Artemis Fowl Book 7: This is a Squee Post!

Jul 12, 2010 20:23

Ever since I learned that there was a seventh Artemis Fowl coming out this summer (they always seem to surprise me, I guess I need to follow this kind of thing more closely!) I have been excited and nervous at the same time, wondering where Colfer planned to go with the romance after what had happened in the last book…

Artemis Fowl #6: The Time Paradox Spoilers )

spoilers, artemis fowl, harry potter, review, summer 2010, reading, books, artemis/holly

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Comments 15

hmsharmony July 13 2010, 05:23:35 UTC
THIS POST. I LOVE IT. YOU'RE GETTING ME ALL PSYCHED FOR AUGUST. I desperately need to see this relationship develop! I SENSE MAJOR SQUEEAGE IN MY FUTURE (Y/Y?).

I lack an A/H icon, so instead I'll use another shared beloved ship. <3


sherrilina July 14 2010, 00:18:27 UTC
Y!!! :D Lol, glad you liked it, and that you are also an A/H fan (though if you read AF you obviously would be, they are that series' equivalent of H/Hr!)...I'm hoping Colfer can salve our H/Hr wounds by making its similar ship happen!

And LMAO @ that icon! :p I'm ashamed to say it took me a sec to get it...


hmsharmony July 14 2010, 00:32:10 UTC
How could anyone NOT ship A/H? HOLY MOLY (haven't used THAT expression in a while :-P). I mean, okay, yeah, there's that whole age difference and the tiny little thing with it being a cross-species relationship, but they're just too epic!!

It took me a couple of seconds to get it the first time I saw it as well. ^_-


sherrilina July 14 2010, 00:42:40 UTC
*is lame and only has one H/Hr icon*

IDK, but some people don't! I've gotten into some bitchfights about it online, even on Facebook! Some people find it squicky for those insignificant, trivial reasons you mention (plus the size diff), others for whatever reason ship her with Captain "Trouble" despite what an arrogant ass he is (hold on a sec, am I seeing a parallel with a certain redhead?) and how little they really interact, and others actually *shudder* ship Harry/Ginny Artemis/Mary Sue Minerva! It was sure nice though to be all, "Sorry, it's A/H!" to them after book 6! :p Though believe it or not some still claim the kiss was just "friendly"--oh suuuure! *rolleyes*

But yeah, I don't know what made Colfer change his mind, but I love that he did! :D I wonder if he looked back and realized how well he had written them, that a romance between them WOULD be more meaningful and sensible than A/M? If that is the case, then it's another reason why he > JK!


monamour23 July 13 2010, 09:21:26 UTC


im so excited. i love this series. its so creative and i have a huge crush on artemis, i wont lie.

gah. thankyou for letting me know about this.


sherrilina July 14 2010, 00:20:15 UTC
Who doesn't have a crush on Artemis?! Unf....especially now that he's all grown up and not jailbait

And heh I only recently heard about it as well, I need to keep up with these things better--I remember with book 6 I only found out about it the day of the release! At least this time I had more advanced warning...I'm glad to have informed others as well! :)


monamour23 July 14 2010, 09:08:27 UTC
haha i forget hes young coz hes so clever and sarcastic and swoon-worthy! have you read the extract yet??? its on the artemis fowl website. it sounds promising!!!!


sherrilina July 14 2010, 13:02:19 UTC
Lol, exactly, he doesn't act his true age, which is one reason why I don't think the age difference between him and Holly is as big of a deal as some make it out to be...

And NO I have not seen that yet, I'll have to check it out!!! Thank YOU now for that heads up! :D


Extract of their kiss anonymous July 29 2010, 14:31:08 UTC
I haven't got the book of them kissing and I can't get hold of, please please please can someone post the page the kiss is on AND the car bit please? I've manage to get hold of the kiss text but I really want to read their reactions and how they deal with it. Thanks


Re: Extract of their kiss sherrilina September 15 2010, 01:39:56 UTC
Well this is waaaay late I know, but since I had the book out and was copying quotes anyway, I thought I'd reply in case you hadn't found it yet:

Kiss (p. 138):

"Holly," he said when his vision had cleared. His smile was sincere and grateful. "You saved me again."

Holly was laughing and crying at the same time, tears spilling onto Artemis's chest.

"Of course I saved you," she said. "I couldn't do without you." And because she was happy and flushed with magic, Holly leaned down and kissed Artemis, magic sparking around the contact like tiny fireworks.

Post-kiss Later (p. 168):

Artemis's head pounded, and Holly's mismatched eyes seemed to hypnotize him....But though Artemis felt hypnotized, even slightly dazed, he knew he was not mesmerized. There was no fairy magic here.

Artemis looked into those elfin eyes, and he knew that this younger, somehow more vulnerable Holly felt the same way, at this particular tangle of time and space, as he did.

After all we have been through. Or maybe because of it.

Car scene (pp. 179-181) ( ... )


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