Meme #1
Snagged from
a. Name your 10 absolutely favorite fandom ships (try to pick different fandoms)
b. Ask people to see what trends and similarities they notice about your ships.
Do this one, people, because I'm totally interested in what similarities you guys see in my shipping tastes! Here are my ten. I tried to keep them in different fandoms, which was hard, because I multi-ship like crazy. (I did cheat a little with Heroes.)
1. Kirk/McCoy (Star Trek)
2. Matt/Mohinder (Heroes)
3. Jack/Sayid (LOST)
4. Han/Leia (Star Wars)
5. Sheppard/McKay (SGA)
6. Crichton/Aeryn (Farscape)
7. Helen/Tesla (Sanctuary)
8. Noah/Sandra (Heroes)
9. Jack/Ianto (TW)
10. Jack/Daniel (SG-1)
Meme #2
Tell me you want to play and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms.
You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:
1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?
prlrocks gave me Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who.
Star Trek
1. My dad, who was a big sci-fi fan, got me into the original series when I was a little girl. I've been hooked ever since.
2. Well, it's been thirty years. I have a science officer uniform hanging in my closet, I own Star Trek chronologies and encyclopedia, I've watched every since series and every single movie, and I'm already casting the next movie in my head. So yeah, I'm sticking around. :D
3. This is a tough question, since there have been five series, loads of books, and eleven movies, lol. But let's see... Of the films, my favorites are the newest film, Star Trek, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Of the episodes, there are too many to list of the ones I love, so I'll limit it to five of my favorites--"The Trouble with Tribbles" (TOS), "The Naked Time" (TOS), "The Wounded," (TNG), "Trials and Tribblations" (DS9), and "Far Beyond the Stars," (DS9).
4. Yes, I participate. I used to write fic, though I haven't in a while. I might start again this summer. I also participate in discussions, do polls and episode commentaries, etc. I've yet to go to a con, but I'd like to go to one.
5. Yes!
Star Wars
1. My dad again. I think I have him to thank for most of my early fandoms.
2. Well, I'm not deeply involved in the fandom itself. I just love the movies. I think I'll always love those.
3. My favorite film has always been The Empire Strikes Back. The scene where Han is about to be frozen makes me sob.
4. Like I said above, I'm mostly a passive fan when it comes to Star Wars. When I was a kid, I rabidly pored over interviews and stuff, but that's about it.
5. Well, I can't vouch for the fandom, but I think everyone should watch the movies!
Doctor Who
1. Dad again. He introduced me to the show during the Tom Baker years.
2. I've been entrenched for a while, so I think I'm here for the long haul.
3. Oh, this is hard. I love "The Two Doctors" and "The Five Doctors," because it amuses me to see the Doctors run around together. But as far as the newer episodes, my favorites are (predictably) "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dance." I also quite like "The Stolen Earth."
4. Yes, I'm involved in this fandom. I've never written fic, but I do go to forums for discussion, and I do polls and stuff.
5. Yes, but be aware that the Doctor Who fandom boasts even more crazies than the Harry Potter fandom! D: