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Comments 4

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sheryden July 11 2011, 05:04:13 UTC
It's so good. The scene where Nate dismisses Eliot is just... wow.


scout_lover July 11 2011, 05:17:40 UTC
I KNOW, RIGHT?! When Nate dismissed Eliot, I swear I almost threw the remote at the TV. And I loved Parker following him out!

I seriously need to see an Eliot-Nate come to Jesus moment.

And Hardison's squeal of anguish when Parker expressed her love for CGI Yoda was high-larious! Forget "no stabbing Wednesdays," because she stuck a fork right in that boy's heart, lol.


jesco0307 July 11 2011, 09:04:14 UTC
Ha, so I'm early today...working from home has its benefits ;).

I LOVED this episode. It just keeps getting better and better.

Eliot-Hardison-Parker was hilarious and awesome this time. Star Wars had me already cracking up, but the old lady? Good thing I'm home alone because I was laughing so hard. Nope, you weren't the only one, there was some squeeing over here as well.

The scene where Nate dismissed Eliot? One, I love that they keep throwing the rising conflict between the two at us, it just get's better and better. Parker following him was the best. But yes, at some point something has to happen, I'm not expecting Eliot to just keep taking it. The scene made me go all 'yay' and 'noooooo' at the same time.

Oh Nate, where is this going to end...

As for the hair...yes, Eliot's hair is fabulous, but can someone cut Tim's hair? Please, just a little?

Why do we have to wait a week for the next episode?


nightcamedown July 11 2011, 14:39:31 UTC
I agree with everything you said! The first scene with Nate's childhood friend was great, and I think it really helped to establish that this ongoing tension with the team isn't just them chafing at Nate's willingness to push them or whatever. He is in a bad place, and it's obvious to anyone who knows him. That actor really sold being concerned about Nate without having any actual lines to that effect.

I was shocked at Nate dismissing Eliot like that. And I definitely feel like something is going to go very wrong in the near future. Is it wrong that I can't wait? :)


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