30-Day Fic Meme and Other Stuff

Jun 21, 2011 02:11

1. I made the difficult decision to drop out of the vacationthon fic exchange. I've never dropped out of anything like this, but I feel like I need to take better care of myself, and that exchange, while I was looking forward to it, is one of the things I can easily divest myself of without a major problem.

2. I am signed up for guesswhat10in10, and my claim is Jared ( Read more... )

rl: health, writing, fandom, memes

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Comments 13

sigrundora June 21 2011, 06:17:48 UTC
Wait....there's new Leverage coming out? I didn't know that....

just kidding...

5 DAYS!!!!!!


sheryden June 21 2011, 06:22:39 UTC


jennickels June 21 2011, 06:48:33 UTC
My husband made sure Leverage was the first thing I set the DVR to record when we got the satellite hooked up. He was afraid we'd be without cable and miss it.

I was the one that started watching but now I think he's more into it than I am.


sheryden June 21 2011, 17:41:21 UTC
I love Leverage. It's my main fandom. <3


jesco0307 June 21 2011, 07:06:41 UTC
The meme is gonna be interesting, I'll keep following...

Yes, romance...we all need that.

I want to see that icon...please?

Excited? Me? No...Yes! Me and my pc are gonna have fun on Monday :).


sheryden June 21 2011, 17:43:04 UTC
Looking ahead at the questions, it should be a fun meme.

I don't think I've ever written a full-fledged romance. Should be fun!

I've finished the icons, but I'm waiting to finish more, so I can post them all together. You can only really tell it's him because he's spilled all over the icon, lol.



meridian_rose June 21 2011, 07:37:11 UTC
Better to drop out; you and your physical/mental/emotional health comes first, as do rl concerns. Besides, you'd probably only hand in something you weren't happy with, and feel bad about it.

I'm starting to think Leverage will never return to UK screens D:

I'm enjoying reading the answers to this meme since a few people are doing it at the moment. Star Trek: Next Gen was something I wrote before I even knew fanfic was a 'thing' :D


sheryden June 21 2011, 17:46:14 UTC
Yeah, you're probably right. And I don't like putting my name on things I'm not proud of...

:( Aw, that sucks.


elebridith June 21 2011, 09:58:16 UTC
LEVERAGE!!! *bounces*

And ooh, that meme sounds good! I'll be doing that! Maybe not starting today, since I'm busy working, but yes. :-)

Poor Jared, squeezed into an icon... I feel my icon is appropriate. *lol*


sheryden June 21 2011, 17:47:54 UTC

Yes, totally do it. I love reading the answers!

His face is so tiny that the only way you know it's him is because his legs are spilling all over he icon!

That icon is great! :D


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