
Dec 21, 2012 22:42

So the assholes at TNT finally announced the cancellation of Leverage... 4 days before Christmas. I'm crushed and pissed off and am done with TNT. They at least could have announced it earlier, rather than do it this close to Christmas. Punk-ass bitches. It's like Charmed and Whedon all over again. But I came to Leverage because of Christian ( Read more... )

end of an era, christian kane, tv: leverage

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luicat December 22 2012, 09:56:10 UTC
So agree with you all. The timing of this was thoughtless and they just managed to ruin the festive spirit for a large number of people. My words for this are on the "TNT We know ****" FB page (I'm Noreen, if you feel the need).

But, however disappointing the news is, we do still have fic and I love you writers for it. Please keep my fandom alive by writing more - especially Eliot! Thank you.

Hugs you all cos group hugs are the only way forward at the moment!


sheryden December 22 2012, 18:07:37 UTC
I think I might know who you are on FB. I'm part of a Kane group there...

Yes, we definitely still have fic, and I intend to keep writing it! Still hoping for a Hail Mary--now that TNT has let the show go, maybe they can get picked up by another network.



luicat December 22 2012, 18:10:31 UTC
On the Kane group that is discussing options for which networks might be interested at the moment? Vote & Promote?
If so, going to put my Sherlock hat on (but not vote for Cumberbatch)!


sheryden December 22 2012, 18:16:33 UTC
Yep, that's the group! :) And no, must not vote for Cumberbatch! We need more Kane victories! :D


luicat December 22 2012, 18:29:17 UTC
Doing my bit for CK as often as I can!


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