Leverage--The 15 Minutes Job

Jul 11, 2011 00:12

I found the dynamic presented by the appearance of Ed, Nate childhood buddy to be quite intriguing. Here is someone who grew up with Nate and knew Jimmy Ford. He’s someone who hit some bumps along the road and got himself straight. It was obvious that he was uncomfortable with Nate's drinking. I have to wonder if he was looking at Nate and seeing Jimmy Ford.

I continue to love the team dynamic. The Eliot-Hardison-Parker Star Wars banter was a lot of fun. Of COURSE Parker would like CGI Yoda, lol. Hardison's pained gasp and Eliot's "Just ell him what he wants to here" about killed me. There were so many other lovely OT3 moments throughout the episode: The little old lady beating on Eliot while Parker egged her on and Hardison filmed it; Eliot and Parker's motivational speech hunt; the slow clap; "no-stabbing Wednesdays." And was I the only one who squeed a little when the three of them left together at the end of the episode?

Eliot won't pay big bucks for bananas, lol. I don't blame him.

Speaking of team dynamics, I am LOVING everyone's responses to Nate this time around. Sophie and Eliot continue to be confrontational, Hardison continues to be snarky, and even Parker is getting vocal about Nate's freaky recklessness. Nate is clearly imploding, and it'll be a big kaboom when he finally reaches a critical mass. His reaction to Rockwell, and his conversation with Sophie were both telling.

And Eliot. Nate freaking dismissed Eliot! D: I nearly fell out of my chair. I'm equally as surprised that Eliot held his temper. I love that Parker gave Nate the death look and walked out after Eliot. I'm sure she was instrumental in calming him down enough to finish the job. I am expecting Eliot to either walk away from the team or something equally as shattering at some point. Of course, as you all know, I'd like to see Eliot actually get hurt because of Nate's recklessness. He's the one who questions Nate's plans the loudest (with backing from Sophie), and he tends to get taken for granted. And now this overt dismissal from Nate. Yeah, I'd love some hurt/comfort potential. But on a shallow note, the tension between Nate and Eliot continues to be sexy.

Speaking of Eliot... he was dead sexy all episode. He got to fight, do home repairs, and glower at Nate. Epic win. And his hair was fabulous.

nate and his issues, eliot gets his own tag, ot3 ftw, tv: leverage

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