Don't Make This Easy (Chapter 17)

Feb 23, 2013 20:20

Title: Don't Make This Easy
Author: sherrycookies
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/ Jack Barakat
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Alex is the new tutor at a new job in a new place far from home in Victorian England. What happens when he starts to get unwanted feelings toward his new master?
Disclaimer: I don't own All Time Low, blah blah blah.

Alex and Jack spent the whole day together, just talking and laughing and kissing. In fact, that’s how the two lovebirds spent the next few months. The weather turned even nicer, and the two spent a lot of time outdoors. They seldom left each other’s sides.

Slowly, everyone in the whole house found out about their little secret, and most of them were very happy for them. All except Zack, who, despite everything, still disapproved. He never really spoke openly to either Jack or Alex about it. He just kept his negative opinion to himself.

However, Zack did catch Alex alone one day, and he did not have friendly words for him. “What the hell are you doing?”

Alex blinked. “I’m going to the bathroom.”

“Not that! You and Mr. Barakat being together has really thrown everything off-balance. It’s just plain wrong. Not only is he your master and he’s paying you to be here, but you guys are both men.”

“You don’t think that I know that this is wrong?” He argued. “I’ve gone over both factors over in my head, but those do not outweigh the benefits of us being together. I’ve never been so happy; I’ve never seen him so happy.”

“Alex, think about him. He’s a powerful man; he has a high position not only here but in the city. He’s very influential. What do you think will happen when word gets out that he’s gay? Alex, I know you care about him very much, think about how this would affect him.”

Alex hadn’t thought about it. When he was with him, Jack just seemed like a down-to-earth kind of guy, not some snobby rich person. Well, he was rich, but definitely not arrogant. “I-I,” he shook his head. “No, I had not considered that. But who’s to say that anybody would find out about this?”

“I’m telling you straight out on this: stay away from Mr. Barakat. You two cannot be together.”

“And I’m telling you straight out on this: I am not keeping myself away from him,” he shot back. Normally, he didn’t stand up for himself, but this time was different. Here, Zack was threatening not only him, but the love of his life. He didn’t want to have this conversation anymore, so he just left the older man standing there.

It wasn’t until a few days later that Alex confided in Jack what had happened. He wanted time to go over and over in his head what he was going to say to him, without hurting him.

“So, I’ve had a few complications with Zack about our relationship together,” Alex said one day. They were sitting together in Alex’s room on a sunny afternoon.

“Oh,” Jack asked, arching an eyebrow. He turned so that they were facing each other. “What did he say?”

“He just said that we shouldn’t be together, that’s all.”

Jack blew out a long breath. “I knew that everyone wasn’t going to approve of us.”

“I know,” he sighed.

“Then why are you so bothered by this?”

“It’s probably nothing,” he lied. It was far from nothing, but he knew he couldn’t tell him.

“Are you sure?” When Alex avoided his eye contact his tone softened. “What’s wrong? You know you can tell me.”

He shook his head. “N-no. I’m fine, seriously.”

Jack hugged him tightly. “I know you’re not fine, but because I love you I won’t bother you too much. Try to not let what he said get to you, okay? How about this: I’ll try to talk to him.”

“Thank you,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry, I wish I could tell you, but I can’t.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said softly, brushing back his bangs. “Tell you what: how about I blow you, then we go out, hm?”

He nodded eagerly. Now how could Alex turn down a blow job?

“Lie down,” he murmured into Alex’s ear.

Alex obeyed and the other slid out from under him. Instead, he crawled in between his legs and settled there. He skillfully removed every article of clothing from Alex.

He moved up to press a sloppy kiss to his lips. He shifted downwards, lightly nibbling on his neck. Slowly, Jack’s mouth danced its way down so that his tongue was skimming over one of Alex’s nipples. Alex let out a small groan as Jack bit and sucked his way lower and lower, until he was sucking on the skin just above his aching cock.

He began to lap messily at the base before moving up to take his whole length into his mouth. Alex shuddered and gasped, closing his eyes. Jack swirled his tongue around the head as his teeth lightly scraped the bottom. The younger began to shake under him, and Jack pulled off with a pop.

Alex watched him with lust-filled eyes as he took his balls into his mouth. Moving even lower, he released his balls and licked at the sensitive spot behind them. Then he was at his hole, pressing his lips against it.

“Fu- Jack,” Alex moaned, hands finding their way to yank on his dark locks. “Shit.”

Jack looked up at the boy spread out above him. His legs were spread wide one hand in Jack’s hair and the other grasping the sheets firmly. His chest heaved with every breath he took, and Jack never wanted to forget how he looked right then and there.

He dipped his tongue into his entrance, earning a filthy groan in return. Alex bit his lip to keep from yelling, and he tasted blood, but he didn’t notice. All he felt was the sweet sensation of Jack’s tongue in his ass; and it was the best feeling ever.

But his tongue wasn’t long enough to reach the spot that would have him seeing stars. He needed something more, but he wasn’t able to form a complete sentence. “Finger,” he grunted.

Jack obeyed, pushing a digit alongside his tongue and locating the boy’s prostate. Alex’s jaw dropped open, letting out a string of mixed curse words. The elder added a second finger before pulling his tongue out. He moved his fingers in and out of Alex, watching as the younger writhed in pleasure above him.

“Jack, more, uh,” Alex choked out, bucking his hips down onto his fingers. Jack once again took his flush cock into his mouth, sucking hard. He continued to press down on Alex’s sweet spot with his fingers.

“Oh god, I’m gonna, I’m gonna-”

“Come for me, babe,” Jack managed to say around his cock. “Give it to me.”

Alex gave a loud cry, bucking his hips into Jack’s mouth and back onto his fingers. He spilled into Jack’s mouth, the elder swallowing it all down.

Alex lay there with his eyes closed, completely blissed out. Jack pulled his fingers out, wiping them on the sheets. He lay beside his boyfriend, lightly kissing his neck. “How was that?”

He opened his eyes and looked at him. “Perfect,” he mumbled breathlessly.

Jack smiled, kissing him. “Good. Now let’s go outside.”

“Why?” He whined. “Can’t we just stay here and go to sleep?”

“No; it’s four in the afternoon and it’s a beautiful day. Come on, you promised we would,” he said. “Look; I’ve got your clothes right here. Put them on and we’ll go out for a walk.”

“Fine,” Alex grumbled. Reluctantly, he dressed himself. Smiling, Jack took his hand and led him down the stairs and outside into the garden. The air was warm and it was bright. The sky was a brilliant blue. The air was alive with the songs of birds and the gentle buzz of insects.

“See? This isn’t so bad,” Jack said, intertwining their fingers. “It’s so gorgeous out.”

“Hm, I guess so,” Alex muttered. Just then, a bright yellow butterfly landed on his nose. “Gah, what the-Jack!”

The elder took one look at him and laughed. “That’s amazing!”

“It is not!” He exclaimed, going cross-eyed to look at the insect. “What is it?”

“Calm down; it’s just a butterfly. Here,” just as Jack began to reach for it, it fluttered away. “Dammit!”

“Good; it’s off. That was terrifying.”

“I take it you don’t like insects?”

“Not one bit.”

He laughed and kissed his nose. “There. All better?”

“Yes,” he giggled. Suddenly, he noticed someone coming up the road and he frowned. “Jack, who’s that?”

“Who?” He asked, spinning around and spotting the man. “I have no idea. Let’s see what he wants.”

Both broke apart and waited for the stranger to come closer. Sure enough, when he did, they realized that he was intended for them. “Hello, gentlemen,” he greeted them. “Do any of you know who Alexander William Gaskarth is?”

“Yes. That would be me,” Alex answered.

“Ah,” he took out an envelope from his pouch and handed it to him. “That is for you. Good day, gentlemen,” he said, tipping his hat as he walked away.

“What is that?” Jack asked once he was out of earshot.

Alex had already torn open the envelope and was reading the letter.

Dear Alexander William Gaskarth,

Greetings. We regret to inform you that your father has suffered a stroke whist in the county prison. Due to his advanced age, we fear that he does not have much longer to live. We looked into his records to see if he had any family remaining. We did find that he had two sons: one deceased and one alive. On his behalf, we’d like to invite you to the prison to keep him company until he passes away. We hope to see you soon.

“Alex?” Jack repeated.

“It-it’s my father."

"Isn't he in jail? What happened, dear?"

"He’s d-dying; I have to go see him. I’m going back inside to pack,” he rushed, jogging back to the house.

“Wait!” Jack called, grabbing his arm. “You told me yourself that your father didn’t care for you growing up. You said he was a drunk and he’s the reason your family lost so much money. What I don’t understand is why you would want to see him. You said yourself that you never wanted to see him every again and that you were glad to find a job far away from him, and that he deserved to go to be locked up!”

“Jack, he’s my father. I don’t care about any of that; that’s now in the past. He needs me now.” “He let you go. That’s his loss.”

“I don’t care what he did before. He needs me now. I’m going; whether you like it or not,” he argued, yanking his hand out of his grip. He ran inside before Jack could say anything else.

Alex slept cuddled against Jack that night; both knew that they wouldn’t be able to do that for a while. Neither did any talking; being together was enough.

The next morning, Alex had to wake up early to make the long trip. No one except Jack was awake at the hour to say their goodbyes.

“Don’t go,” Jack pleaded.

“I have to.”

Jack pulled him in for a tight hug, breathing in his distinct scent. “How long will you be gone?”

“A week, at most two,” he saw the distress in Jack’s eyes and his tone softened. “Don’t worry; I’ll be back as soon as I can.” His hand reached up to cup the elder’s face. He laughed a little. "You know, this isn't the first time we've been separated."

Jack held his hand in place. "But that was before we were together. I’ll miss you so much.”

“I’ll miss you too,” he kissed him.

They broke apart when there was a knock on the door, signalling the arrival of a coach. Jack smiled sadly. “Hurry back to me.”

A/N: Hey guys! So, I've been sitting on this chapter for a while now. I had it written out and ready a few days ago but I wasn't completely satisfied with it (and I had to go watch a 24 hour charity livestream from Cryaotic) and I'm still not completely happy with it. Anyways, what's done is done. I decided to tie up things with Alex and his father, just because it was a huge plothole. I hope you guys don't mind him being away from Jack ^^.

This is my last weekend before I go back to school -insert loud, exasperated groan- and an end to my glorious free time. Next week is also the last week before the term closes, so more schoolwork -insert even louder, exasperated groan-. High school is a pain in the ass.

I just wanted to thank you all for the well wishes. It means a lot. Seriously.

I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you loads for reading. :D

chaptered: don't make this easy, author: sherrycookies, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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