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Comments 9

mmneely932 November 28 2011, 04:37:34 UTC
Nail on head! I'm thinking that there must have been some serious backlash created from Eliot's little trip down memory lane.


jennickels November 28 2011, 05:42:18 UTC
All the interrogation scenes with Eliot and the CIA guy were hilarious. Eliot so had the upper hand. And he was just waiting for the moment where he could kick the guy's ass.

Also loved Hardison surprising the frat guys and getting a few good licks in before they started pounding on him. And Parker saving the day.


sheryden November 28 2011, 23:17:22 UTC
I quite liked seeing Hardison have his badass moment. :)


sheryden November 28 2011, 23:18:05 UTC
That boy's brain has GOT to be a minefield.


anntarot November 28 2011, 06:05:43 UTC
loved, loved the final line from Nate. You just know there was an off camera conversation between Nate and Eliot about what they were getting into... and how far they were willing to get into it.


sheryden November 28 2011, 23:16:31 UTC
I just loved that scene between them. It was short, but it was a nice, quiet moment, and I can't wait to see what we're heading for!


scout_lover November 28 2011, 16:05:10 UTC
This ep has just flown to the top of my faves list, tied with BBJ for that honor. So. much. love. for Scott Veach for writing this!

Eliot had the interrogator by the balls the minute he walked into that room. And his line, "So, we start tomorrow then?" proved it. The implication is that he's been through so much worse, this is just an exercise in patience for him.

And then the whole, "You want to know how many people I've killed?" Chills, I tell you. Delivered without a hint of tough-guy, macho-killer attitude, just cold, calm, matter-of-fact acceptance. "This is what I am, and this is what I've done."

And how much did I love the "I can't forget" line? I've written that for Eliot in my fics!!!

Also, the final scene, with Nate and Eliot as equals … possibly the two most dangerous men in the world, each in his own way, marking the start of … something. It really was a nice counter to the tension we saw between them earlier in the season. These two get each other in a way no one else on the team does ( ... )


sheryden November 28 2011, 23:21:07 UTC
I've been thinking about this episode on and off all day, and my love for it continues to grow.

I think my favorite line during the interrogation was when Eliot said, "Do you want me to tell you which ones deserved it? Or better yet, which ones didn't." Kane's really grown as an actor these past few years, I must say. His delivery was perfect.

That final scene renewed my Nate/Eliot love to epic proportions.


jesco0307 November 28 2011, 23:31:50 UTC
It's kind of funny, I usually try to avoid spoilers at all costs, but somehow I stumbled into one - and almost didn't want to watch the episode because of that. So, before watching I skimmed your post, knowing we usually have a similar opinion. Yep, never fails ( ... )


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