
Dec 21, 2012 22:42

So the assholes at TNT finally announced the cancellation of Leverage... 4 days before Christmas. I'm crushed and pissed off and am done with TNT. They at least could have announced it earlier, rather than do it this close to Christmas. Punk-ass bitches. It's like Charmed and Whedon all over again. But I came to Leverage because of Christian ( Read more... )

end of an era, christian kane, tv: leverage

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Comments 15

telaryn December 22 2012, 03:57:47 UTC
I know I'll follow them wherever each of them end up, but I swear right now I'm sitting here not knowing what to do. I have three more fic to finish and post from my December project - and they're all Leverage.

I look at how much this show has taken over my life and I really don't know what I'm going to do without it.


sheryden December 22 2012, 04:09:05 UTC
I know how you feel. I have a few Leverage fic on deck, too, and one of them is due in January. It's gonna hurt to write it. I'm gutted right now. But you know what? We may not be getting new episodes, but we can keep it alive in fandom. *hugs*


sienamystic December 22 2012, 04:48:50 UTC
I just heard about this. ARRGH. Fuckers.


sheryden December 22 2012, 18:02:49 UTC
I know, right?


jesco0307 December 22 2012, 08:23:37 UTC
I'm glad they announced this while I was was horrible to wake up to, but I doubt I would have slept if I'd heard it before.

I agree with you, I'll keep following them wherever they end up, because I've done that with Christian Kane for over a decade. Still, it hurts.

I'm grateful for the wonderful friends I found through the show though.

My Christmas spirit just flew out of the window. They really are assholes over at TNT, I mean either announce it earlier or later, but RIGHT before Christmas? BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


sheryden December 22 2012, 18:05:45 UTC
I'm still hoping against hope that they get picked up by another network. It's not unheard of for that to happen. It's a long-shot, but I'll still keep hoping.

I feel so bad for all of those people--cast, crew, workers--who last their jobs right before Christmas. What assholes are TNT to do that.

Yes, I am grateful for the friends I've made. I've met some wonderful people, and I look forward to keeping all of you in my life.


jesco0307 December 22 2012, 22:26:25 UTC
It really is awful timing. Who does that? Actually, my department did (in a way) two weeks ago. They've been working all year about re-organization, it was supposed to happen this summer but didn't. Now they come out two weeks before Christmas saying parts of the department might be outsourced. Seriously, people?

Argh, I hate this.


luicat December 22 2012, 09:56:10 UTC
So agree with you all. The timing of this was thoughtless and they just managed to ruin the festive spirit for a large number of people. My words for this are on the "TNT We know ****" FB page (I'm Noreen, if you feel the need).

But, however disappointing the news is, we do still have fic and I love you writers for it. Please keep my fandom alive by writing more - especially Eliot! Thank you.

Hugs you all cos group hugs are the only way forward at the moment!


sheryden December 22 2012, 18:07:37 UTC
I think I might know who you are on FB. I'm part of a Kane group there...

Yes, we definitely still have fic, and I intend to keep writing it! Still hoping for a Hail Mary--now that TNT has let the show go, maybe they can get picked up by another network.



luicat December 22 2012, 18:10:31 UTC
On the Kane group that is discussing options for which networks might be interested at the moment? Vote & Promote?
If so, going to put my Sherlock hat on (but not vote for Cumberbatch)!


sheryden December 22 2012, 18:16:33 UTC
Yep, that's the group! :) And no, must not vote for Cumberbatch! We need more Kane victories! :D


cowboyangel December 22 2012, 13:18:55 UTC
So sad about this and the lousy timing. (Merlin is ending on Christmas too so I loose two great shows) I love the cast and will miss seeing them as our favorite family of cons. But I know they will be great in whatever they do next. And we do have fandom. *hugs*


sheryden December 22 2012, 18:08:10 UTC
Yes, at least we have fandom. *clings*


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