title says it all.
Notes: Huuuuuge thanks to my beta,
halfnorn who suggested they have sex when I was
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Comments 15
Brilliant. XDDD Pure Brilliance.
I lol'd really hard through most of that. c:
Also, muahahahahahahahaha.
*grins madly* Also, I think Pictsies should be introduced at least once (though preferably more) to every fandom! I remember finding a story where they turned up in Hogwarts, fell instantly in adoration with Professor McGonagall for all that she was a "hag", and vanquished Voldemort in a single night... it was epic!
*Giggling like a very mad thing!!!!!*
(DW refs FTW!)
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